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I realize that most B5 fans can't stand Season 5. Yet, while watching some of the early episodes, I could not help but enjoy the conflict between Garibaldi and Lochley.


  • RandyRandy Master Storyteller
    Me too.
  • Glad to see I'm not the only one watching B5 on sci-fi lately.
    You know the second time around it's not that bad, even Byron hasn't gotten on my nerves yet.

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    "To alcohol the solution to and cause of all of life's problems."
    -Homer Jay Simpson
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Every season is nice, but in season 5 it's just that nobody notice the Drakhs even though Sheridan has been to the future and knows what will happen to Centauri. Well, any way, Season 5 is OK!!!
  • PsiCopPsiCop Earthforce Officer
    I didn't care much for the fifth season, except for the epic sounding intro theme.

    It just seemed to me that they wrapped up the Earth Civil War early because JMS wasn't sure if Babyon 5 would be given another season. Although I did like the last couple episodes though, Objects at Rest and Sleeping in Light... very emotional.

    Trust the Corps
  • samuelksamuelk The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
    [quote]Originally posted by C_Mon:
    [b]Every season is nice, but in season 5 it's just that nobody notice the Drakhs even though Sheridan has been to the future and knows what will happen to Centauri. Well, any way, Season 5 is OK!!![/b][/quote]

    Sheridan saw what happened to Centari Prime, but he had no idea WHO did that, or whether other worlds were in danger. He really had nothing to base a theory on.
  • i don't know what the fuss is all about but i liked season 5. Centauri got exactly what they deserved in season 5
  • Like PsiCop said the last 5 eps were very well done. As soon as the war started it got back to being b5 again. And yes the theme kicks ass.
    *Fires up winamp: Bum Bum....*

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    "To alcohol the solution to and cause of all of life's problems."
    -Homer Jay Simpson
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    When Sheridan went to the future he had no real idea of the time at which it happened. It could have been from any war, even the Shadow War (as at that time for him the Shadow War was still going). He didn't know about the Drakh, he didn't know that they had infested Centauri Prime.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras

    [This message has been edited by Biggles (edited 02-08-2002).]
  • AlexAlex Earthforce Officer
    I think the problem is that Sheridan thinks he has changed the future.
    When he goes to Z'ha'dum he leaves a message for delenn were he talks about his trip to the future. In the future Delenn told him not to go to Z'ha'dum, but I never became clear wether this future was the resul of going or not going.

    But he was alive in that future, and he knew that he would die on Z'ha'dum (kosh told him a few times) so he concluded that it was the result of not going. We know of course that this is a mistake.

    Now he's trying to cange the future by going to Z'ha'dum, sacreficing his life, ending the shadow war and saving Centauri prime.

    He seemed to be successful. The shadows are gone and Centauri prime is save.

    I think in S5, when he sees Centauri prime buring after the attack, he begins to realize that he didn't change anything. But at this point it's too late.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    ***** MORE SPOILERS *****
    And yet even that one isn't the attack that he saw the result of. The one he saw the result of was the fusion bombs the Drakh planted all over the planet being set off.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [quote]Originally posted by Claudia Trent:
    [b]I realize that most B5 fans can't stand Season 5. Yet, while watching some of the early episodes, I could not help but enjoy the conflict between Garibaldi and Lochley.[/b][/quote]

    There were some good season 5 eps, A View from the Gallery was great IMHO, and of course objects at rest/motion and SiL, My personal opinion is that s5 was just rushed, and due to CC leaving the show, and the fact that the earth war should have taken place over season 5 not season 4, they had to scramble to get stories together.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    o forgett it, I don't care, I have thought about this and why didn't notice the Drakhs, and I think that JMS made Sheridan & Co. not as smart as befor when they almost noticed everything!!

    Born from silence, silence full of it
    A perfekt concert my best friend
    So much to live for, so much to die for
    If only my heart had a home
    -Nightwish:Dead boy's Poem-
  • You know I have a theory about why we didn't like the whole telepath situation. We as B5 fans are used to seeing a major plot like that follow through to the end. (Shadow War, Earth and Minbari Civil Wars ect...) But with Byron we have yet to see the full effects of what happened on B5. So as soon as the story of the telepath war gets told then we will look back on the Byron episodes with more understading. But thats just my opinion.

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    "To alcohol the solution to and cause of all of life's problems."
    -Homer Jay Simpson
  • Not a chance. Byron was a hypocrite and a turncoat, good riddance to him [img][/img]

    There are 3 things in life I never forget: my friends, my enemies, and my access codes.
    Never put gasoline in a fire extinguisher.
    "No government, no dictator can hold an imprisioned population by force of arms forever. There is no power in the universe greater than the need for freedom. Against this power, governments and tyrants and armies [i]cannot stand[/i]." - G'Kar, [i]The Long Twighlight Struggle[/i]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Out the airlock! With a rope tied to his ankle so we can pull him back in and then throw him out again! And again! AND AGAIN! MWAHAHAHAHAH!

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • StrikerStriker Provided with distinction
    *slowly steps away from the Biggle's tank*

    Web Hosting Provider for
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    AAArgh my head!!!
  • [quote]Originally posted by Biggles:
    [b]Out the airlock! With a rope tied to his ankle so we can pull him back in and then throw him out again! And again! AND AGAIN! MWAHAHAHAHAH!


    Hehehehe That looks fun, can I try?
  • I don't think that Sheridan had any idea that the Drakh were the same ones who gave Londo the keeper. Londo never mentioned the Drakh's name in "WWE2".

    Also, there should have been another season or two, following Season 5. The latter not only wrapped up the Centauri storyline, which was left hanging in Season 4. It also opened up a lot of other possibilities.

    And I think too many people expected Sheridan to wrap up all of their problems at the end of Season 5. Why, I don't know. Especially since both the Civil War and Shadow War plots were not wrapped up within one season.

    [This message has been edited by Claudia Trent (edited 02-13-2002).]
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    The Centauri storyline was wrapped up in the books. Remember that JMS always planned to finish at the 5th season (if he got there).

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    I rather liked that ep with Bo and Mack. [img][/img] That was the best one in the entire season IMO.

    [url=""][b]Hard Light Productions[/b][/url] - [i]Our last best hope for Freespace[/i]

    "Isn't the universe a wonderful place? I wouldn't want to live anywhere else! Love to stay! Can't! Have to go. Kiss kiss, love love! Bye!" - G'Kar
  • hi @ll

    Another problem is: Londo gave a present to delen and sheridan for their first child who would rule the Interstellar Alliance... and we know that its a drak (is that written right?) present. What will happen to that child.. what will happen to centauri prime, because londo wanted to help his planet an i think that he is doing that at that moment when he rescue delen from prison and kills himself with the help of G'Kar. Will the EA help Centauri prime against the Drak ?
    And another question - from Crusade - what will happen to Earth ? They didn't finish the serie yet as i know...
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>

    A view from the Gallery?

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    eX0du5: Read the Centauri Trilogy of books. They answer all your questions, as they are designed to do.

    A View from the Gallery was a great episode, one of those completely separate episodes that JMS threw in occasionally to give us a view of the lives of the normal people.

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • PsiCopPsiCop Earthforce Officer
    [quote]Originally posted by Talon Mistsong:
    [b]Not a chance. Byron was a hypocrite and a turncoat, good riddance to him [img][/img][/b][/quote] Byron was a poor misunderstood blip, the PsiCorp is your friend and he didn't recieve the help he needed from our friendly doctors [img][/img]

    Trust the Corps
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