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Life is life.

in Zocalo v2.0
Well, yesterday my gf of a little over a year dumped me. This was the first serious relationship Ive had, and I never realised it could hurt this much. Life that is.
Yesterday I was crushed. I really loved Veronica like no other. She utterly and completely completed me. I dont find most girls interesting, it took 2 years since my last relationship to find someone I could start to love. It just hurts, and the worst thing is that I can feel myself hardening up inside.
'All love is unrequited' - Lennier
Yesterday I was crushed. I really loved Veronica like no other. She utterly and completely completed me. I dont find most girls interesting, it took 2 years since my last relationship to find someone I could start to love. It just hurts, and the worst thing is that I can feel myself hardening up inside.
'All love is unrequited' - Lennier
just to let you know...
my cousin was dumped by the girl he really loved, he was looking at rings, I know that much.
it took him awhile, but he is now happily married.
there is light at the end of any tunnel, sometimes you just have to search a little harder to find it.
Trust no one. ;)
give it time. as they say in the guinness adverts 'good things come to he who waits'
beer is always a good companion tho!:D
Weve been looking at rings too. Didnt think we had enough money though, so we decided to wait for it...
And always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the right side of life...
(Come on guys, cheer up!)
Always look on the bright side of life...
Always look on the bright side of life...
(Worse things happen at sea, you know.)
Always look on the bright side of life...
(I mean - what have you got to lose?)
(You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!)
Always look on the right side of life...
Losing a soulmate... the pain is immense. What I suggest you to do is grieve. A lot. Take all the time you need, do what you have to do but grieve it all out. Do what you can to save what you once had and when you can't do anything, just grieve. And leave her, don't torment yourself by staying as a friend to her even if she would want it. It makes the pain much, much more tearing. You won't believe it, you don't want to believe it and you know you won't. But with time, you get back up again. You just don't believe it at this point but... trust me... even if you'd hate everyone for saying that you can get someone else than the one you love but... still. Life's a bitch, and then you die.
And Refa... sorry mate, but that just still isn't the way. Sounds to me that you're still living in the delusion that you're something else than the rest of us. I know because I've been there too. Wake up and smell the roses buddy, it's not you anymore.
Here's to all who've been here before.
[URL=] DragonHeart (inverse lineart)[/URL]
[i]A Knight of old befriends the Beast
newborn beauty, soon deceased
For the Devil's Son joins the feast
a world of Pain, again, released
A mind of madness, Heart for Pain
yielding not, not seeking gain
Not understanding nor asking why
the Beast's own Soul, within him lie.
His only purpose, only gain
to wash away the Beast's own Pain
To see through, past the mortal shell
to show the Path, away from Hell.
The Beast in turmoil, undecided
judging whom its Heart abided
Choosing between Heart and Soul
peace of mind, the only goal
The mind was set, the Path was clear
for right or wrong, we can't yet hear
The final blow by the one like his brother
one was chosen, over the other
The door now closed, his world in darkness
he once again puts on his harness
To cage the Heart that once felt free
to soothe his Pain, he now must leave
Beating in his hollow chest,
this prank of God, the Devil's jest
A Heart that so does long to give
...if only someone let it live
An empty man, the Beast in him
the remnant still burns bright within
Chose not to become one with his foe
for the final time, he let go
Again looks down, his hands are bound
the Light is gone, a hollow sound
Set free the One he loved the most
to this, indeed, the Devil toasts
Of the seldom few true loves I've lost
this one carried the highest cost
I grieved not for my Heart's own end
...but said farewell to a dear, true Friend
...Silence... remains
The mirror gone, the Beast May see
what made this spawn of man to feel
A new dawn yet may shine on him
but the remnant, always, burns within
And she really was a soulmate. Shes my best friend too, and even though Ive actually been trying to keep a seperate life, she is a part of me, and I am a part of her, which is why I keep crying when I say something she could have said, when I see something she would have liked, or just doing nothing, because every breath I took, and still take, she was with me in some state...
And I miss the comfort. I miss the comfort of knowing any time, any day, I could call her up about anything, I could tell her what I felt, and she would understand. I just miss her so much. Agh!
My dad was engaged to a woman and being a jewlers apprentance he actually made the wedding rings. She left him for another guy. He took the rings, melted them down, and made something and sold them.
As much as it hurt him, in the end it was a good thing. He got together with my mom and had me. (Or its a very very bad thing.... hehe)
No the universe isn't fair. But its better that way. We can hold on to the hope that we are actualy good people.
persistence is the only form of omnipotence...
grieve for a while... then burn it and scatter the ashes
and from those ashes rises the phoenix...