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In USA they are showing Norway:
Elite Ranger
in Zocalo v2.0
I believe there are still some under 18 members posting here, who's parents might get ticked off about that link.
as for the article..
:eek: :rolleyes: dern hippies...
In norway they showed it on the national newsprograms :) and the pictures is available on all the internet newspapers
granted the whole rooting on stage to save the rainforest is just a little over the top, thats no reason to censor a few boobies and a 'sex scene', even if it isn't simulated.
The whole 'sex is dirty' American thing always bemuses me... "by all means show people being cut into little pieces with a chainsaw, but by God don't you dare show some tits or arse, and I will garotte you myself if you even think about showing a wang standing at attention. "
When is the USA going to learn that rampant censorship and prohibition of every ilk, just doesnt fucking work...
I wonder if they would've gotten death sentence for alarming amount if indecent exposure?
What would happen to the swedish big brother in american market? Straight to video porn tapes? :D
[B]When is the USA going to learn that rampant censorship and prohibition of every ilk, just doesnt fucking work... [/B][/QUOTE]
Telling people to go away because they have a different opinion than yours doesn't quite work either.
#1: In america, it IS technically illigal to view pornography if your under the age of 18. That picture does indeed qualify, as softcore if nothing else.
second, it's not exactly work safe here in the states. And typically, bosses won't hear "It's a news site!"
third: Yep, back to the parents. I can just picture someone clicking that link just as mom walks in, and thats whats on screen.
I relize thats not how a large portion of the world thinks, but in the states, and certainly some other countries, it is. Religion wasn't a factor in my original post, however much you may wish it were.
So there. :p
I said go join those two churches because they embody your rampant conservatism Ahash. Liking Bush is bad enough. The no sex before marriage thing... then the puritanicals kick in... :)
What next ?
Witch trials ? :D
I also have no problems with a 'NOT WORK/KIDDIE SAFE warning.
I do have a problem however, with the promotion of a sanitised version for whatever reason, parental or general 'societal' mores. Everyone deserves to make up thier own freakin minds.
[B]So why are you complaining about A2597 making up his mind his way? [/B][/QUOTE]
*PJH guides Big L's back to A#'s first post in this thread.*
...Which is not an issue, since apparently the topic is about a fantastic leap of logic which says that offering an option to not see people making hot monkey love = being a prude who would burn you at the stake for even thinking about the concept of getting your tip wet.
[B]I think he's mad because I recomended a work safe link.... [/B][/QUOTE]
No, he's mad because of the way you posted your intial post. If you just posted "and here's a link for those underage or at work" he probably wouldn't have made a big deal over it.
[B]heh, looks like I hit a nerve with SB. [/B][/QUOTE]
When does one NOT hit a nerve with SB?
I'll likely being getting the finger for this little comment too! LOL
[B]I reccomended that link, specifically stating that there are still kids here that are underage, whos parents would probably not like that link. I don't see what the problem is...
*sigh* [/B][/QUOTE]
Yes, and you came off sounding like an asshole fundie. I know you didn't mean to, but thats what it looked like.
Its not like you saw anything anyways. Oh no, you got to see the top of her boobs and a glimpse of her nipples while they were hanging down, and her getting it doggy style in public. Big deal.
I work at home, and have a fair number of family who wander past my screen pretty often, and that's not the sort of thing I want popping out when my mom is checking the mail.
[B]Yes, and you came off sounding like an asshole fundie. I know you didn't mean to, but thats what it looked like.[/B][/QUOTE]
What A# posted in his first post is sounding like a fundamentalist? It sounded rather tame to me. A fundamentalist would be screaming and ranting about how God was going to strike us all down for being on the same planet as people who do that sort of thing unless we burnt them at the stake as witches right now.
I see nothing wrong with A#'s post.
But funny tho.....
[URL=]Clickly(Must be 18 or over!!)[/URL]
[quote] Hey Ahash, go join the Mormon or Amish church and leave us liberal folk in peace.
granted the whole rooting on stage to save the rainforest is just a little over the top, thats no reason to censor a few boobies and a 'sex scene', even if it isn't simulated.
The whole 'sex is dirty' American thing always bemuses me... "by all means show people being cut into little pieces with a chainsaw, but by God don't you dare show some tits or arse, and I will garotte you myself if you even think about showing a wang standing at attention. "
When is the USA going to learn that rampant censorship and prohibition of every ilk, just doesnt fucking work...[/quote]
I agree with you I dont realy see what is so wrong with Nudiy and sex. Better seeing people shot to death. Anyway my mom would get a kick out of this.
[B]I'm going to have to side with A2597 - I hate it when people post links without any warning of content. If you're going to post links to nsfw stuff, it's only polite to tell people. [/B][/QUOTE]
I DID TELL WHAT THE CONTENT WAS. did you miss the "in america they show boobies" part?
maybe not 100% clearly, but the title gives some idea.
oh, and if you press the link ,you don't see much offensive on the top of the page (depends on resolution though).....Maybe the text is offensive enough for americans? I dunno....
The way I read it, it was that somewhere in the US someone was showing "boobies." Not exactly clear, but I can see the intent now that it's explained.
[B]I DID TELL WHAT THE CONTENT WAS. did you miss the "in america they show boobies" part?
maybe not 100% clearly, but the title gives some idea.
oh, and if you press the link ,you don't see much offensive on the top of the page (depends on resolution though).....Maybe the text is offensive enough for americans? I dunno.... [/B][/QUOTE]
Well, I never really expected to find pics in that link.
No harm was intended, no insult was insinuated, and we all got way off topic. :)
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Do it if you havent.