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stuff you have to know

in Zocalo v2.0
Yahoo mail now has a 100mb mailbox, yay !
(prolly an anti Gmail migration tactic)
Alien Vs Predator the movie is finally being released, after 10 years of fucking around the respective companies have sorted out the freakin' money and are playing ball together... and all this after the comic has been around for a decade...
(and no linky for you... if you cant Google it, you're not fit to be a Firstone.. :) )
(prolly an anti Gmail migration tactic)
Alien Vs Predator the movie is finally being released, after 10 years of fucking around the respective companies have sorted out the freakin' money and are playing ball together... and all this after the comic has been around for a decade...
(and no linky for you... if you cant Google it, you're not fit to be a Firstone.. :) )
And I downloaded trailers and couple other videos over month ago.
[URL=]here[/URL] ;)
[url=]Also, this gives the baby jesus chronic heartburn.[/url]
Thank you, Google & Gmail! =)
...this constant 'O I heard that 4 million years ago' crap is wearing a little thin. If you know about it, good for ferkin you ! Shut your neck and keep your smug smirks to yourself.
As far as Aliens VS Predator goes, I've known about this potential synergy for a long time, the respective studios couldn't come to an agreement for ages, I think it's a case of both 'franchises' getting a bit tired, so they've done a nice cross brand promotion to liven up both of them. The comics were excellent, I hope the movie follows in a similar vein.
[B]Shut your neck and keep your smug smirks to yourself.[/B][/QUOTE]
My neck is shut quite nicely already. I would think that if it were not shut, I would have a serious problem.
When you start a topic like "Stuff you have to know..." what do you expect?
I knew all this $#!+ already man...
There's a reason Australia is called "Down-Under'. It's because you guys are the last to hear about stuff in the USA...
"You are currently exceeding your Yahoo! Mail storage quota by a very large amount. You are only allowed -2048.0MB of storage but you are currently using 0.4MB of storage. Your account has been temporarily disabled from receiving new messages."
One reader wrote: "I received an email this morning stating that my Yahoo! mailbox was over the limit. In fact, I was using 0mb of my -2048mb of storage (as stated, I'm not making it up). Apparently, I need to retroactively delete a whole lot of mail to get under the limit. Perhaps they are planning to store someone else's email on my hard drive. Looks like they may be having a few kinks in the rollout. I am a Mail Plus user and pay for the service as part of my DSL bundle.
Is this an alarming new model for email - "We give you email, you give us storage space"?
Others were less lucky - several readers complained they were unable to get into their email accounts at all.
Finally, one reader provides an answer to anyone with email troubles. He recommends a service which offers free unlimited storage space and no adverts or mail readers. So any readers with decent Russian should get over to [url][/url][/QUOTE]
[URL=]source: the register[/URL]