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Unit 00

in Zocalo v2.0
After 3 and a half weeks of work, 52 sheets of cardboard and an entire bottle of glue, I present my latest cardboard model: [url=]Evangelion Unit 00[/url].
This is quite a beast of a model. 69cm high, and surprisingly heavy (the "real" Eva is as big as a large skyscraper). Here's a view of the [url=]back[/url] and the [url=]side[/url]. For those who haven't fucked up their minds by watching Eva, the big grey thing in its back is a plug because these things run off an external power supply.
What do you do when you need a shield for such a large robot at very short notice? Easy! Simply take one heat shield from a space ship, add a [url=]handle[/url], and [url=]give to the Eva[/url].
At the end of the day, when you're done fighting angels, your Eva will [url=]pack away into two boxes[/url] for easy storage!
This is quite a beast of a model. 69cm high, and surprisingly heavy (the "real" Eva is as big as a large skyscraper). Here's a view of the [url=]back[/url] and the [url=]side[/url]. For those who haven't fucked up their minds by watching Eva, the big grey thing in its back is a plug because these things run off an external power supply.
What do you do when you need a shield for such a large robot at very short notice? Easy! Simply take one heat shield from a space ship, add a [url=]handle[/url], and [url=]give to the Eva[/url].
At the end of the day, when you're done fighting angels, your Eva will [url=]pack away into two boxes[/url] for easy storage!
Very cool
No idea what I'd do with it, but I want one
It even has a gas nozzel out the back for convenient car fueling :D *ducks behind some heat protective shielding*
schnazzy! and big!!
I draw these things, I don't have way of acutally making models out of 'em. :) I think I might have to try sculpting some day, though. :)
[i]EDIT:[/i]Nevermind. I found it.
[B]Where'd you get it, Biggles?
[i]EDIT:[/i]Nevermind. I found it.
[url][/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
I was really, really, really, really impressed with the model until I found out you didn't create the patttern.
Now I'm just really, really, really impressed. ;)
140gram cardboard? The thin, slatelike stuff? Not as in packing material? I use the same sheets of 90gram weight myself. Although I draw on 'em. :p Still have to colour my next work though the lineart's there. Thanks for reminding me. x)
Holy SHIT! *looks again at pictures, weeps brokenly*
[B]I just wanna know where you got the Taiidan Heavy Cruiser from. [/B][/QUOTE]
same here... that's more in my skill-range... IF that's a paper model.
I recommend you start with the research station. Enjoy. :)