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B5:IFH Voice Actor Casting

"Blacksheep" had started a new Casting for IFH Voiceactors.
[quote]Hey dudes and...female dudes...
I need to get an overview about our current possible voice actors. So here is another casting...
Please record the following dialogue with two different voices.
A: "Alpha 1 to Bravo 4, come in Bravo 4....can you read me?"
B: "This Bravo 4, my systems are fucked up, my ship looses integrity!"
A: "Stay calm, change your course at 170 and keep it coming"
B: "Roger, I'll do my best..."
[URL=;act=ST;f=1;t=672]Read more...[/URL]
[quote]Hey dudes and...female dudes...
I need to get an overview about our current possible voice actors. So here is another casting...
Please record the following dialogue with two different voices.
A: "Alpha 1 to Bravo 4, come in Bravo 4....can you read me?"
B: "This Bravo 4, my systems are fucked up, my ship looses integrity!"
A: "Stay calm, change your course at 170 and keep it coming"
B: "Roger, I'll do my best..."
[URL=;act=ST;f=1;t=672]Read more...[/URL]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alpha-1 [/i]
[B]"Blacksheep" had started a new Casting for IFH Voiceactors.
[URL=;act=ST;f=1;t=672]Read more...[/URL] [/B][/QUOTE]
"fucked up"....I see a "beeep" coming.
As someone pointed out in the IFH forum, their English isn't quite correct either. Nothing that can't be fixed though. :)