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Soldner: Secret Wars

[URL=]Official Site[/URL]
[URL=]FileShack Download[/URL]

Anyone else tried it? It's an MP only demo, and internet play is pretty much always down, so you have to start a Dedicated and then join it (no bots either :(), but it's pretty damn fun. Needs a lot of polish, but the concept is there. And it has a P90. :p

Movement feels [i]wrong[/i] at first, and rather than holding down forward to drive in a vehicle, you only need to press it... not fun, especially because there's no difference in handling and speed between a tank, jeep, and tractor, and because the physics engine sends you flying if you hit even a moderate bump. There are no planes in the demo, or at least none that I found, but they will be in the final game. The best part of the game is the ability to destroy buildings and trees with anything that makes a boom (or by ramming them, if your vehicle is strong enough), though even that needs some fixing. It's an early Beta, so I'm hoping JoWood can polish nice and good before releasing it...


  • SquidgySquidgy Earthforce Officer
    I tried running it, and it crashes my machine every time. Still, the ideas sound good, and I'll try it again when they release a more stable version.
  • E.TE.T Quote-o-matic
    That ADS sounds like fun.
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