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4 New B5 Music Compilations by myself

Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
Following on from the 'ambient' B5 compilation track I made last year, I figured the next logical step would be to come up with a 'dramatic' version. We all know that B5 had some amazing dramatic and action packed music sequences so I figured it would be cool to gather all the best ones together into a couple of tracks. It took me about 2-3 months to get them working right as i wanted to ensure that the sequences flowed when possible, i.e. if the tempo of the track was fast paced I made sure the following piece merged and carried the dramatic feeling foward. Some of them worked out great, others not so great but overall I'm very happy with the collection over (the tracks are best played with crossfade enabled on your mp3 player btw to give the effect of one huge track). In the end I came up with 4 tracks totaling over 80mins of Chris Franke magic!

All 4 tracks are available for download from my site, in both aac and mp3 format:


Hope you guys like em! :)


  • Mr.GaribaldiMr.Garibaldi Earthforce Officer
    Wow! Very good. I very much enjoyed the ambient track you made earlier this year. These new tracks are an excellent compliment to it. I wish I had the skillz and patience to compose audio... Until then I'll be enjoying these tracks!
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus


  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    I noticed some Season 5 music mixed in there. Reminds me of how much I would've liked a soundtrack album to "Movements of Fire and Shadow". Now that one had some of the best battle music. And a completely new theme, which is a bit of a novelty when you consider how many musical bits and pieces show up again and again.

    I haven't listened to all of them through, but I've listened to snippets from different parts, and they all sound like good mixes. I like that you used the computer game theme in of them, too.
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Downloading both of them now... Thanks!
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Cheers guys, glad you like em!

    Mr Garibaldi, its not too difficult really. I just used Quicktime Pro and Garageband to put them all together. It does require patience though. It took me ages to go through all the samples I'd collected and it was very difficult deciding what to use and what to leave out. Worth all the long hours though ;)

    David of Mac... yeah I wish they'd released more Season 5 music. I remember there was talk of a vol 3 cd to follow on from the previous 2, but obviously nothing came of it. Yes that game theme is superb!!! Rocks big time! Always listen to it nice and loud :D I did consider using the "other" game music but I decided not to in the end.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Falcon1, you did a *fantastic* job on those tracks. I absolutely love every single one of 'em!
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Why thank you boss :)
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    I think this is worthy of front page news, no?
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Maybe... leave that one up to the powers that be ;)
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