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In London

in Zocalo v2.0
Howdy would anyone like to meet up in London sometime we could discuss :robot: :robot: :robot: & other things
[B]what are the three robot laws?! [/B][/QUOTE]
Actually, four...
Of course, that's only hinted at, not stated outright.
[B]bladerunner was kickass, Spoiler: did you know deckard was a replicant? [/B][/QUOTE]
Well that was rather mean...
[B]Damn, but it's a good thing I'd already seen it.
Of course, that's only hinted at, not stated outright. [/B][/QUOTE]
If you've ever played the game, it has several different endings that speculate further about all Blade Runners.
BTW if you ever get the chance, pick up the Blade Runner PC game, pretty cool game at the time.