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I am so glad to be part of this community...

FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
...where we can have intellegent debates over real world issues as opposed to arguement that degrade into name-calling and the mindless reguritation of sound-bites. Ok sometimes our discussions become a poo-fest but for the most part I learn a lot from our conversations.

That said, check this out from IMDB, about the Team America movie.


Come-on folks, it's a satircal movie with [i]puppets[/i]...



  • Reaver4kReaver4k Trainee in training

    That movies Looks funny... Cant wait to see it... I know that the movie has a point to it...

    Kim: What are you going to do it you find WMD's
    UN Guy: We are going to Write you Angry Letters Expressing how Angry we are at you.
  • [QUOTE] I know that Matt Stone and Trey Parker are completely against that making a statement bullcrap. They just make fun of things that can be made fun of in any way. [/QUOTE]

    OMG, that guy obviously wasn't paying attention during the South Park movie, or even Basketlball(though it's message was much smaller.)
  • MundaneMundane Elite Ranger
    Saw the trailer some time ago..looks good.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    i've only heard mixed reviews about it.
  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    I'm not a big fan of Rolling Stone magazine (way too left leaning for my liking), but if you get a chance, read this months article about Stone, Parker and this movie. One jewel:

    When asked which was harder, fighting terrorism or making a movie with puppets who fight terrorism, they replied that fighting terrorism was easier, "To make a soldier to kill someone, you just tell him 'Kill that person' and in five minutes its done, to make a puppet kill someone its takes five f****** days."

  • [quote]I thought NYC Got bombed because Islamic Terrorist Got tired of having to see the US wave Freedom in the face of the oppressed in thier own country. If the people had a voice like.... oh.... say the USA, then the dicKtaters like Sadam and Osama, and that friggin Nut in N. Korea would not be killing others for the hell of it.[quote]That's right, because terrorists actually hate us because of our freedom..
    i didnt think people were actually stupid enough to believe that.[/quote][quote]Surely that was a pisstake I mean no really believes that do they?

    Frightening [/quote][/quote]... Wooooooow.
  • PhiPhi <font color=#FF0000>C</font><font color=#FF9900>o</font><font color=#FFFF00>l</font><font color=#00F
    Saw the trailer when it came out on, and I want to see the movie :D

    It's now a toss up between yelling KAPLAWW! and [URL=]SPOON![/URL] when I next blow something up ;)

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