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Teenager strives to prove Darwin's Theory of Evolution...
Official Fuzzy Dice of
in Zocalo v2.0
[url=]By being a complete and utter moron....[/url]
$5 says it was a diluted form of hydrochloric acid...
$5 says it was a diluted form of hydrochloric acid...
Idiot....utter and complete idiot!
[B]He obviously failed to prove it, if he survived. :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
Pity that stuff wasn't a bit stronger....
Still, he might qualify for nominee status if it made his balls drop off. :D
[B]Still, he might qualify for nominee status if it made his balls drop off. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
Only for Honorable Mention. :D
reminds me of the things we used to cook in chemistry when we were hungry :rolleyes: (making pizza in the oven reserved for drying chemicals, cooking soups in pots that might have seen other use before, starting a bbq by using chemicals to get the fire going.. hell, we should be in hospital! :D )
5 litres of teargas.. check (sadly that was before my time)
a spilled cup of butyric acid.. check
flooding the whole school with fog similar to fog used in theatre.. check
shooting a small plastic plug through a thick window leaving just a tiny hole in it.. check
managing to leave the school without power countless times.. check
i liked chemistry :D
[B]We used to make sculptures out of the test tube holders by putting them in the bunsen burners untill they were glowing and flexible. :) Actually, we once set the desk on fire with one. [/B][/QUOTE]
we just used to take the rolls of magnesium, run them the length of the parking lot and set them on fire...
you can do the same with a large candle and a lighter as well. :D
once the center is burned down quite a but (2 inches or so) just hold the gas down on the lighter, then make the spark.
FOOSH. :D (OK, so that makes like a 3 inch fireball, still cool.)
[url=]Boy Scout Axe Safety[/url]
[url=]And the Gas Tank Is Where?[/url]
Nice place to weld?
[url=]Boy Scout Axe Safety[/url][/QUOTE]
Well this reminds me of last summer. I was working at a oil refinery, when the local fire chief came to teach us fire safety etc. He quite clearly instructed that everyone has to keep their helmet closed when they aproach the flames, but when the chief demonstrated this, he of course didn't have his helmet closed, so the flames went over him. Luckily the ambulance didn't took too long time to come and pick him up.
this kid is an idiot
[B]lets see..
a spilled cup of butyric acid.. check
shooting a small plastic plug through a thick window leaving just a tiny hole in it.. check
i liked chemistry :D [/B][/QUOTE]
make those two double checked, except we spilled a cup of 5 molar hydrofluric acid.. The poor floor was never the same. and aside from hitting the window at one point we also managed to shoot a plastic plug and have it hit somebody in the head, luckily that was one of the really rubbery ones..
Drop the bottom out of a pippet and send HCL all over the place, yeah check on that
set girls sweater on fire, check.
trigger the emergency shower and flood classroom : check
take a roll of magnezium light it and throw it in a full sink: check
accidently fling a test tube with 2 molar HCL and a bit of some metal 20 feet down the lab table and have it land right side up, leaning against a book, and not spill a drop: check (that was me :D )
during the electrolisis expermient have the pop from igniting the oxygen turn into a bang and shatter the test tube: check
start random fires at lab stations, and other places:check
during alchol lab "accidently" break the small vat for letting the yeast grow up and end up with one big enough to process 5 gallons of mash at a time: check
procede to take the the product of the mash and put it through the distiller about 5 times till were fairly sure were sitting on something above 120 proof: check :D
get busted for trying to make ammonium triiodide: check
go psycho with the schools supply of potassium: check (ITS PURPLE FLAME!!! HOW COOL IS THAT!?!)
almost die of heartattack when instructor almosts dumps 4 pounds of sodium into the water all at once? (my friends in the class all chose to hide behind me, I felt so loved)
make some of the foulest smelling esters ever concieved by man: ungh, check
get caught trying to crack open the cesium sample from the radiology lab so i could chuck it in water: check
lastly, create enough of choloriene gas to cause a evacuation of lab areas: check
now that is scattered amongst 2 years of high school chem and a year of college chem, so not all in one class, but you get the point :D
I was never let anywhere near certain items, such as fuming sulpheric or nitric acids for some reason, and eventually things like potassium
create "schnaps" from lemons, 94% alcohol.. :D
(One guy I knew actually did that in high school back in the 60's; needless to say, he failed chemistry for that semester.:D )
[B]we just used to take the rolls of magnesium, run them the length of the parking lot and set them on fire... [/B][/QUOTE]
You know the Russians tried to make tanks out of magnesium? They wanted the lightest metal, and ended up with the most stupid answer.
[B]So no one here has tried to make nitroglycerin? :D Damn, I'm disappointed... ;)
(One guy I knew actually did that in high school back in the 60's; needless to say, he failed chemistry for that semester.:D ) [/B][/QUOTE]
Failed? I'd say he knew his chem to make nitroglycerin in a high school lab.:rolleyes:
we were once faced with the task of trying to open a bottle of initiating explosive (i think it even was HMTD (C6H12N2O6) or something that's as nasty) which refused to open no matter what you did.. throwing it on the ground would have been the fastest method but.. oh well :D
[B]throwing it on the ground would have been the fastest method but.. oh well :D [/B][/QUOTE]
"Shake before use.":D
BTW, name is as easy as hexamethylenetriperoxidediamine
Burning velocity isn't so great, only 4511 m/s
Nice, bacters "eat" explosive:
[B]Failed? I'd say he knew his chem to make nitroglycerin in a high school lab.:rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
Perhaps I should've said he failed chemistry [U]because[/U] he made the nitroglycerin.:D The school staff wound up evacuating everyone from that half of the high school while the local bomb squad removed the nitro from the lab. (Atwater PD didn't have a bomb disposal unit in those days, so the EOD unit from Castle AFB did the honors.) Needless to say, this was [U]not[/U] a small amount of material.:) (I went to the same high school twenty years later, so I know just how the school would've felt about such a stunt.:) )