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How to make swimming pool fast.

in Zocalo v2.0
Does anyone have steel-umbrella? :D
As far as the 'steel umbrella' goes, if you mean against debris... cool... if you mean protection from the actual munition... make that a 3 yard thick hardened steel umbrella.... then you MIGHT survive...:)
[B]Jdam is a bunker buster, its not designed to paste surface targets, it's designed to drill a freakin' hole and blow up deep underground.[/B][/QUOTE]
Wrong, there's versions of it with older MK-serie GP-warhead and newer BLU-serie hardened penetrator.
[B]Again, it's not as accurate as a LGB, but it's good enough to take out most structures (especially in bad weather or areas with lots of AAA or SAMs, where using LGBs would be pointless or very dangerous). [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, with LGBs you have to lase object for entire flight of bomb which means you're sitting duck. (flying in straight line)
With JDAMs there are lot more options.
For fixed targets like buildings, coordinates can even be stored to aircrafts targeting computer before flight and then you just select target from list (PB-mode) and computer tells those coordinates to bomb and starts calculating are you close enough (or have you enough speed) so that target is in range of weapon. (you can increase range by "lofting" bomb)
And when targeting computer says "In range" you can release the bomb and start escaping from area.
and... Paveway four has a backup GPS and 'loss of laser' backup targeting, it can 'remember' where its supposed to go...
it wont be long before the munition will be able to work out which guidance system to use to stay on track... then ask for a name and address when it gets there... :)
[B]it wont be long before the munition will be able to work out which guidance system to use to stay on track... then ask for a name and address when it gets there... :) [/B][/QUOTE]
Bomb asking: "What/Who do you want to bomb today?"
it wont be long before the munition will be able to work out which guidance system to use to stay on track... then ask for a name and address when it gets there... :) [/B][/QUOTE]
Consider the [url=]JASSM[/url]
The missile has automatic target recognition, autonomous guidance, precision accuracy, and a J-1000 warhead optimized for penetration and carrying a new high-yield explosive.
...and now with a variable warhead!
LOCAAS has a multimode warhead and a maneuvering airframe to produce a high performance submunition . The warhead can be detonated as a long rod penetrator, an aerostable slug, or as fragments based on the hardness of the target.
Couple clips about JASSM