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LMAO! A Big "oops" on Kerry's part!

in Zocalo v2.0
Now this is a riot. :D
yesterday a bill to extend unemployment benifits failed to pass the senate by one vote.
the unemployment benifits were attached to another bill, and was voted 59/40, since the bill needed 60 votes to pass, it well...didn't.
The missing vote? John Kerry, who was campaigning elsewhere.
said a Kerry spokesman, Kerry has long fought to increase unemployment benifits. And the reason it didn't pass is because of the Bush adminadstration and the republican senetors.
....wait, it didn't pass because of the 40 republicans, when the ONE NEEDED VOTE, was out campaigning. Yea...right. :D
I have a hunch Kerry is going to get a good talking to from the senate's Majority Whip. :D
yesterday a bill to extend unemployment benifits failed to pass the senate by one vote.
the unemployment benifits were attached to another bill, and was voted 59/40, since the bill needed 60 votes to pass, it well...didn't.
The missing vote? John Kerry, who was campaigning elsewhere.
said a Kerry spokesman, Kerry has long fought to increase unemployment benifits. And the reason it didn't pass is because of the Bush adminadstration and the republican senetors.
....wait, it didn't pass because of the 40 republicans, when the ONE NEEDED VOTE, was out campaigning. Yea...right. :D
I have a hunch Kerry is going to get a good talking to from the senate's Majority Whip. :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]Now this is a riot. :D
yesterday a bill to extend unemployment benifits failed to pass the senate by one vote.
the unemployment benifits were attached to another bill, and was voted 59/40, since the bill needed 60 votes to pass, it well...didn't.
The missing vote? John Kerry, who was campaigning elsewhere.
said a Kerry spokesman, Kerry has long fought to increase unemployment benifits. And the reason it didn't pass is because of the Bush adminadstration and the republican senetors.
....wait, it didn't pass because of the 40 republicans, when the ONE NEEDED VOTE, was out campaigning. Yea...right. :D
I have a hunch Kerry is going to get a good talking to from the senate's Majority Whip. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
You might want to add that these were "federal unemployment benefits", not benefits for anybody anywhere. It's only for government employees.
Leaving out that little bit of info makes it sound as if you left it out to make Kerry seem like he ruined things for the entire country.
[B]Likely got that news tidbit from Faux News, which is well known for leaving out those bits of truth..... [/B][/QUOTE]
If he'd been there, he'd have voted for it. Then it would be YOU leaving out that piece of information when listing all Kerry's laudable attributes.
"Kerry has the best interests of the American people in mind! He voted to extend unemployment benefits, with his vote being the one vote that kept 40 eeeeeeeeeeevil Republicans from denying you the help you need!"
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]said a Kerry spokesman, Kerry has long fought to increase unemployment benifits. And the reason it didn't pass is because of the Bush adminadstration and the republican senetors.
....wait, it didn't pass because of the 40 republicans, when the ONE NEEDED VOTE, was out campaigning. Yea...right. :D[/B][/QUOTE]
Well, since, if any one of those 40 Republicans had voted yes, it would be a nonissue, I think its fair to say its their fault. My guess is Kerry didn't think it would be such a close vote that he would be missed. Or, perhaps he's the living incarnation of Saten, and intends to become president solely to institute a state of anarchy, immorality, and lawlessness, and this missed vote is a slipup that shows his true nature as the Dark One.
either way. :D For a topic if great interest to him. I still find it funny.
Oh, and BTW, Fox news itself IS accurate, some of the shows (Hannity and Colmes, Bill O'Rielly, etc, have a large chunk of personal opinion thrown in. But of course, that would discredit YOUR argument. :D )
Oh... one of [i]these[/i] threads.
< steps out>
[B]< steps in>
Oh... one of [i]these[/i] threads.
< steps out> [/B][/QUOTE]
If you don't want to participate in the thread, don't post. There's really no point in coming in, making a snide comment, and then leaving.
everyone is shaping the news according to their own set of thoughts about the matter.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
[B]Or, perhaps he's the living incarnation of Saten, and intends to become president solely to institute a state of anarchy, immorality, and lawlessness, and this missed vote is a slipup that shows his true nature as the Dark One. [/B][/QUOTE]
i thought we discussed this already, that bush.
[B]If you don't want to participate in the thread, don't post. There's really no point in coming in, making a snide comment, and then leaving. [/B][/QUOTE]
Point well taken; my apologies.
or Im going to go buy some sobe zen tea.. one of the two.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by samuelk [/i]
[B]If you don't want to participate in the thread, don't post. There's really no point in coming in, making a snide comment, and then leaving. [/B][/QUOTE]
Wow, someone's in a bad mood. :)
[B]Oh, sorry Anla Shock, I got the article second hand from my mom from our newspaper. [/B][/QUOTE]
And that makes you even more credible? ;)