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new HL2 screenshots. (Official ones)

in Zocalo v2.0
about time eh? If your wanting to avoid possible spoilers for the game, don't view #6, as it shows something that some might consider a spoiler.
so, enjoy. :) [url][/url]
so, enjoy. :) [url][/url]
they are not from any of the relased get a look at the next E3 movie or something?
also, farcry has a bit of a cartoony look, where HL2 went for the more gritty real world feel.
but hey, it's graphics matter THAT much? :D
[B]but hey, it's graphics matter THAT much? :D [/B][/QUOTE]
THAT remains to be seen...
40+ Hours of gaming bliss... :D
[B]but hey, it's graphics matter THAT much? :D [/B][/QUOTE]
If it's like HL? No. But it still remains to be seen if it will be like HL or not.
[B]well, from what I saw in the 1024x res videos, it's gunna rock. :D
40+ Hours of gaming bliss... :D [/B][/QUOTE]
let's see:
-> they have already cut content in order not to delay it further
-> they have admitted that the oh-so-highly-advanced-none-scripted game relies on scripts
-> they have denied the delay of the game until 3 days before the game was supposed to hit the shelves (9/30/03), calling everyone that knew that they couldn't make that date a liar
besides, it feels like halo all over again.. back when it was announced it seemed cool and real great but now... :rolleyes:
-> they have already cut content in order not to delay it further
[b]Show me WHERE they said that?[/b]
-> they have admitted that the oh-so-highly-advanced-none-scripted game relies on scripts
[b]They said that ALL games require scripts, and that the scripts are basically "Go here" or "Make certain that gets blown up"[/b]
-> they have denied the delay of the game until 3 days before the game was supposed to hit the shelves (9/30/03), calling everyone that knew that they couldn't make that date a liar
[b]That much, is true.[/b]
now, as to what ANY of that has to do from what I saw in the videos, I have no clue. The videos showed what the gameplay would be like, and going from those, it's going to freaking OWN.
[B]Comparing it to Halo is pretty accurate, actually. Back in September, I was pretty excited about HL2. Now, I'm not really. [/B][/QUOTE]
well, that would be because you have denyed yourself from viewing ANYTHING HL2 related since like, september/augest of last year....of course your not excited about it, you can't remember what there was to be excited about.
after the media withdrawl of the past 6 months, I to was not excited about HL2, but the new screenies have me hyped again. :D
I'ts bloody original, and even with games like Farcry out, nothing has managed to mold physics into the game so well at what we have seen from the movies...
the graphics are still well above farcrys, while watching even the shakycam vids, I was surprised how bad/cartoony it made farcry seem.
the enemies are quite original (Sans the one taken from starship troopers...)
the whole thing just gets placed together so's incredible.
there are times when I envy your ability to avoid all the info/vids Biggles, because you are in for SUCH a treat when you play.
but then I think about how much fear I'd have that the game would stink, and wind up lisning to people like wiseguy, that blatently overstate the truth. (Ala the scripted thing), and miss out on the good info that doesn't spoil the game.
and just a take on the whole no telling that it's delayed thing:
the planned date was Sept 30th, and there was ALOT of correspondence between Valve and the community up until about two weeks before that.
then silence, then the delay announcement, then the stolen code announcement.
now, the code being stolen would EASILY cause a fair amount of delay, at least a month to figure out what was taken, and what needed to be changed/fixed so that the final would be secure.
But hey, I'm certain ANY of the ITF devs will tell ya, just because a game is READY by a date, doesn't mean that you are happy with the end result, and wouldn't like to put a few more months in to really polish it up. So, I think that is what Valve has done, they had cause to delay the game with the stolen code, and as that ment that a new deadline had to be established with Vivendi, they just pushed it back another year so they could polish it up.
as to my "Blindly following" Valve, I trust Gabe Newell to tell us the truth. I've talked with him more then any other dev sans the ITF ones. He's always told the truth. I really believe that he thought they would have it out Sept 30th last year, but the leak forced it to be delayed. When HL1 was delayed, he told the community flat out. He didn't mince words, he TOLD them that it was delayed an indefinate amount of time.
[B]ummm? Where?
they are not from any of the relased get a look at the next E3 movie or something? [/B][/QUOTE]
Looking more closely, I realize the first two are also new. Everything else is from older movies, though.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rick [/i]
[B]As much as it burns my 4$$ to say it...I think FarCry "looks" far better.[/B][/QUOTE]
Gotta agree with A#, Far Cry looks pretty, but HL2 has a very gritty, realistic look to it.
I'm still very much excited about it. I'm not out in the streets spreading the news like I was when it first came out, but that doesn't mean I won't be pre-ordering my copy...
[B]there are times when I envy your ability to avoid all the info/vids Biggles, because you are in for SUCH a treat when you play.[/b][/quote]
Why do you think I'm being so bloody minded about avoiding it all? :)
[quote][b]but then I think about how much fear I'd have that the game would stink, and wind up lisning to people like wiseguy, that blatently overstate the truth. (Ala the scripted thing), and miss out on the good info that doesn't spoil the game.[/B][/QUOTE]
I don't believe everything anyone says, including the people developing the game. I plan on judging the game when it comes out and I play it.
[B]Looking more closely, I realize the first two are also new. Everything else is from older movies, though.
Gotta agree with A#, Far Cry looks pretty, but HL2 has a very gritty, realistic look to it.
I'm still very much excited about it. I'm not out in the streets spreading the news like I was when it first came out, but that doesn't mean I won't be pre-ordering my copy... [/B][/QUOTE]
ok, what movie have you seen?!?
because we never saw a movie with...(Spoiler for biggles)
the three combine standing around...
a combine shooting the water like that...
the combine in the warehouse.
the new helicoptor
the combine fighting the antlions in the jail (That angle anyway)
nor the railway tracks in any of the movies from last years E3/the high res binks released...I just watched them today to double check...
[B]et's see:
-> they have already cut content in order not to delay it further
[b]Show me WHERE they said that?[/b]
It was in a German gaming rag. I read it off a link on BluesNews.
if you feel like dragging me through the dirt some more keep going, i'm all here if you want to boost your ego. grow up a bit.
=That german mag made it up. Rumor and specilation.
I apologise for "Dragging you though the dirt" you're right that you are entitled to you're own opinion, but you did vastly overstate the truth, and helped to spread rumors that have no validity nor backing. That kinda stuff gets to me. Head over to and read up on what we DO know for fact.
and, just to ensure that I wasn't making an ass of myself, I asked over at, and dredged up some info.
the AI IS unscripted. most magazines that have previewed it were allowed to basically make their own little map/look at the map in the editors so see how it was setup, and play it. The AI would take cover, team up, flank, and use the physics engion to get to where it needed to go.
as for cut content, I guess you are correct only on that something, somewhere along the lines, was cut. But also think that Valve has a history of getting things done the way they want them, bearing no thought to time or money. To think they are going to cut something like half the levels or whatever to release it on time, a time which they pushed back anyway, and after like, 6 years of development time, is rediculous.
wow, way to go... :rolleyes:
[B]Well, since NWN I've learned not to trust the developers. I had to wait for the 2nd expansion before they got a campaign that was even close to to the epic story of BG. The only thing that was as they had said from the begining was the toolset. [/B][/QUOTE]
So you're saying BioWare should have warned everyone that NWN wasn't going to be that great?
[B]so now it's not just I thats an idiot, but every other HL2 fan on the planet?
wow, way to go... :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE]
awww read what i wrote and if you can find the spot where i said that be sure to tell me.
[B]So you're saying BioWare should have warned everyone that NWN wasn't going to be that great? [/B][/QUOTE] Nope, I'm saying that you should never trust the developers. :p I'm also saying that they shouldn't have compared NWN to BG as they sometimes did.
Sorry to dissapoint.
(Or that they were simply refering to how every game/movie has SOMETHING cut from it, that wasn't working, didn't fit in, etc).
actually wiseguy, I'm just going to ignore ya from this point on. I've lost a fair amount of respect for you on this thread, and I'm certain the feeling is now mutual. Come back when you can substantiate your claims, and stop dealing with second hand rumors.