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Being Hacked SUCKS

in Zocalo v2.0
Ugh, what a miserable 24 hours,
do you realise how easy it is for someone to get all your information? bank accounts, credit cards, website logons, UGH. what a pain in the ass
I'll rant more later... lol
do you realise how easy it is for someone to get all your information? bank accounts, credit cards, website logons, UGH. what a pain in the ass
I'll rant more later... lol
[B]What's your security setup? [/B][/QUOTE]
Right now, i'm using the most secure firewall in the world, its 100% Unhackable.... I've got the machine unplugged from the wall..
other than that, a commercial NAT router/Firewall, it looks like it was a brute force ssh exploit.
Was this on your home network? Are you using XP or Linux?
[B]Personally, I'm a big fan of portknocking. You are invisible to port scans, yet you can connect when you need to. [/B][/QUOTE]
someone else was telling me about that too, i need to give it a try
at this point, we're not sure if it was an ssh exploit, or a proftpd exploit.
its my home network, and its running Xp, Linux and FreeBSD Unix. the funny thing is, the XP box wasn't the breakin point, it was the unix box, and from there, he got into the xp box.
[B]Well...I am never keeping bank account numbers on my pc, or passwords in plain text. just stupid :) [/B][/QUOTE]
I kept neither on my computer. if someone gets a keylogger onto your machine, then they can just wait for you to type your passwords in. and blammo, they have them
And don't feel safe just cause you use a virus scanner or spyware watcher, neither of mine picked up the one he was using, it was too new. well they DID pick it up, a week too late.
[B]I kept neither on my computer. if someone gets a keylogger onto your machine, then they can just wait for you to type your passwords in. and blammo, they have them
And don't feel safe just cause you use a virus scanner or spyware watcher, neither of mine picked up the one he was using, it was too new. well they DID pick it up, a week too late. [/B][/QUOTE]
Dude that sucks, time to start backtracking, so we can find out who he is and dispatch a FO hit team! ;)
[B]Dude that sucks, time to start backtracking, so we can find out who he is and dispatch a FO hit team! ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
Excellent. *grabs his Blackhawk tactical vest*