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Robots take each others photos...on Mars
in Zocalo v2.0
Mars Global Surveyer took a photo of the Mars Rover Spirit :)
[B]Well.. is the mothership a robot? I thought you meant that the two robots down on the surface took pictures of each other.. [/B][/QUOTE]
Little long distance to travel for that... even those future rovers currently in designing table using RTGs propably couldn't do it.
[B]Well.. is the mothership a robot? I thought you meant that the two robots down on the surface took pictures of each other.. [/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, it is. A robot does not have to have arms or wheels or something. If you like I can go ask the guy from JPL over on the other side of this room for confirmation, since he worked on them. He's a bit busy eating sushi right now though.