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New PM Limit!

in Zocalo v2.0
All you 0 people who complained about hitting the limit for stored PMs will be pleased to know that we've upped it to 100 messages! We've also changed the length limit to 2000 characters, because 1000 was getting annoying. If that proves to be annoying too, we'll up that as well. :)
CHERISH THEM, Never let them go!
For those that care, there are a grand total of 8 people with 50 or more PMs. One guy even has 158! And there's another with 118! You see why we needed to increase the limit, to appease these two people who are obviously far too popular. :)
The strange thing is that I never send PMs except in reply to others.
[B]Now, can you guess who's is who's?[/B][/QUOTE]
Nope, I can't even parse that. Maybe I could figure out whose is whose, though.
[B]Nope, I can't even parse that. Maybe I could figure out whose is whose, though. [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm certain my English spelling and grammar ability has gone downhill since I started learning Japanese...
How could you!
We even let in the occasional beaver and dead person into our universities ;)
Wait...this would mean the_exile would be going to my university...
/me makes a stockpile of Dr. Seuss books, just in case