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Babylon Five's Flying Circus
in Zocalo v2.0
[quote]CARTAGIA: I should have you executed for that, Mollari.
LONDO: But Emperor, Your spirit lives in all of us, and therefore You would be killing part of Yourself, and as a loyal subject, I would have to object.
CARTAGIA: Very well. You may bang your head on the floor until forgiven.[/quote][quote]ZAthras: G'day, ZaTHras.
ZaTHras: How are you, ZAthras?
ZAthras: Fine, ZaTHras. Where's ZathrAs?
ZaTHras: He's not here, ZAthras.
ZAthrAs: Wait. Here's the boss fellow now! ZathrAs! How are you doing?
ZathrAs: Fine. Mates, I've brought a new chap here from Pommieland. Michael, ZAthras, ZAthras, Michael. Michael, ZaTHras, ZaTHras, Michael. Michael, ZAthrAs, ZAthrAs, Michael. Michael's going to be joining us here, working on the great machine.
ZAthras, ZaTHras, and ZAthrAs: G'Day!
Michael: Hello.
ZAthras: Is your name not Zathras?
Michael: No, it's Michael.
ZAthrAs: That's going to cause a little confusion.
ZaTHras: Mind if we call you ZathraS to keep things clear?[/quote]
[quote]VANOVA: The White Star Fleet was patrolling sector 83 by 9 by 12, when suddenly nothing happened.
LENNIER: [Rings triangle] Bring out your dead!
MARCUS: [Carrying MARKAB] Here you go.
MARKAB: I'm not dead yet.
LENNIER: There. He says he's not dead.
MARCUS: He'll be stone dead in a moment.
LYNDISTY: It took us four days to bury that Narn.
IVANOVA: Four days to bury a Narn?
LYNDISTY: Yes. He wouldn't keep still.
PAK'MA'RA: I object to the implication that the Pak'ma'ra Navy has become a haven for cannibalism! It is well known that the problem is relatively under control![/quote]
[quote]CARTAGIA: I should have you executed for that, Mollari.
LONDO: But Emperor, Your spirit lives in all of us, and therefore You would be killing part of Yourself, and as a loyal subject, I would have to object.
CARTAGIA: Very well. You may bang your head on the floor until forgiven.[/quote][quote]ZAthras: G'day, ZaTHras.
ZaTHras: How are you, ZAthras?
ZAthras: Fine, ZaTHras. Where's ZathrAs?
ZaTHras: He's not here, ZAthras.
ZAthrAs: Wait. Here's the boss fellow now! ZathrAs! How are you doing?
ZathrAs: Fine. Mates, I've brought a new chap here from Pommieland. Michael, ZAthras, ZAthras, Michael. Michael, ZaTHras, ZaTHras, Michael. Michael, ZAthrAs, ZAthrAs, Michael. Michael's going to be joining us here, working on the great machine.
ZAthras, ZaTHras, and ZAthrAs: G'Day!
Michael: Hello.
ZAthras: Is your name not Zathras?
Michael: No, it's Michael.
ZAthrAs: That's going to cause a little confusion.
ZaTHras: Mind if we call you ZathraS to keep things clear?[/quote]
[quote]VANOVA: The White Star Fleet was patrolling sector 83 by 9 by 12, when suddenly nothing happened.
LENNIER: [Rings triangle] Bring out your dead!
MARCUS: [Carrying MARKAB] Here you go.
MARKAB: I'm not dead yet.
LENNIER: There. He says he's not dead.
MARCUS: He'll be stone dead in a moment.
LYNDISTY: It took us four days to bury that Narn.
IVANOVA: Four days to bury a Narn?
LYNDISTY: Yes. He wouldn't keep still.
PAK'MA'RA: I object to the implication that the Pak'ma'ra Navy has become a haven for cannibalism! It is well known that the problem is relatively under control![/quote]
SINCLAIR: One day John, all this will be yours.
SHERIDAN: You mean the curtains?
SINCLAIR: No, not the curtains. All that you can see. That will be your kingdom.
SHERIDAN: But I don't want any of that.
SINCLAIR: Listen up, I built this space station up from nothing. All there was was space. All the captains said it was daft to build a station in space, but I built it all the same, just to show them. It blew up, so I built a second one. That one blew up. And a third one, and that one blew up. I built a fourth one, that one disappeared in time. But the fifth one stayed. And that's what you're going to get John, the strongest space station in these sectors.
SHERIDAN: But I don't want any of that. I'd rather...
SINCLAIR: Rather what?
SHERIDAN: I'd rather ... just ... SING!
SEBASTIAN: Who are you?
DELENN: Pardon?
SEBASTIAN: Who are you?
DELENN: I don't understand what you're saying.
SEBASTIAN: Who are you?
DELENN: I don't know! I didn't expect a kind of Vorlon Inquisition.
SEBASTIAN: Nobody expects the Vorlon Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise...surprise and fear...fear and surprise. Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency... Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency...and a planetkiller! Our't supposed to mention the planetkiller yet... Amongst our weapons... Amongst our weaponry are such elements as fear, surprise... I'll come in again.
[SEBASTIAN leaves]
DELENN: I didn't expect a kind of Vorlon Inquistion.
[SEBASTIAN bursts in]
SEBASTIAN: Nobody expects the Vorlon Inquistion! Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, a planetkiller, and this cool walking stick--oh damn!
They were truly hilarious years ago :)
These are great too. :)
FIRST DRAZI: All right! Who threw that? Who threw that stone?
DRAZI CROWD: She did! She did! Him, him him him.
FIRST DRAZI: Did you throw that stone?
SECOND DRAZI: Well, you did say "purple."
DRAZI CROWD showers SECOND DRAZI with stones.
[B]This is the funniest thing I have ever seen. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
If you think thats funny, you should read a certain ST vs. B5 fanfic involving the Enterprise-D showing up at B5. :D What Sheridan did to Q was downright mean. :P