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Mac-Paps They did not mention them in History

in Zocalo v2.0
Not even one word about these people in the Canadian History books at my school...
Did they Mention this is US History? [url][/url]
Did they Mention this is US History? [url][/url]
for the most part both units were not particularly well led, trained or equpied, and neither were their nationalist opponents for the great part. and Both units were rife with NKVD control, including political officers.
The ultimate reason for the withdrawl of the international brigades that due to attrition most of them had ceased to exist as genuine fighting units.
The spanish civil war was a very messy and complicated affair. However both sides were ultimatly hijacked by extremists, So it came down to Lennist and Trotskyite totalitarians versus fascist totatlitarians. A loose loose situation. indeed it was George Orwell's experiences in Spain that turned him firmly away from being a socialist, and made him an honest to god cynic about everything. Thus, Animal Farm was born :D
The Wikipedia article on the spanish civil war itself [url][/url] is far more indepth on the issues and more accurate. Pay close attention to when the republican goverment comes appart in 37 and starts assasinating people who are supposedly on the same side, basicly the Lenninsts moving to eliminate the Trotskyites and others.
I think you will find the issue facinating, and emmensly enlightening.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Reaver4k [/i]
[B]Did they Mention this is US History? [url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
No. No they didn't. It's a travesty how such fantastically important thing as international involvement in a civil war within a country whose "golden age" was when it was poorest, and which needed to reinstitute a monarchy to drag it kicking and screaming into the civilized world can be ignored to cover nationalist minutia such as, picking at random, the French Revolution and subsequent Reign of Terror.
Now you know how I feel about miscarrages of education like the widespread ignorance of the [url=]Gadsden Purchase[/url].
Frankly the acitivites of the NKVD and COMINTERN during the Spanish Civil war, and especially did 1937, did more to set back the cause of communism then anything the US did during the cold war. When the NKVD started bumping off trotskyites and non communists in the Republican government in the middle of a war, and then the actual internal civil war which caused house to house fighting in Madrid itself amongst factions of the Republicans just before the total collapse.
No matter who won the history of Spain post civil war would have been fairly bleak.
And a monarchy was not reinstituted to bring it "into the civil war" Franco raised Juan Carlos to be his facist heir, but Juan Carlos himself, had other ideas. For a monarch he is a man of tremendous character.
As for the Gasden purchase. Frankly it was a damn side show of US history, it has a more key role in being one of the last things that ended Santa Annas rule. Of course setting things up for the French to basicly invade.
Edit: In his History Class. NOt mine. This is what happens when you are on the wrong side of History,