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Not exactly an apolegy but...

in Zocalo v2.0
Bush did admit he screwed up in Iraq. At least the man has a little honor.
_The campaign for the White House "really doesn't seem that ugly to me" despite the furor over political ads by outside groups attacking Kerry's war record.
While I understand it is a bit politically low to attack someones war records, the press seems to be acting like this ad, which only ran in a very limted numbers, is the only third party political attack ad that's run so far. What about other 527s such as
From this article:
[quote]The group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has aired advertisements challenging John Kerry's account of his service, and claiming Kerry lied about circumstances surrounding his war medals. Kerry has accused Bush of using the group as a front to run a smear campaign.[/quote]
[url=]Even though[/url]:
[quote]President Bush on Monday criticized a commercial that accused John Kerry of inflating his own Vietnam War record, more than a week after the ad stopped running, and said broadcast attacks by outside groups have no place in the race for the White House.[/quote]
Just because Kerry has accused Bush of using the group as a front doesn’t make it true. Similarly - just because the swift boat ads are on TV doesn’t mean they are true.
One of the things about our wonderful right to free speech is that you have to be careful as a listener. This clamping down on people and groups being able to express their feelings in free media is a restriction on my free speech.
I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle. The swift boat ads are over the top as Ex-Senator Kerry said. But the ads are also funded by that group and are independent as President Bush said.
[B]Should'nt They be consintrating on the Issue at hand.. Not what somone did in Vietnam... [/B][/QUOTE][URL=] - Politics[/URL]
[B]Should'nt They be consintrating on the Issue at hand.. Not what somone did in Vietnam... [/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, issues like education and the awful state of spelling and grammar among our youth.
“They” gave President Bush grief for his service in the Air National Guard (twice now) and “they” have given Ex-Senator Kerry grief for his flesh wound three purple hearts among others. The mud just goes back and forth.
[B]...and grammar among our youth. [/B][/QUOTE]
or amoung our forum posters... :p
[B]Yes, issues like education and the awful state of spelling and grammar among our youth.
I'm aware that I spelled a few things wrong.... I did not feel like correcting them
Edit: I fixed it...
[B]or amoung our forum posters... :p
;) [/B][/QUOTE]
LOL - Wait - I did I make a fool of myself. I swear it really is "among" not "amoung."
[B]I don’t understand your “Even Though” comment Bekenn.[/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, you do; you more or less reworded my meaning in your post.
Edit: The reason I made the post was that I felt the first article was incomplete by not including Bush's statements against Swift Boat.
[B]Shouldn't They be concentrating on the issues.. Not what someone did in Vietnam... [/B][/QUOTE]
Like that'll ever happen...