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in Zocalo v2.0
The challenge: write 50,000 words in 30 days
Any other writers up for the challenge? ;)
The challenge: write 50,000 words in 30 days
Any other writers up for the challenge? ;)
[B]50,000 words of something or just None Sense, i'm good at writing the latter. [/B][/QUOTE]You might want to try actually clicking the link before commenting... Or, y'know, applying logic to the problem. Just a thought.
Not even a page.
Can't seem to keep constat focus for ...
OO! A butterfly!
A satanic god-worshipping killer butterfly!
[B]*Copies and pastes the word 'a' 50k times...* [/B][/QUOTE]From the NaNoWriMo FAQ:
[quote]Can I write one word 50,000 times?
-No. Well... No.[/quote]
C'mon... I need someone to crack the whip! :p
[B]That's an average of 1,667 words a day...
:eek: [/B][/QUOTE]C'mon, doesn't that sound like fun? It's only 3.5 pages... ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i]
[B]Just come on IRC every day, and I'll kick you out if you haven't written enough. :) [/B][/QUOTE]The man just gives and gives... brings a tear to my eyes. :'[
My name is Chris Baty, and I'm the director of National Novel Writing Month. Before we all get swept up in November's pleasant fury, I wanted to take the opportunity to warmly welcome you to NaNoWriMo, and give you a quick overview of the month ahead.
By now you've already created an account on the NaNoWriMo site, which means the hardest part is over. You've made the decision to seize your literary destiny. To bravely cast your hat in the ring, and loudly proclaim your writerly intentions across the digital rooftops of the world.
Hopefully, you've also mentioned your plan to [b]friends[/b] and loved ones, so they can more completely [b]fulfill their duty of showering you with expensive treats, back rubs, and pre-cooked meals throughout the month[/b].
Between now and Monday, I recommend you fill out your Author Profile completely, and be sure our computer knows what region you live in. For tips on doing both, just visit the How NaNoWriMo Works page:
Then, at 12:00:01 AM, local time, on November 1, we will begin writing our novels. That morning, Russ will add two important new items to our author profiles: a space for us to enter our cumulative words count for the month (done on the honor system), and a place for us to post excerpts from our novels in progress (totally optional, totally encouraged).
Also on November 1, I'll be sending you the first of four weekly pep talks. These will help alert you to some of the beautiful vistas and menacing distractions that lay along that week's particular stretch of the noveling escapade. These emails will also likely contain extraneous references to marmots, for which I apologize in advance.
On November 25th, we will begin validating novels that are 50,000 words (or longer), and adding authors to the hallowed Winners Page. We will post copious instructions on how novel validation works on the site as the date draws nearer.
And that is about it! If you have any questions at all, please peruse our General FAQ and Technical FAQ pages. They are helpful and longwinded enough to serve as both an information resource and a highly effective procrastinating tool.
So welcome on board, writer! It's going to be a wonderful, wonderful November.
Warm regards,
I'm so screwed...
[B]That's an average of 1,667 words a day...:eek: [/B][/QUOTE]
Hrm...I turned out a ~200 page document just recently and considering 1 inch margins and an 11 point font...that would have to be 250 words per page. It's possible. In a month, though? No way in hell.
[B]Biggles promised to ban me from IRC if I didn't finish my daily allotment of 1.6k words. :D
I'm so screwed... [/B][/QUOTE]
That's nothing compared with what will happen if he doesn't make 50k by the end of November. :D
oh yes, and this is only about 10 minutes of writing, so don't expect much. just general ideas at this point.
He looked out over the Boston harbor, barely noticing the fog rolling in. A low cloud of water vapor so dense your hand seemed to disappear from your outstretched arm; so moist it felt like a misting rain. But the fog didn’t really matter, nor did the empty ships set into port. For the first time in his memory, the fog horns were silent as the fog swept over the ships and into the streets. Not that it mattered, as there were no ships out there to warn of the rocky shore.
In fact, the streets were bare, and silent. No tourist, no fishermen preparing their ships, just a blissful calm before the storm. [i]“Gone”[/i] he thought.[i] “All of them, gone. In a mere 14 hours. It doesn’t seem possible. Mars and Venus, Jupiter station, the research facilities on Galileo, and the listening post on Pluto.”[/i] The shock of it never had a time to settle, in a matter of minutes it wouldn’t matter anyway. Aside from a few ships that hid in the asteroid belt surrounding the system the human race would perish from the galaxy.
He surveyed the grey mass as it covered the street lamps, leaving them looking like halos suspended by the air itself, points of light lined up along a pathway leading to an unknown destination.
“Sir, they are here.”
Nothing more needed to be said. Brian was a good man, and a good aid to the President of the Earth, the last remaining member of the Allied Planets of Sol. Brian’s voice was still firm; surprising that, most men wouldn’t have been able to talk, and most that did would have whispered in a raspy voice. Not Brian though, a shame he would be dead in a matter of minutes. The “They” he spoke of were the 5,649 ships converging on Earth, surrounding it and picking targets. He could hear the explosions in the distance. No, not many, just one. Probably New York, or rather the shockwave rolling in from where New York once was. Whatever weapons this race used they were unlike anything ever dreamt of by man. A single blast decimated everything within a 5,000 kilometer radius. Only seconds now, the shockwave was getting much closer.
The fog vanished in the sudden heat at the shockwave entered Boston Harbor, and as soon as it started, it was over. No tears, no cries for help, no buildings, just a slate of glass and some small amounts of molten metals slowly cooling. Earth had fallen, after just three months of peace.
It's called "Beyond Apollo", and I have the entire plot layed out already.
in my mind anyway....