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Thirdage 2 video

WORFWORF The Burninator
Iv posted a video I recorded of myself playing part of the game. Unfortunatly the quality isnt very good because I used my webcam.

Anyway, here it is.


Captain Gideon: I thought you said you dont hold a grudge?
Galen: I dont, I have no surviving all

Ave Primo-Populi (Hail the Firstones)


  • I was wondering if you were still working on this. Looks good, just a couple of ?'s. Do you control the Hyperion or are you just along for the ride untill your fighter launches? And what was the hyperion shooting at?

    "Ambassador we all know that the first casulty of war is the truth."
    -John Sheridan

    "To alcohol the solution to and cause of all of life's problems."
    -Homer Jay Simpson
  • WORFWORF The Burninator
    The player controls the hyperion and can launch in their starfury whenever they like.

    I was shooting at other Starfuries, that isnt part of the storyline. I just used them as an example.


    Captain Gideon: I thought you said you dont hold a grudge?
    Galen: I dont, I have no surviving all

    Ave Primo-Populi (Hail the Firstones)
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