I must say, that I really can't understand why so many people voted for Bush even after all those things what he has done to the US itself for 4 years and to the other world and for US relations and reputation with the rest of the world.
I was still yesterday 100% convinced, that after all we've seen Kerry would win easily and get at least 2/3 of the votes, but no, that retard was re-elected. It's just absolutely astonishing.
I'd so much like to say some harsh things now and clear my mouth the way SB did, but I don't want to do that for the sake of peace in this place.
This is a sad moment to the USA and rest of the world as well.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]
[B]Thanks to the collective fucktard that is the Bush voter, the world is going to go to hell.[/B][/QUOTE]
I wish I could get away with saying things like that without getting banned. BTW, you have just insulted at least three board members, you know that?
[QUOTE][B]You are not perfect, you SUCK, in alot of ways. DO something about it ! NOW ! Work out what it actually means to be a member of the world and the human race. [/B][/QUOTE]
Who are you to say that to me? What if I were to say that to you? What if I think that because of your beliefs and actions, that [i]you[/i] suck and need to work out what it means to be a healthy member of society? You would tell me to go fly a kite. Excuse me while I do the same to you.
[QUOTE][B]All states that voted Bush, form a nation, all those that voted Kerry, form another.
Then watch CUSA, the conservative United States of America dissapear up its own arse inside perhaps a decade.
LUSA, governed by Kerry will then go on to propser as a nation of genuine citizens of Earth.[/B][/QUOTE]
I think both nations would have their merits. I would definately want to live in the Bush one, but I'm not going to say that the Kerry would would "collapse" so quickly. At the base of these two candidates you find two different economic and social theories. Both have their merits and their weaknesses, and both want to accomplish the same goal.
Bush and Kerry offered different directions in which they could take the country to the voters. They spoke, in both electoral and popular votes, in favor of the direction that Bush has promised to take us. It's over. Move on. Just think: Hillary '08.....
I can be quite honest in saying that had Kerry won, I would not be going as nuts as some of the people here. Yes, on some level, I would be going nuts, saying things perhaps like "It's going to be a long four years..." and "God help us all..." but even [i]I[/i] wouldn't take myself seriously. If Kerry had won, one of two things would happen: his plans would work, people would see that, and re-elect him, in which case I would have been wrong. I can live with this. Either that, or Kerry would have screwed up on something important, and people would vote him out. Would those four years be wasted? No, as long as we learned our lessons.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]Kerry loses! GREAT day for America, the LAST thing this nation needed was a creep like Kerry in office![/quote][/b]
You know, I remember a time when Americans were above reveling in the defeat of an enemy. When we left that for others, to celebrate in the suffering of another.
I thank you for continuing that proud tradition. It is heartening to know that even in these most divisive of times, we can still depend on our countrymen to be kind-hearted in victory, even as we are, I admit, less than gracious in defeat.
[quote][b]I am so incredibly thankful that he decided to conceed rather then fight like Gore did. That almost gave me one thread of respect for him. Almost.[/quote][/b]
Again, with the kindness. The concept of an election being two honorable men, disagreeing honorably is still alive and well, thank goodness. With kind hearted and charitable souls like yourself in power.
On a related note, I'm reminded of a saying. "Only a fool fights in a burning house."
Now, let's visit an alternate universe for a minute. A2597, please respond to these comments by alternate me, if you would.
[quote][i]Originally posted by David of Mac, in the 233rd Universe to the right of ours[/i]
[b]Hot [i]damn![/i]
Bush loses! The country is on the road to recovery, the long night is over, and we have a competent man in the White House after four long years!
Thank God Bush conceded, too. You have no idea how worried I was that he would've refused to recognize the vote. After all his talk in the debates, refusing to even consider the possibility that he might lose, well, I was worried he might do something rash. His dignity and respect for the opinions of others almost made up for four years of bull-headed ignorance and squandered opportunities. Almost.[/b][/quote]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo_1 [/i]
[B]Either that, or Kerry would have screwed up on something important, and people would vote him out.[/B][/QUOTE]
Problem with that oh-so-bitter argument is, some people [i]didn't[/i] vote for Bush because they thought he was a saint, but against Kerry because they had serious problems with some of the ideas that he put forth and the character (or lack thereof) that he appeared to display.
He's happy his candidate won, not "reveling in the suffering of another." Please, don't put it in such harsh and extreme terms just because you're a bit put out right now - which is quite understandable.
Who here is glad Nader didn't win? Is that a bad thing? (SB does not count)
Oh, and that last comment about my "theory" - obviously a majority of people think he hasn't screwed up THAT badly, or he wouldn't be in office. Either that or they feel Kerry would screw it up worse.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo_1 [/i]
[b]Problem with that oh-so-bitter argument is, some people didn't vote for Bush because they thought he was a saint, but against Kerry because they had serious problems with some of the ideas that he put forth and the character (or lack thereof) that he appeared to display.[/quote][/b]
Hah! Voting against [i]Kerry[/i]. That's a laugh. "Well, I'm not sure about the guy whose had four years on the job to thrill me with his performance, but I don't think the flip-flopping, medal-grabbing, creep is that good, either. Besides, the bald guy said we'd be attacked again if I voted for him."
It's a pity the Republican party is so lock-step. Sounds like the real solution would've been to throw another candidate into that primary, tradition be damned. Someone respectable, perhaps a war veteran, so Bush could play the "undeserved medals" card for three consecutive elections.
[quote][B]He's happy his candidate won, not "reveling in the suffering of another." Please, don't put it in such harsh and extreme terms just because you're a bit put out right now - which is quite understandable.
Yes, he is. He's [i]gloating[/i], for God's sake. His party had had a majority for the last few years, and will continue for the next few. It makes him appear more interested on whether he's on the winning side than the issues. Not to mention his oh-so-flattering characterization of the opposing candidate as a creep. At least its a step up from "I think Gore is a rapist, just like Clinton." Progress is progress, I suppose.
I don't like gloating.
[quote][b]Who here is glad Nader didn't win? Is that a bad thing? (SB does not count)[/quote][/b]
Ralph Nader is the modern tragic hero. He's gone from an honorable consumer advocate to a power-mad egotistical nutcase, who doesn't bat an eye at the fact that a), he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning and b), that he is likely to only assist the candidate who would most probably repeal all of Nader's hard-won reforms of years past.
That doesn't mean that the next time I see a Nader supporter I'll start cheering in his face; "Yeah, bitch! We beat that crazy bastard again! Two-party system forever! And visit a tailor to get a suit that fits, for God's sake! Woo-hoo!"
[quote][b]Oh, and that last comment about my "theory" - obviously a majority of people think he hasn't screwed up THAT badly, or he wouldn't be in office. Either that or they feel Kerry would screw it up worse.[/quote][/b]
I'm still trying to figure out how John Kerry could be worse that George Bush, though.
I'm trying to keep looking on the bright side. I've grown to like Kerry over the past few months, and I'm sort of hoping he becomes another Adali Stevenson (who, you may remember, lost the presidency and later came to notoriety for his time as the Ambassador to the UN, among other things.) Though, I have to admit, it would've been oddly satisfying if his concession speech consisted of something like "They say democracy insures the people get the government they deserve. Well, so long, suckers!" and high-tailing it into self-imposed exile. I think we can all think of a time our candidate has lost and we would've liked to see something similar.
Besides, in four years, we'll have another milestone- the first totally fresh election in 50 years. No incumbents, no former vice-presidents, no baggage. I think that'll be kind of cool.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
[B]I'm still trying to figure out how John Kerry could be worse that George Bush, though.[/B][/QUOTE]
It's a question of different values, different priorities. Believe it or not, large numbers of people in this country [i]like[/i] what Bush has done over the past four years, and don't see his presidency as a disaster.
Some people would love to see social security destroyed as a government instution; others would consider that a disaster.
Random ChaosActually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
[B]A#, you have a lot to learn when it comes to manners, sportsmanhsip, and grace. This is [i]not[/i] the time to rub your opponent's face in the mud. [/B][/QUOTE]
Completely agree with Bekenn. It is statements like that which is why so many people hate the republican party (well...that and their policies).
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
[B]On a related note, I'm reminded of a saying. "Only a fool fights in a burning house."[/B][/QUOTE]
Isn't that an old Kligon proverb?
it's perfectly fine to say it's the end of the world and wallow in your self pity saying it's a "sad day" for America, but someone happy of the results? Oh hell no. That can't be. Thats worthy of flameing.
Same on every damn forum I've been at.
Maybe I WAS out of line, but then so is Shadow Boxer, Shadow Dancer, Squidgy, Data Crystal, and Even Biggles.
I am in agreement that there is little sportsmanship left, and that IS a sad thing. But it does go both ways.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]it's perfectly fine to say it's the end of the world and wallow in your self pity saying it's a "sad day" for America, but someone happy of the results? Oh hell no. That can't be. Thats worthy of flameing.[/B][/QUOTE]
I would think you would just roll your eyes at our foolishness and not let it bother you. All we're doing is the same thing we've been doing for four years. It took me half as long to tune out the cracks about Clinton.
So, yeah, great, your guy won. Congratulations. But don't expect me to be patting you on the back. I have, quite literally, been waiting for this day for four years, and to have it turn out so contrary to my expectations is a bit of a let down. Sort of like if I'd spent a year overseas and returned to find my fiancŽe had married another guy, all while still sending my love letters.
And you really won't get me to pat you on the back when you seem more happy that our guy lost than that your guy won. That's just kicking us when we're down.
A#: You're right; there's more than a little unfairness in reactions to what's being said, and I was simply dumbfounded when Biggles posted agreement with SB instead of reprimanding him.
But poor behavior is not a valid excuse for poor behavior.
A lot of people are naturally upset at the results of this election, particularly those who didn't have a say in it; I think it's best to let them vent a bit. Take the win and be happy.
And if the situation is ever reversed, prove yourself the better person by not spitting out the kind of vitriol we've seen here today.
I think your being unfair and hyping a double standard inregards to A#,
frankly Ive been rather heavily insulted in this thread, and I had the urge to say alot of the stuff A# did in his second post.
Hell, I'll go farther, if this was 1790, and I was in the same room with one of several posters in this thread I would remove my white glove and administer a slap across the face with it, with all that entails.
Many have been insulting as hell, and even threatning, if thats going to be the way its going to be, lets just be honest and get to killing each other then.
Biggles<font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]Maybe I WAS out of line, but then so is Shadow Boxer, Shadow Dancer, Squidgy, Data Crystal, and Even Biggles.[/B][/QUOTE]
I think I already admitted as much a few posts up, but if that wasn't enough then here I am doing it again. I could call it the built up tension of a few years watching Bush display what (to me) appears to be contempt at a lot of the world, but either way it was still out of line and excuses won't change that. Apologies to all who were insulted.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
[B]A#: You're right; there's more than a little unfairness in reactions to what's being said, and I was simply dumbfounded when Biggles posted agreement with SB instead of reprimanding him.[/b][/quote]
As said above, and I do regret saying I agreed with SB now since, after the many rereadings of his post I've had this day, I really don't... In any other circumstances I would have warned if not banned SB for that sort of language, so here I am warning him (and everyone else) now: No more personal attacks or swearing. Keep it civil.
This, people, is why I generally stay out of political threads. :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tyvar [/i]
[B]Hell, I'll go farther, if this was 1790, and I was in the same room with one of several posters in this thread I would remove my white glove and administer a slap across the face with it, with all that entails.[/B][/QUOTE]
Which is ironic, because in 1790s America, you'd probably find just as many people speaking rather unkindly of a world leader by the name of George. Funny how life works out, huh?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiseguy [/i]
[B]politics and religion = big nono's on forums
and just to get flamed, f bush.
oh sorry, it was w and not f right? silly me... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
LOL..... Which is why they banned these theads at Scifi-meshes
I dont see how anyone has gotten out of line
Random ChaosActually Carefully-selected Order in disguise
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]anhoo, elections over, no more political advertising/campaigning/debating whos better...[/B][/QUOTE]
Wait...no more campaigning? Yeah right. Here in Maryland they have already started campaigning for the 2006 democratic primary for the state Govenor - 2 very effective and well liked people want to be the nominie to challenge Erlich. The acceptance speaches of several of last night's winners in the state endorsed one or the other people.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiseguy [/i]
[B]politics and religion = big nono's on forums
and just to get flamed, f bush.
oh sorry, it was w and not f right? silly me... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
pfft, if you want to get flamed, post something along the lines of this:
"I swear, if Bush shows up, I'd spit right in that terrorist asshole's face!"
As for my opinion on the election....you all know how I feel about Bush, so there would be little to be gained by repeating it here in this thread again. So, in the spirit of civility, I shall refrain from posting any insults against that fucktard in this thread.
(note for the easy to anger: The bit about me calling Bush a fucktard was an attempt at humor.)
lets face it people, I'm the voice of you raw uncivilised selves... its either let me rant or get ulcers, cancer and such. I worked very hard to earn my licence to be an asshole, so I intend to use it. I know that a good deal of you are just quietly sitting back and nodding at what I'm saying and you wish you had an asshole licence like me.
I wish I could find the damned reference I saw recently.
They did a comparison between IQ and voting habits.
low IQ = Bush/Repub
high IQ = Kerry/Demo
Terribly inflammatory stuff, but from memory it was rather well researched and seemingly quite neutral, in fact I think the results where opposite to what the research funders wanted.
Ahash, I could forgive you for just being where/who you are and how you were brought up, but Tyvar ???
A sad day indeed when a deep thinking person of rare insight and intelligence votes for Bush. All I can hope for is that deep down you're voting for him because Repubs are strongly supportive of the military, which it seems is quite dear to your heart.
If not, dont bother with the brass dude...
All of what I've said still stands.
Ultraconservatism, which is what you are going to get with Bushs level of power is going to backfire, brutally and make a colossal mess. Just exactly what that mess will be is hard to guage, but mark my words, it's going to get a whole lot uglier before it gets better.
Having ones head firmly ensconced in ones anus does not prevent one from having to deal with the world.
*claps his hands*
Add a double twist to your backflip Biggles, you're better at it than a politician. I hope all this is, is just an attempt to reclaim some arbitrator neutrality.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
[B]Which is ironic, because in 1790s America, you'd probably find just as many people speaking rather unkindly of a world leader by the name of George. Funny how life works out, huh? [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually if you had a clue about the american revolution you would be startled to know that originaly most of the patriots were still loyal to the crown, it was the parliment they blamed for their woes, and that was the general trend till about 1778, yes even after the revolution many of the founders in their writing saved most of their venom for the english parliment.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]
Ahash, I could forgive you for just being where/who you are and how you were brought up, but Tyvar ???
A sad day indeed when a deep thinking person of rare insight and intelligence votes for Bush. All I can hope for is that deep down you're voting for him because Repubs are strongly supportive of the military, which it seems is quite dear to your heart.
If not, dont bother with the brass dude...
All of what I've said still stands.
. [/B][/QUOTE]
SB, you can think what you wish, for the longest time I was the closest thing you had to a supporter around here because I understood many elements of your temperment, but your belief that your utterly infalible has broken the camels back so to say.
In the final analysis its your beliefs that are inccorect, about the future, about the past, and worst of all about what truly lies in the hearts of men. You relish in your emotions without realizing how often they blind you to the world about you. your lost, in your own ragues and fuges caused by your inabilities.
How about we just disagree on these matters and ignore one another. Its the most pleasant alternative.
But if you wish others I can deliver.
Biggles<font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
Shadow Boxer, noone, and I mean [i]noone[/i], at Firstones.com has any sort of "licence to be an asshole." For ignoring my warning to keep it civil, for insulting people considerably with no apologies for your mistakes and for claiming to have such an asshole license, you have been banned for 3 days.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
[B]It's a question of different values, different priorities. Believe it or not, large numbers of people in this country [i]like[/i] what Bush has done over the past four years, and don't see his presidency as a disaster. [/B][/QUOTE]
Almost makes me afraid (NOT!) to tell you guys I voted Bush...
Thanks Bekenn for saying the above.
I don't buy into the bashing and name calling that a certain vocal element has been doing for years now.
I'm getting tired of hearing the democrats dismiss the American public's voice concerning this election. It wasn't all Kerry making bad campaign choices, or everyone voting Bush as the lesser of two evils, these people made a statement with their vote, for their reasons. It's insulting to assume otherwise just because your party didn't win the race.
3.5 million more voters voted for Bush than Kerry. There's a message here. The whole damn country doesn't necessarily hate the president like everyone has been hearing from the vocal minorities and the Media funded spin doctors and talking heads.
I see most of the complaints here on the boards about Bush are from those who live in other countries. People I consider(ed) friends. They have every right to have their opinions of Bush, just don't insult me for my vote.
I don't feel I need to defend my choice, so I won't waste lots of space here with the reasons for why I voted for him...
But if you are going to feel a certain way about me, because I voted for him, then I guess I didn't know you all as well as I thought over the years...
By the way... If you want to see the results of a Democrat controlled state, you only have to look at California and how fucked up it is to see why I voted for Bush and other Republicans.
Vertigo1: I'll be seeing you in person probably within the next 6 months...
I must say, that I really can't understand why so many people voted for Bush even after all those things what he has done to the US itself for 4 years and to the other world and for US relations and reputation with the rest of the world.
I was still yesterday 100% convinced, that after all we've seen Kerry would win easily and get at least 2/3 of the votes, but no, that retard was re-elected. It's just absolutely astonishing.
I'd so much like to say some harsh things now and clear my mouth the way SB did, but I don't want to do that for the sake of peace in this place.
This is a sad moment to the USA and rest of the world as well.
[B]Thanks to the collective fucktard that is the Bush voter, the world is going to go to hell.[/B][/QUOTE]
I wish I could get away with saying things like that without getting banned. BTW, you have just insulted at least three board members, you know that?
[QUOTE][B]You are not perfect, you SUCK, in alot of ways. DO something about it ! NOW ! Work out what it actually means to be a member of the world and the human race. [/B][/QUOTE]
Who are you to say that to me? What if I were to say that to you? What if I think that because of your beliefs and actions, that [i]you[/i] suck and need to work out what it means to be a healthy member of society? You would tell me to go fly a kite. Excuse me while I do the same to you.
[QUOTE][B]All states that voted Bush, form a nation, all those that voted Kerry, form another.
Then watch CUSA, the conservative United States of America dissapear up its own arse inside perhaps a decade.
LUSA, governed by Kerry will then go on to propser as a nation of genuine citizens of Earth.[/B][/QUOTE]
I think both nations would have their merits. I would definately want to live in the Bush one, but I'm not going to say that the Kerry would would "collapse" so quickly. At the base of these two candidates you find two different economic and social theories. Both have their merits and their weaknesses, and both want to accomplish the same goal.
Bush and Kerry offered different directions in which they could take the country to the voters. They spoke, in both electoral and popular votes, in favor of the direction that Bush has promised to take us. It's over. Move on. Just think: Hillary '08.....
I can be quite honest in saying that had Kerry won, I would not be going as nuts as some of the people here. Yes, on some level, I would be going nuts, saying things perhaps like "It's going to be a long four years..." and "God help us all..." but even [i]I[/i] wouldn't take myself seriously. If Kerry had won, one of two things would happen: his plans would work, people would see that, and re-elect him, in which case I would have been wrong. I can live with this. Either that, or Kerry would have screwed up on something important, and people would vote him out. Would those four years be wasted? No, as long as we learned our lessons.
[B]Kerry loses! GREAT day for America, the LAST thing this nation needed was a creep like Kerry in office![/quote][/b]
You know, I remember a time when Americans were above reveling in the defeat of an enemy. When we left that for others, to celebrate in the suffering of another.
I thank you for continuing that proud tradition. It is heartening to know that even in these most divisive of times, we can still depend on our countrymen to be kind-hearted in victory, even as we are, I admit, less than gracious in defeat.
[quote][b]I am so incredibly thankful that he decided to conceed rather then fight like Gore did. That almost gave me one thread of respect for him. Almost.[/quote][/b]
Again, with the kindness. The concept of an election being two honorable men, disagreeing honorably is still alive and well, thank goodness. With kind hearted and charitable souls like yourself in power.
On a related note, I'm reminded of a saying. "Only a fool fights in a burning house."
Now, let's visit an alternate universe for a minute. A2597, please respond to these comments by alternate me, if you would.
[quote][i]Originally posted by David of Mac, in the 233rd Universe to the right of ours[/i]
[b]Hot [i]damn![/i]
Bush loses! The country is on the road to recovery, the long night is over, and we have a competent man in the White House after four long years!
Thank God Bush conceded, too. You have no idea how worried I was that he would've refused to recognize the vote. After all his talk in the debates, refusing to even consider the possibility that he might lose, well, I was worried he might do something rash. His dignity and respect for the opinions of others almost made up for four years of bull-headed ignorance and squandered opportunities. Almost.[/b][/quote]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo_1 [/i]
[B]Either that, or Kerry would have screwed up on something important, and people would vote him out.[/B][/QUOTE]
Funny thing about that theory....
He's happy his candidate won, not "reveling in the suffering of another." Please, don't put it in such harsh and extreme terms just because you're a bit put out right now - which is quite understandable.
Who here is glad Nader didn't win? Is that a bad thing? (SB does not count)
Oh, and that last comment about my "theory" - obviously a majority of people think he hasn't screwed up THAT badly, or he wouldn't be in office. Either that or they feel Kerry would screw it up worse.
And it's time for him to go sit in the corner.
A#, you have a lot to learn when it comes to manners, sportsmanhsip, and grace. This is [i]not[/i] the time to rub your opponent's face in the mud.
[b]Problem with that oh-so-bitter argument is, some people didn't vote for Bush because they thought he was a saint, but against Kerry because they had serious problems with some of the ideas that he put forth and the character (or lack thereof) that he appeared to display.[/quote][/b]
Hah! Voting against [i]Kerry[/i]. That's a laugh. "Well, I'm not sure about the guy whose had four years on the job to thrill me with his performance, but I don't think the flip-flopping, medal-grabbing, creep is that good, either. Besides, the bald guy said we'd be attacked again if I voted for him."
It's a pity the Republican party is so lock-step. Sounds like the real solution would've been to throw another candidate into that primary, tradition be damned. Someone respectable, perhaps a war veteran, so Bush could play the "undeserved medals" card for three consecutive elections.
[quote][B]He's happy his candidate won, not "reveling in the suffering of another." Please, don't put it in such harsh and extreme terms just because you're a bit put out right now - which is quite understandable.
Yes, he is. He's [i]gloating[/i], for God's sake. His party had had a majority for the last few years, and will continue for the next few. It makes him appear more interested on whether he's on the winning side than the issues. Not to mention his oh-so-flattering characterization of the opposing candidate as a creep. At least its a step up from "I think Gore is a rapist, just like Clinton." Progress is progress, I suppose.
I don't like gloating.
[quote][b]Who here is glad Nader didn't win? Is that a bad thing? (SB does not count)[/quote][/b]
Ralph Nader is the modern tragic hero. He's gone from an honorable consumer advocate to a power-mad egotistical nutcase, who doesn't bat an eye at the fact that a), he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning and b), that he is likely to only assist the candidate who would most probably repeal all of Nader's hard-won reforms of years past.
That doesn't mean that the next time I see a Nader supporter I'll start cheering in his face; "Yeah, bitch! We beat that crazy bastard again! Two-party system forever! And visit a tailor to get a suit that fits, for God's sake! Woo-hoo!"
[quote][b]Oh, and that last comment about my "theory" - obviously a majority of people think he hasn't screwed up THAT badly, or he wouldn't be in office. Either that or they feel Kerry would screw it up worse.[/quote][/b]
I'm still trying to figure out how John Kerry could be worse that George Bush, though.
I'm trying to keep looking on the bright side. I've grown to like Kerry over the past few months, and I'm sort of hoping he becomes another Adali Stevenson (who, you may remember, lost the presidency and later came to notoriety for his time as the Ambassador to the UN, among other things.) Though, I have to admit, it would've been oddly satisfying if his concession speech consisted of something like "They say democracy insures the people get the government they deserve. Well, so long, suckers!" and high-tailing it into self-imposed exile. I think we can all think of a time our candidate has lost and we would've liked to see something similar.
Besides, in four years, we'll have another milestone- the first totally fresh election in 50 years. No incumbents, no former vice-presidents, no baggage. I think that'll be kind of cool.
[B]I'm still trying to figure out how John Kerry could be worse that George Bush, though.[/B][/QUOTE]
It's a question of different values, different priorities. Believe it or not, large numbers of people in this country [i]like[/i] what Bush has done over the past four years, and don't see his presidency as a disaster.
Some people would love to see social security destroyed as a government instution; others would consider that a disaster.
[B]A#, you have a lot to learn when it comes to manners, sportsmanhsip, and grace. This is [i]not[/i] the time to rub your opponent's face in the mud. [/B][/QUOTE]
Completely agree with Bekenn. It is statements like that which is why so many people hate the republican party (well...that and their policies).
[B]On a related note, I'm reminded of a saying. "Only a fool fights in a burning house."[/B][/QUOTE]
Isn't that an old Kligon proverb?
must remember, firstones 1st, THEN Rage...
heh... one would THINK I had learned that by now. :D
[B]It is statements like that which is why so many people hate the republican party [/B][/QUOTE]
The Republican Party hardly has a monopoly on such things.
shadow boxer,
We have a word at the newsroom for everything you said: unqualified.
it's perfectly fine to say it's the end of the world and wallow in your self pity saying it's a "sad day" for America, but someone happy of the results? Oh hell no. That can't be. Thats worthy of flameing.
Same on every damn forum I've been at.
Maybe I WAS out of line, but then so is Shadow Boxer, Shadow Dancer, Squidgy, Data Crystal, and Even Biggles.
I am in agreement that there is little sportsmanship left, and that IS a sad thing. But it does go both ways.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MT [/i]
[B]shadow boxer,
We have a word at the newsroom for everything you said: unqualified. [/B][/QUOTE] your a reporter?
[B]it's perfectly fine to say it's the end of the world and wallow in your self pity saying it's a "sad day" for America, but someone happy of the results? Oh hell no. That can't be. Thats worthy of flameing.[/B][/QUOTE]
I would think you would just roll your eyes at our foolishness and not let it bother you. All we're doing is the same thing we've been doing for four years. It took me half as long to tune out the cracks about Clinton.
So, yeah, great, your guy won. Congratulations. But don't expect me to be patting you on the back. I have, quite literally, been waiting for this day for four years, and to have it turn out so contrary to my expectations is a bit of a let down. Sort of like if I'd spent a year overseas and returned to find my fiancŽe had married another guy, all while still sending my love letters.
And you really won't get me to pat you on the back when you seem more happy that our guy lost than that your guy won. That's just kicking us when we're down.
But poor behavior is not a valid excuse for poor behavior.
A lot of people are naturally upset at the results of this election, particularly those who didn't have a say in it; I think it's best to let them vent a bit. Take the win and be happy.
And if the situation is ever reversed, prove yourself the better person by not spitting out the kind of vitriol we've seen here today.
frankly Ive been rather heavily insulted in this thread, and I had the urge to say alot of the stuff A# did in his second post.
Hell, I'll go farther, if this was 1790, and I was in the same room with one of several posters in this thread I would remove my white glove and administer a slap across the face with it, with all that entails.
Many have been insulting as hell, and even threatning, if thats going to be the way its going to be, lets just be honest and get to killing each other then.
[B]Maybe I WAS out of line, but then so is Shadow Boxer, Shadow Dancer, Squidgy, Data Crystal, and Even Biggles.[/B][/QUOTE]
I think I already admitted as much a few posts up, but if that wasn't enough then here I am doing it again. I could call it the built up tension of a few years watching Bush display what (to me) appears to be contempt at a lot of the world, but either way it was still out of line and excuses won't change that. Apologies to all who were insulted.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
[B]A#: You're right; there's more than a little unfairness in reactions to what's being said, and I was simply dumbfounded when Biggles posted agreement with SB instead of reprimanding him.[/b][/quote]
As said above, and I do regret saying I agreed with SB now since, after the many rereadings of his post I've had this day, I really don't... In any other circumstances I would have warned if not banned SB for that sort of language, so here I am warning him (and everyone else) now: No more personal attacks or swearing. Keep it civil.
This, people, is why I generally stay out of political threads. :)
[B]Hell, I'll go farther, if this was 1790, and I was in the same room with one of several posters in this thread I would remove my white glove and administer a slap across the face with it, with all that entails.[/B][/QUOTE]
Which is ironic, because in 1790s America, you'd probably find just as many people speaking rather unkindly of a world leader by the name of George. Funny how life works out, huh?
[B]This, people, is why I generally stay out of political threads. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
politics and religion = big nono's on forums
and just to get flamed, f bush.
oh sorry, it was w and not f right? silly me... :rolleyes:
But poor behavior is not a valid excuse for poor behavior.
I agree, I definately shouldn't have made a post like that.
Both sides of the fence need to get along alittle better. (Ok, ALOT)
anhoo, elections over, no more political advertising/campaigning/debating whos better...
So lets all sit around the perverbial campfire and sing Kum'by'a! :D
[B]politics and religion = big nono's on forums
and just to get flamed, f bush.
oh sorry, it was w and not f right? silly me... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
LOL..... Which is why they banned these theads at Scifi-meshes
I dont see how anyone has gotten out of line
[B]anhoo, elections over, no more political advertising/campaigning/debating whos better...[/B][/QUOTE]
Wait...no more campaigning? Yeah right. Here in Maryland they have already started campaigning for the 2006 democratic primary for the state Govenor - 2 very effective and well liked people want to be the nominie to challenge Erlich. The acceptance speaches of several of last night's winners in the state endorsed one or the other people.
[B]politics and religion = big nono's on forums
and just to get flamed, f bush.
oh sorry, it was w and not f right? silly me... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
pfft, if you want to get flamed, post something along the lines of this:
"I swear, if Bush shows up, I'd spit right in that terrorist asshole's face!"
As for my opinion on the election....you all know how I feel about Bush, so there would be little to be gained by repeating it here in this thread again. So, in the spirit of civility, I shall refrain from posting any insults against that fucktard in this thread.
(note for the easy to anger: The bit about me calling Bush a fucktard was an attempt at humor.)
[B]pfft, if you want to get flamed, post something along the lines of this:
"I swear, if Bush shows up, I'd spit right in that terrorist asshole's face!"
Sounds like somthing my friend would do to Bush, Spit in his face that is.
[quote] So, in the spirit of civility, I shall refrain from posting any insults against that fucktard in this thread.
(note for the easy to anger: The bit about me calling Bush a fucktard was an attempt at humor.) [/quote]
You had me fooled... Knowing you, you would have called hima fundie aswell:p
I wish I could find the damned reference I saw recently.
They did a comparison between IQ and voting habits.
low IQ = Bush/Repub
high IQ = Kerry/Demo
Terribly inflammatory stuff, but from memory it was rather well researched and seemingly quite neutral, in fact I think the results where opposite to what the research funders wanted.
Ahash, I could forgive you for just being where/who you are and how you were brought up, but Tyvar ???
A sad day indeed when a deep thinking person of rare insight and intelligence votes for Bush. All I can hope for is that deep down you're voting for him because Repubs are strongly supportive of the military, which it seems is quite dear to your heart.
If not, dont bother with the brass dude...
All of what I've said still stands.
Ultraconservatism, which is what you are going to get with Bushs level of power is going to backfire, brutally and make a colossal mess. Just exactly what that mess will be is hard to guage, but mark my words, it's going to get a whole lot uglier before it gets better.
Having ones head firmly ensconced in ones anus does not prevent one from having to deal with the world.
*claps his hands*
Add a double twist to your backflip Biggles, you're better at it than a politician. I hope all this is, is just an attempt to reclaim some arbitrator neutrality.
[B]Which is ironic, because in 1790s America, you'd probably find just as many people speaking rather unkindly of a world leader by the name of George. Funny how life works out, huh? [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually if you had a clue about the american revolution you would be startled to know that originaly most of the patriots were still loyal to the crown, it was the parliment they blamed for their woes, and that was the general trend till about 1778, yes even after the revolution many of the founders in their writing saved most of their venom for the english parliment.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]
Ahash, I could forgive you for just being where/who you are and how you were brought up, but Tyvar ???
A sad day indeed when a deep thinking person of rare insight and intelligence votes for Bush. All I can hope for is that deep down you're voting for him because Repubs are strongly supportive of the military, which it seems is quite dear to your heart.
If not, dont bother with the brass dude...
All of what I've said still stands.
. [/B][/QUOTE]
SB, you can think what you wish, for the longest time I was the closest thing you had to a supporter around here because I understood many elements of your temperment, but your belief that your utterly infalible has broken the camels back so to say.
In the final analysis its your beliefs that are inccorect, about the future, about the past, and worst of all about what truly lies in the hearts of men. You relish in your emotions without realizing how often they blind you to the world about you. your lost, in your own ragues and fuges caused by your inabilities.
How about we just disagree on these matters and ignore one another. Its the most pleasant alternative.
But if you wish others I can deliver.
[B]It's a question of different values, different priorities. Believe it or not, large numbers of people in this country [i]like[/i] what Bush has done over the past four years, and don't see his presidency as a disaster. [/B][/QUOTE]
Almost makes me afraid (NOT!) to tell you guys I voted Bush...
Thanks Bekenn for saying the above.
I don't buy into the bashing and name calling that a certain vocal element has been doing for years now.
I'm getting tired of hearing the democrats dismiss the American public's voice concerning this election. It wasn't all Kerry making bad campaign choices, or everyone voting Bush as the lesser of two evils, these people made a statement with their vote, for their reasons. It's insulting to assume otherwise just because your party didn't win the race.
3.5 million more voters voted for Bush than Kerry. There's a message here. The whole damn country doesn't necessarily hate the president like everyone has been hearing from the vocal minorities and the Media funded spin doctors and talking heads.
I see most of the complaints here on the boards about Bush are from those who live in other countries. People I consider(ed) friends. They have every right to have their opinions of Bush, just don't insult me for my vote.
I don't feel I need to defend my choice, so I won't waste lots of space here with the reasons for why I voted for him...
But if you are going to feel a certain way about me, because I voted for him, then I guess I didn't know you all as well as I thought over the years...
By the way... If you want to see the results of a Democrat controlled state, you only have to look at California and how fucked up it is to see why I voted for Bush and other Republicans.
Vertigo1: I'll be seeing you in person probably within the next 6 months...
time for a walk-about I think...