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in Zocalo v2.0
Too bad they're no longer accepting submissions...
Too bad they're no longer accepting submissions...
Where did you find this blogger?
I will apologize for the 14,000 people who have perished in the a war no one wanted.
Neither you or the millions of others who opposed or had grave doubts about the war in Iraq (including myself and my father, who is a disabled Vietnam veteran) should apologize for what happened there; the ones who truly owe the American people an apology are George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and Condelezza(sp?) Rice (I'm not including Donald Rumsfeld since he seems too much like a "follower" type to me) for getting us into a war that not only was unnecessary at the time (we might well have needed to invade later on, though, when one or both of Saddam's sons took over; those two were far more dangerous than the old man at his worst) but also took resources away from our efforts in Afganistan (which [I]were[/I] necessary and have had a very positive impact on the lives of its people) and quite likely the [I]real[/I] war on terrorism itself.
Of course, if the damn fools had taken a page from Saddam's playbook and left Fallujah and the half dozen or so other "hotspots" alone (Saddam had so much trouble with those areas that he finally decided to isolate or ignore them) the death toll would be a helluva lot lower (the vast majority of Iraq has actually been quite peaceful; unfortunately, the mass media hasn't seen fit to report much on that fact). Just goes to show that people who "think we know better" usually [I]don't[/I]...:rolleyes:
[B]great, I think there also was a site that had picutures with "we're not sorry" [/B][/QUOTE]
Here you go: