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An announcement

As forth this day I pledge to make sure that all threads end with an even number of posts! I forsee two factions in the coming post wars those who believe threads should end with odds & those who believe in evens!
This day I foresee a glorious charge of the likes, never before seen. Take up arms brethren, fight them on the sea, the land and on your computers!! Today we take a stand for what we believe in!!! We will win, so that our children may continue writing in our threads when we grow old and weak!
Now go forth and strike fear in the hearts of our enemies!!!
[B]:shadow1: The Sleeper Awakes :shadow1: [/B][/QUOTE]
hmm.. The Sleeper Awake[U]n[/U] s?
The Sleeper Must Awake!
[B]I never understood why anyone would EVER insult someone like that... in my experience, most mothers are something less than desirable. :p [/B][/QUOTE] I know a couple MILFs. :D
On the lighter side KILL WHITEY! :mad: