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Don't mind me... I'm just depressed...

in Zocalo v2.0
Certain posts in recent months have set me in a mood I can't seem to shake.
Just gimme some time to climb out of this well... ;)
Just gimme some time to climb out of this well... ;)
Personally, I find a good game of Quake 1 against some reaperbots to be a good way to relieve those sort of feelings. It's the way it forces you not to think for a while and at the same time lets you run around with big guns. I'll also go with what Phi said. :)
Gotta find a way to vent some of that stress… Cleaning – Exercise – a little GTA action… :D
failing that, engaging in some wanton cyber destruction is always good
dont worry, be happy :dead:
*burst of maniacal laughter*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i]
[B]Its wintertime, the lack of light brings on depression.[/B][/QUOTE]
We're having beautiful summer weather here, and it isn't even the height of summer yet!
It's dark. Always. Most of the time atleast. I love darkness. With fake lights. Hate the sun.
And it's just so wonderfully unreal, especially when it's snowy. Places look so wonderfully fake.
Summer on the other hand. It makes me insane.
I wish we'd have that cyberpunk style weather, dark and always raining.
Hey! we do! we do! :dead:
[B]Personally, I find a good game of Quake 1...[/B][/QUOTE]
I would prefer SoF2, it's fun to take sniper rifle or OICW and go to blow some heads. (in multiplayer sniper often pop ups whole head)
Also "shotgun amputation" of head works well in close combat.
Also music works great, soundtracks of Crimson Tide and The Rock are good, and William Stromberg's "Hiroshima/Nagasaki Requiem" from Trinity&Beyond is nice.
Also music from B5 scenes involving Shadows are great.
[B]Oddly enough, that bout of depression thing seems to be contagious.
Apathetics REPRAHSENT [/B][/QUOTE]Progress on college essays: 0%
Progress in HL2: 0%
Guess which one I'm working on right now. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by E.T [/i]
[B]I would prefer SoF2, it's fun to take sniper rifle or OICW and go to blow some heads. (in multiplayer sniper often pop ups whole head)
Also "shotgun amputation" of head works well in close combat.[/B][/QUOTE]
The thing about Quake 1 is that it's so simple. That's why it works so well.
[B]I love winter...
It's dark....
especially when it's snowy...
Now this is scary... (agreeing with LR! :D )
Winter is my favorite season also, I'm also a Nighthawk(Owl), and love the stars, the cold, etc...
Moonlit nights at the Timberline, with the heavens as a backdrop...
[B]Its wintertime, the lack of light brings on depression.[/B][/QUOTE]
That and the loss of employment, and the loss of two favored pets in the last 11 months, and the death threat phone calls, and the hangup phone calls, and the people that hate me everywhere I turn because I voted Bush, and the people who can't seem to keep their nose out of my personal business...
I mean WTF? Everything is getting wierd here...
I don't remember doing anything to anyone to provoke this kind of repsonse. I'm really ready to GTF out of California, but wonder if that will be enough?
(Not that I understand it...but I won't attack someone for their views...unlike some people)
As for hangup phone calls...who doesn't get them? You realize that telemarketers dial something like 5 numbers at once. The first to pick up talks to a person. All the others are "hangups." So you getting a hangup call just means that a telemarketer called but you didn't get to the phone fast enough to talk to glad! :)
[B]Death threat phone calls? [/B][/QUOTE]
Whats your phone nuber Jack? ;)
Shadow (the one that looks like how a german sheppard would normally look) has gotten an infected tumor (non-cancerous, its something labs get as they get older) and it started draining blood and another clear liquid which we thought was urine for a while given where it was leaking at (which was right next to her vagina). Well, we took all three to the vet today for their heartwork tests, and had her checked out as well. Turns out that the doc wanted her to stay for a few hours so they could give her a GOOD checkup (x-ray, etc). We didn't really want to leave her there, but it was either that or not knowing whether or not it was cancer or something worse. A few hours later, we got the call from one of the nurses and we were informed that it was just an infected tumor (thank goodness!!!!) and NOT cancer or bladder stones. Unfortunately, they won't even consider going in and removing it so if we decide to get it taken out, we'll have to go somewhere else. She's on anti-biotics for now though. I'm just afraid that she's not going to be around much longer given her age. (she's 11, going on 12 in March)
And just a fore-warning...if I seem a little short with anyone, don't take it personally.
Actually, the game that worked best for me when I was last time feeling down was Mario Kart: Double Dash. :)
[B]GO have some sex... [/B][/QUOTE]
Thanks a I feel even more depressed. Sounds so easy..."go have some sex".....
Not after masturbating so long. It sort of takes all the ... well... something out of it.
I do enjoy the scents women release during intercourse and so on. I'd think. Only been with one girl so far.. and mostlikely will end up like that. :(
Can't seem to make my body respond to my controls..