Issues with your account? Bug us in the Discord!

Current FTP Info...

Just so you folks know, as the server was moved yet again ('s getting old now :/), your FTP account had to be re-created. so, if/when work resumes, you folks can log in with then information below. Still no temp account, though.

anyway, the info!
l: buda5
p: squirrel5

that should do it! If you have any questions, drop me a line on AIM/ICQ or post here. I'll try and keep updated here.


  • Thx for the info, works well!
    ... hoping that we'll continue the project or a similar project sometime.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Yes, hopefully. But truth is that I-War 2 isn't that easy to make into B5 world except ships. Like jump-in/out. Jumping from hyperspace to normal space is somewhat working but I haven't figured how to do it other way (though I haven't tried it after my army service ended). IF we ever get modder tools for IFH, campaign would be easier to make because the enviroment is specifically made for Babylon 5's needs.

    Any news from Indie? Haven't seen him posting in ages.
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Well...just so you know, you've got tons of fans. heh. My roomate desperately waiting to nuke me into oblivion with a warlock.
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