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in Zocalo v2.0
I had a novel thought.
I'm going to donate to Firstones for some market research collected by you guys, similar to the kind of stuff I did trying to get ITF resurrected.
I'm working on a water cooling project and I need some rough data to prove market for my product in general.
I'd like some honest answers to the follwing questions and comments on the bottom if you wish.
I'll pay 50c for every legitimate completed survey to Firstones. This is open to any netizen
cheers in anticipation of a good results and sample size :)
demographic background
age :
sex :
occupation :
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy :
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? Y/N
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? Y/N
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? Y/N
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? Y/N
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X =
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
I'm going to donate to Firstones for some market research collected by you guys, similar to the kind of stuff I did trying to get ITF resurrected.
I'm working on a water cooling project and I need some rough data to prove market for my product in general.
I'd like some honest answers to the follwing questions and comments on the bottom if you wish.
I'll pay 50c for every legitimate completed survey to Firstones. This is open to any netizen
cheers in anticipation of a good results and sample size :)
demographic background
age :
sex :
occupation :
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy :
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? Y/N
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? Y/N
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? Y/N
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? Y/N
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X =
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
Sorry if I confused you guys, my original post is only obvious to me..:)
Math ruined my chances of majoring in Marketing. I hate math.
demographic background
age : 21
sex : Male
occupation : Newspaper Editor
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : 6
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? N
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? N
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? N
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? N
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = $50 or whatever a fan costs
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) Y
[b]demographic background
age :[/b] 23
[b]sex :[/b] M
[b]occupation :[/b] Freelance Bum (with a degree in computer science)
[b]If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy :[/b] 8 (on that scale, given the extreme nature of 10)
[b]Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ?[/b]
N -- kinda. I have all of the components, but managed to lose the cap to the reservoir and haven't yet ordered a replacement. The project has been on hold for the better part of a year now. Which reminds me, I need to get back to that.
[b]2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ?[/b]
[b]3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ?[/b]
See above; if you count a replacement reservoir (naturally, the cap can't be ordered seperately), then yes.
[b]4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ?[/b]
N; water mixed with electronics won't be popular until the perception of the possibility of catastrophic failure changes significantly; I don't think that's going to happen until you can pick up a water-cooled system, lay it on its side in the back of your car, drive two hundred miles, and set it up in your dorm all without taking it apart.
[b]5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ?[/b]
X = see above; I've already sprung for it, and I paid too much. A reasonable price point would probably be in the $80-$120 range for a system you don't have to spend much thought on putting together. Until then, price is going to be a major impediment for most people.
[b]6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )[/b]
Absolutely. Major OEMs have to cater to as many customer types as possible, and watercooling's definitely a part of that.
age : 20
sex : Male
occupation : "Between jobs", Student starting August
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : 5
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ?
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ?
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ?
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ?
Nope. With the upcoming BTXformat and it's promised coolingsolutions (if BTX becomes the new standard) I believe that watercooling would still be an enthusiasts choice.
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ?
X = $110-140 (The price of a "normal" part of a computer, say Mobo, CPU, 512stick of RAM)
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
Yup, but I don't think there will be a lot of systems to choose from, the normal setups would still be in majority.
demographic background[/b]
[b]age :[/b] 30
[b]sex :[/b] Male
[b]occupation :[/b] King of Aardvarkia :p
[b]If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy :[/b] Tough question, but I'd say about 7-8 currently.
[b]Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ?[/b] Y
[b]2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ?[/b] N
[b]3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ?[/b] N
[b]4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ?[/b] N
[b]5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = [/b]
See above.
[b]6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) [/B]
sex : M
occupation : Web Designer, odd job, go 'fer, freelance tech support
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : 7
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? Y/N
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? Y/N
online? Yes. in person? No
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? Y/N
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? Y/N
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = 100
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
demographic background
age : 20
sex : Dude
occupation : University Student - Between Jobs
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : 7
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? N
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? N
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? Depends (I'm waiting to see what the BTX form factor can offer)
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? N
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = $50-100
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) Y
Since I really dont have any money, and this is probably the only chance Ill get at donating to, Ill be happy to do it :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]
[B]I had a novel thought.
demographic background
age : 24
sex : Male
occupation : Unemployed (Starting my smithy-education on August 30th :D Weee! :D)
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : 6
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ?
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ?
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ?
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ?
Yes (at least liquid coolant)
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X =
Uncertain. The money is of course the chief reason, meaning I dont have [b]any[/b], but I would hazard a guess for the future being $70
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by shadow boxer [/i]
[B]I had a novel thought.
I'm going to donate to Firstones for some market research collected by you guys, similar to the kind of stuff I did trying to get ITF resurrected.
I'm working on a water cooling project and I need some rough data to prove market for my product in general.
I'd like some honest answers to the follwing questions and comments on the bottom if you wish.
I'll pay 50c for every legitimate completed survey to Firstones. This is open to any netizen
cheers in anticipation of a good results and sample size :)
demographic background
age :20
sex :male
occupation :unemployed
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy :7
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? No
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? No
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? No
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? No
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = 100
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? Yes ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) [/B][/QUOTE]
demographic background
age : [b]16[/b]
sex : [b]Male[/b]
occupation : [b]Student[/b]
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : [b]5Ñ I can fix it if it breaks and run the thing like nobody's business, but I don't know much about the underlying concepts[/b]
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ?
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? Y/N
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? Y/N
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? Y/N
[b]Provisionally. While currently a wall has been hit that means that more speed cannot be achieved without welding more heat-producing crap on, it is possible that it an advance could happen which could result in components which take less power, emit less heat and produce more speed rendering liquid cooling moot in most cases. However, if such an advance does not happen, liquid cooling will indeed become more common.*[/b]
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X =
[b]Price is not the reason I do not have a water-cooling system.[/b]
6) Do you believe that at least some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
[b]"Some"? Absofragginloutly. Well, not necessarily water, but definitely some sort of liquid cooling system.[/b]
*Not to excessively bloat my already bloated answer, but part of the reason I included that caveat is historical precedent. I'm reminded of Popular Mechanics' statement many years ago that, "In the future, computers may way as little as one as a half ton." Of course, practically before the ink was try on that issue, the transistor was invented, and the question was rendered moot. So, if I didn't fear/anticipate an advance of that type, I would've given a unwavering yes to the question.
demographic background
age : 22
sex : M
occupation : Student
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : [b]9[/b]
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? [b]N[/b]
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? [b]N[/b]
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? [b]N[/b]
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? [b]N - There is a lot of work being done in research fields into other ways to cool computers, I think these will probably satisfy the majority of users for a while yet. The BTX form factor will also help considerably in the near future, I think. Water cooling will probably grow but it will still be a minority.[/b]
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = [b]At a guess, since I don't actually know how much they cost now, $NZ100.[/b]
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. )
[b]Yes, but not in their mainstream computers.[/b]
age : [b]17[/b] (In 5 days, damnit!)
sex : [b]Male[/b]
occupation : [b]I sit on a water slide and say "go" to little kids.[/b]
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
I'm going to say... 5. Like David said, I know how to do plenty of stuff with a PC, but I don't really understand the underlying concepts. I'm a gaming geek. :p
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system?
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer?
[b] Aye.[/b]
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months?
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years?
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X =
[b]Price is not the primary reason, but a watercooling system under $75 would certainly entice me. :)[/b]
6) Do you believe that at least some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist.)
[b] Aye aye![/b][/QUOTE]
[b]demographic background
age : [/b] 24
[b]sex :[/b] m
[b]occupation :[/b] programmer
[b]If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy :[/b] 7
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? [/b]
[b]2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? [/b]
[b]3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? [/b]
[b]4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? [/b]
[b]5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? [/b]
X = 70$
[b]6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) [/B]
sex : M
occupation : software engineer
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : 8
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? N
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? N
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? N
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? N
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = 30
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) Y
sex : M
occupation : Student
If you had to rate your computer literacy on a scale of one to ten, what would that value be ? 'One' being "I can open, alter and save a text file.
'Ten' being, "There isnt a database on this planet that I can't gain access to".
literacy : [b]7[/b]
Specific questions :
1) Do you currently own a computer with a water cooling system ? [b]Nope[/b]
2) Do you know someone, other than yourself, personally, who owns a water cooling system for thier computer ? No
3) Do you intend to purchase a water cooling system or a new system with a water cooling system in the next 12 months ? [b]No[/b]
4) Do you believe computers with water cooling systems will be in the majority, across the majority of computer types (desktop/midi/tower cases etc), in the next five years ? [b]No[/b]
5) If the price of a water cooling system is the chief reason why you do not have a water cooling system on your computer, at what price point would you reconsider purchasing one ?
ie " "If I could get a water cooling system for under X dollars." The value of 'X' would be ? X = [b]50 Cdn[/b]
6) Do you believe that atleast some of the major OEM Dell/Compaq type fully assembled computers will include a water cooling system within the next five years ? ( Remember that fully sealed water systems already exist. ) [b]Yes[/b]