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Outer Space (game)

Random ChaosRandom Chaos Actually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
Well...I haven't posted this before becuase of lack of room on the server (this hasn't changed). But there is a galaxy about to end (within the next couple weeks - the end has been asked for, but no idea when it will actually be restarted).

The game basically is a long term multiplayer space colonization and war game. There is 1 turn every hour...galaxies generally last between 6-12 months before they are restarted.

Site: [url][/url] (check often for the end of a galaxy - server will work on Linux also as long as you have Python and all the dependencies installed - download the TAR file not the Zip - the zip isn't always updated)
IRC (for freinds that play): same as Firstones IRC, but join #outerspace
Strat Guide (I wrote it a year ago - there have been some game changes since then): [url][/url]

It is a beta so there are still game bugs and occasional major server bugs - plus there are regular updates to game dynamics and features. It's been in a beta for all 2 years I've been playing it. Probably will still be a beta in another 2 years :)



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