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The Incredibles...GREAT!
in Zocalo v2.0
Very very fun film. :) Highly reccomended, lots and lots of laughs that I do not want to spoil. :) But you will be laughing throught most of the film, aside from the few serious points. :D
Spoiler: I'm really suprised at how dark it was. People actually DIED in this, from quite a few of the "No One Lives Forever"-esque goons to the off-screen deaths of quite a few superheroes. Heck, the mother (coughMILFcough) even says to her kids "These guys aren't like the ones you see on your saturday-morning cartoons, they won't stop untill they KILL you".
Still, I'd rather see [i]The Motorcycle Diaries[/i].
by the way in the previews, what in the holy hell was that story with the zebra racehorse? did that look fucking dumb or what?