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Season 4 DVD weirdness?

VladVlad Earthforce Officer
Been watching through my S4 DVDs, and got to Between the Darkness and the Light last night. There seemed to be a glitch in the episode at the beginning. After Franklin takes off Garabaldi's hood and talks to him for a few seconds, the scene flips back to Franklin walking over to take off Garabaldi's hood again, yet the audio is still playing Franklin's line to Garabaldi.

This has happened on two different disc 5s, neither of which were scratched (it didn't seem like a skip). I don't remember this error being in the episode, and it seems really weird that that kind of thing would slip through to the DVDs.


  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I don't recall problems with mine.
  • E.TE.T Quote-o-matic
    Re: Season 4 DVD weirdness?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vlad [/i]
    [B]and it seems really weird that that kind of thing would slip through to the DVDs. [/B][/QUOTE]
    After that case with season 3 piece-of-crap disc retainers that won't seem so weird.
  • VladVlad Earthforce Officer
    Re: Re: Season 4 DVD weirdness?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by E.T [/i]
    [B]After that case with season 3 piece-of-crap disc retainers that won't seem so weird. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Heh, I had a floating disc 4 in the S4 set, hence why I was able to check the two different disc 5s for the strangeness in the episode I mentioned. It just strikes me as weird that two different discs would have the same error on three different players (standalone DVD player, PS2, and laptop).
  • I think that is just the way the episode was edited, so the camera wasn't locked in one location for long they re-used the footage. I noticed it to, but i couldn't tell you weather or not the original edit was like that or not.

    If they chandeg it for the DVD release it wouldn't be the first time.

    In one of the fist season episodes with Molari and Morden in the garden they did a re-edit because on the original broadcast you could se the Exit sign for the studio. They had fogotten to fill in the background so they had to go back and fill it in for latter broadcasts and such.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Thats nothing! ;) Anyone have the boxset videos and find a whole 2 eps are missing??! Infact they gone and put 2 eps that I already had in the set!! I don't know what season this was now, without checking. Also in another season a vid was in like b/w all the way through!
    I have been wondering what to do about it, as I don't think I could get an exchange or anything. I got them yrs ago and watched most for the first time recently. Luckily the ones messed and missing I did have on vid from tv. But talk about a cock up. And it has spoiled the set.

    I do intend on getting all seasons on dvd eventually.
  • My Season 1, 2 and 5 Boxsets are flawless.

    Season 3's manual is screwed up. With episodes being listed out of order and on the wrong discs.

    But my Season 4, though nothing wrong with the discs, has come in a weird set where each disc has it's own personal little waffer-thin DVD case. These all slip inside a thinner than usual cardboard case which is also oversized compared 2 my other seasons.

    Is this the same with all Season 4s? Because if it isn't I'll rebuy it so it'll actually go with my other seasons.

    I guess they gotta start paying the people in the sweatshops over in Taiwan and China a little more so then we might get decent DVD sets!
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    eminariiorta: Nope, the season 4 set is supposed to be just like all the others. I think the place you bought it from wanted to protect against the discs getting scratched.

    As for the ep glitch, you're right, it's there, and it's an editing glitch. My guess is it was there in the original broadcast, too.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Yeah, those disc clamps aren't very good...

    My disc 4 of Season 4 is all scratched due to half the DVD's popping out during shipment...

    I'm hoping a polisher will be able to fix the surface enough to get it working ok again.

    My player locks up during the part where Edgar is testing Garabaldi before disclosing the Teep Virus and Antidote...

    I have to jump a chapter ahead or I'll have to reset the whole frelling thing...

  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    I not got all the dvd boxsets yet and you're making me nervous!! Where did you purchase yours where they were faulty? Plus one season I not opened!

    I've used Cd-wow which have been excellent and it usually only takes 5 days. A wk at most so far. Got no idea if they do Babylon though but I got Buffy from them, all were fine and they're cheaper there too. Plus I don't think you had to pay for shipping.
  • WORFWORF The Burninator has season 1 for £26 and season 2 for £30. You do have to pay for postage but they usually deliver the next day.

  • I got my Season 4 from
    I got ALL my seasons from and never have before gotten this aweful styled DVD set.

    I'm gonna set it on eBay and rebuy Season 4 from somewhere else I think.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MartianDust [/i]
    [B]I not got all the dvd boxsets yet and you're making me nervous!! Where did you purchase yours where they were faulty? Plus one season I not opened![/B][/QUOTE]

    Have a look at [url=]this thread[/url] if you want to see the gory details of the faulty european discs.
  • Re: Season 4 DVD weirdness?

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vlad [/i]
    [B]Been watching through my S4 DVDs, and got to Between the Darkness and the Light last night. There seemed to be a glitch in the episode at the beginning. After Franklin takes off Garabaldi's hood and talks to him for a few seconds, the scene flips back to Franklin walking over to take off Garabaldi's hood again, yet the audio is still playing Franklin's line to Garabaldi.

    This has happened on two different disc 5s, neither of which were scratched (it didn't seem like a skip). I don't remember this error being in the episode, and it seems really weird that that kind of thing would slip through to the DVDs. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I get the same thing. On the same dise and in the same spot.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Biggles [/i]
    [B]Have a look at [url=]this thread[/url] if you want to see the gory details of the faulty european discs. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Thanks, I think?! So many faults with the discs! That is sooo bad! Guess I'll just have to take a chance since it seems there's still probs now with discs!
  • Whitestar 15Whitestar 15 Earthforce Officer
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MartianDust [/i]
    [B]Thats nothing! ;) Anyone have the boxset videos and find a whole 2 eps are missing??! Infact they gone and put 2 eps that I already had in the set!! I don't know what season this was now, without checking. Also in another season a vid was in like b/w all the way through!
    I have been wondering what to do about it, as I don't think I could get an exchange or anything. I got them yrs ago and watched most for the first time recently. Luckily the ones messed and missing I did have on vid from tv. But talk about a cock up. And it has spoiled the set.

    I do intend on getting all seasons on dvd eventually. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I remember my 'A Call to Arms' was in black and white for the first 30 seconds...I took it back and got it replaced. And then the trailers are in black and white on my 5.09 video.
    Also, in "Z'Ha'Dum", when the Whitestar races at the planet, that single shot: that is black and white as well.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    eminariiorta: I was wrong; looks like all the R2 season 4 sets are that way. All of the R1 sets have the original design, though.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
    [B]eminariiorta: I was wrong; looks like all the R2 season 4 sets are that way. All of the R1 sets have the original design, though. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the warning, I was just about to place my order. Good thing I checked here first!

    I guess I'll be getting the R1 DVD set then. I just hate this abonination I have, what are WB-Europe thinking?! :eek:
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Whitestar 15 [/i]
    [B]I remember my 'A Call to Arms' was in black and white for the first 30 seconds...I took it back and got it replaced. And then the trailers are in black and white on my 5.09 video.
    Also, in "Z'Ha'Dum", when the Whitestar races at the planet, that single shot: that is black and white as well. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I've yet to order Call to Arms. I wouldn't mind the trailers being in b/w so much!!
  • E.TE.T Quote-o-matic
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by eminariiorta [/i]
    [B]what are WB-Europe thinking?! :eek: [/B][/QUOTE]
    Maybe they get bored with complaints about scratched discs.
  • SamsomaelSamsomael Earthforce Officer
    Looks like there are errors everywhere.

    In my season 1 set the fourth episode on disc 2 has a weird effect. At any point in the episode where there is CGI involved the picture looks like it's stretched, but only when there is CGI involved else the episode is fine.

    Sounds like a little bit of pot luck is involved.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Samsomael [/i]
    [B]Looks like there are errors everywhere.


    Sounds like a little bit of pot luck is involved. [/B][/QUOTE]

    More like a little bit of POT...

  • SamsomaelSamsomael Earthforce Officer
    Originally posted by JackN

    More like a little bit of POT...[/QUOTE]

    Lol... The dreaming daisies may give a new view of space :D

    (of course kids - don't try this at home :) )
  • [quote]Been watching through my S4 DVDs, and got to Between the Darkness and the Light last night. There seemed to be a glitch in the episode at the beginning. After Franklin takes off Garabaldi's hood and talks to him for a few seconds, the scene flips back to Franklin walking over to take off Garabaldi's hood again, yet the audio is still playing Franklin's line to Garabaldi.[/quote]

    The error is not disc specific. Nor, is it region specific. It did not exist in the original airing! It is the result of somebody making a mistake while the series was first being transferred to widescreen format. When the first season was being screened on the Sci-fi Channel a similar error was made on the first episode :eek: jms had WB fix the problem, but there were more while the second season was first being shown. Therefore, jms in addition to fixing all the problems being seen on the Sci-Fi Channel watched the third, fourth, and fifth seasons and found many more problems. Only two have made it on to the DVDs. The one you mentioned, and one more on [i]Phoenix Rising[/i]. One can hope that if WB releases the series again, at some unknown time in the future, they will fix both these problems.

    Samsomael, all the CGI had to be done in a 4:3 ratio. Mainly for monetary reasons. jms had the foresight to add more "space" to CGI only scenes, so that most if not all the action would remain intact. However, CGI also is used in scenes with the actors. These scenes could not be trimmed, so some problems show up. Add to that the fact that DVD is a higher resolution and you have some scenes looking a bit "less than perfect". If you would like to know more check out both

    1.) [URL=]B5 video widescreen / full screen comparison[/URL]



    I think these two will answer all your questions. Oh yea, the picture quality on gets much better with the season five set. This is just what jms said when the first season came out.
  • okkee dokkee

    Everything seems to be fine in my DVDs, except second episode doesnt work properly in my computers DVD player...
    But it works on PS2 and other "real" DVD-players, so thats not a good reason to return it...
    Well, im satisfied for everything, so far.

    And little off-topic here... Or not, this is weird ;)

    [URL=]Check this link out[/URL]

    Does that guy really belong in a war room? I mean, shorts.. T-shirt... and jogging shoes?!
    And just before that screencap, we can see other guy waiting for his turn to go in stage ;)
    So, this wide-screen format gives us so much new to watch :P
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Haha he certainly doesn't look like he belongs. Definitely bit weird. You think they would've taken it into consideration - widescreen viewing.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    I've found lots of those types of errors -- visible boom mics, camera shades, lots of stuff like that. But that's fine; somehow, it just doesn't detract.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    I never have in B5!
    I can imagine that if you worked within a film crew you'd noticed all sorts of glitches watching progs on tv afterwards.
  • I dont know, is this common knowledge as well.. But after a while reading other topics in this forum, I didnt see anything about this. I guess there might something elsewhere...

    Anyways, I finished the season 4, and I was looking about that 'Universe of Babylon5' extra thing.
    And accidentaly I found that in personnel files, you can click the large 5 symbol in right corner.
    Then new video opens, a Babylon 5 in two screens, other with textures and other without.

    Old? ;)
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Easter egg.
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