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B5 characters on NYPD Blue!



  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Peter Jurasik was in an ep of Dawsons Creek, had a very small part. I know he was in at least 2 eps of Sliders and I think Jerry Doyle was in it at some point too, or maybe I'm confusing that with Marshal Law with Samo kung fu guy.
  • Mr.GaribaldiMr.Garibaldi Earthforce Officer
    haha I loved that scene in full metal jacket... "you dont have to lead them as far..." i think my friends think i am psycho for thinking that is simply hilarious
  • Whitestar 15Whitestar 15 Earthforce Officer
    I can't remember his name but in 'Severed Dreams' - the second-in-command (after the general was killed) was also in Tom Clancy's "The Sum of all Fears" and the General who appeared in In the Beginning and in the Season 4 Earth war arc (though he had white hair then) has been in a few Star Trek episodes.

    I tell ya, I'm terrible with names. Can you guess?
  • That same guy played a military advisor to the president in some movie i watched recently. I think it was Armageddon but i can't remember for sure.

    And lets not forget Magel Barret (Spelling?) Playing the widowed wife of Centari Emperor Turhan. (For those who don't know she's the wife of late Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry)

    And then of course there's the greatest (and most obvious) crossover between trek and B5, Walter Konig.
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    speaking of actors that did stints on Highlander, a lot of those guys also did stints on the X-files and the little run show Space Above and Beyond. Now most of those actors are making there way through the Stargate world.

    As for Walter Koenig doing Bester and Chekov. Alfred Bester was a character that had more depth than poor little pavel chekov ever had. Hey, we didnt even know Walter could act until Bester.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    I just remembered that the guy who plays Admiral Forrest on Enterprise was also the lead Nightwatch guy on B5 in Messages From Earth and Point of No Return.
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Akrovah [/i]
    [B]That same guy played a military advisor to the president in some movie i watched recently. I think it was Armageddon but i can't remember for sure.[/b][/quote]

    What, you mean the firecracker dude, or Keith David?

    [quote][b]And then of course there's the greatest (and most obvious) crossover between trek and B5, Walter Konig. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Walter Ko[b]e[/b]nig.
  • no no, the firecracker dude was black. It was a very brief apperance, he has a total of like one line somewhere near the beginning. If Keith David is the general that assumes command of the Apollo during the battle over Mars, then yes, thats who i mean.

    Didn't think i had the name spelled right.
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    Actually, he was in the movie again when they were trying to set off the nuke via remote.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Not forgetting Bruce Boxleitner and his wife - Melissa Gilbert have been in quite a few films. :)
  • Really? I don't remember him, i just remember the Firecracker General being a real hard-ass about it.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    not sure if you're replying to me but if you were I meant other films not NYPD Blue. :)
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Before doing Crusade, Gary Cole was in the series American Gothic, a very dark and surreal Stephen King style series. And one cannot forget that he was The Midnight Caller, remember that show when I as a kid, was very cool!. Recently he was in One Hour Photo with Robin Williams.

    I've been told that Peter Woodward, aka Galen has done narration for a program called Conquest on the History Channel. It's about developments in weapons, armour, fighting styles etc... haven't seen it myself though.
  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]Before doing Crusade, Gary Cole was in the series American Gothic, a very dark and surreal Stephen King style series. And one cannot forget that he was The Midnight Caller, remember that show when I as a kid, was very cool!. Recently he was in One Hour Photo with Robin Williams.

    I've been told that Peter Woodward, aka Galen has done narration for a program called Conquest on the History Channel. It's about developments in weapons, armour, fighting styles etc... haven't seen it myself though. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Gary Cole was also in the semi-cult hit "Office Space" and is in The West Wing (I believe)

    Peter Woodward also narrated and hosted a series on History or Discovery about Egypt and the Pyramids.

  • Mr.GaribaldiMr.Garibaldi Earthforce Officer
    [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Mr_Bester[/I]
    Gary Cole was also in the semi-cult hit "Office Space"[/QUOTE]
    Hahaha in my mind he will always be BILL LUMBERGH "yeah.. hi...."

    [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Falcon1[/I]
    I've been told that Peter Woodward, aka Galen has done narration for a program called Conquest on the History Channel. It's about developments in weapons, armour, fighting styles etc... haven't seen it myself though.[/QUOTE]
    I've seen that show many times... it is almost always him going crazy shooting dangerous old muskets and fighting with swords/pikes/maces...etc haha he is soooo hyper in that show!!
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]Before doing Crusade, Gary Cole was in the series American Gothic, a very dark and surreal Stephen King style series. And one cannot forget that he was The Midnight Caller, remember that show when I as a kid, was very cool!. Recently he was in One Hour Photo with Robin Williams.

    I've been told that Peter Woodward, aka Galen has done narration for a program called Conquest on the History Channel. It's about developments in weapons, armour, fighting styles etc... haven't seen it myself though. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I forgot who was in Crusade (not seen it yet). Peter Woodward is the son of Edward Woodward isn't he?
    I kinda remember American Gothic, but I think at the time ppl were ripping it of saying it was an XF copy or something. Or that it wasn't much good. I just never got round to seeing it

    Any1 see Dark Skies that was a rip off but it actually got good. Pity they scrapped it.

    As for "One hour photo", I've never even heard of it!!
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mr_Bester [/i]
    [B]Peter Woodward also narrated and hosted a series on History or Discovery about Egypt and the Pyramids.

    Dug [/B][/QUOTE]

    He also starred in "The Patriot" as a redcoat. :)
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    MartianDust... yeah Dark Skies had potential, I really got into it at the start but then it went off the rails a bit and got cancelled. Yep Peter W is the son of Edward Woodward of The Equaliser fame. He played a fellow Technomage in Crusade aswell. I would have said American Gothic was more a Stephen King rip off. Dark Skies was closer to the X Files though. One Hour Photo is a superb film, very dark and disturbing, Robin Williams is fantastic, one of his best roles in years. Worth watching.

    Mr_Bester... never seen Office Space. Yes I do believe Gary Cole is in the West Wing.

    Mr.Garibaldi... so he gets to try out the weapons etc?? I assumed he just did the narration and never actually appeared on camera. Would be funny if he pulled out a Technomage staff and started smacking people over the head with it ;)
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    Gary Coleman as Lumberg, oh yeah, that's what I'll always remember him as. I always kept expecting him to come onto the bridge of the Excalibur with a cup of coffee and walking over to Matheson:

    [i]"Lieutenant Matheson, whaat's happening? Uhmm.. I've been noticing some problems with your combat readiness reports, so if you could just go ahead and make sure you get those to me on time, that'd be terrific. Mmm'kay? Greeeaat. Thanks a bunch, John!"[/i]
  • Mr.GaribaldiMr.Garibaldi Earthforce Officer
    LOL Nice one CurZ!!! :D I can so see that happening!!

    Here is Peter Woodward in action in the show Conquest :)

    ohh yeah WOOT ive been a member for more than a year :) I am now among the old ones... just not the firstones
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]MartianDust... yeah Dark Skies had potential, I really got into it at the start but then it went off the rails a bit and got cancelled. Yep Peter W is the son of Edward Woodward of The Equaliser fame. He played a fellow Technomage in Crusade aswell. I would have said American Gothic was more a Stephen King rip off. Dark Skies was closer to the X Files though. One Hour Photo is a superb film, very dark and disturbing, Robin Williams is fantastic, one of his best roles in years. Worth watching.

    I'll check the R. Williams film out!
    I never have been keen on alot of Stephen Kings stuff. Perhaps the Langoliers was the best for me.

  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    I have never really liked Stephen King myself either.

    Other B5 characters I've spotted have been Lord Refa in Buffy, he played a doctor in Season 6 (think it was that season). Also the captain of the Agamemnon was in an episode of Diagnosis Murder again playing a doctor. Vir was also in Diagnosis Murder, surprisingly playing a bumbling reporter.
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Lord Refa in Buffy?! Wow I never noticed!!
    D'you know if it was the one when she was in a Pyschiatric ward or when her Mum became ill with brain tumour?! There the only Hops ones I can think of at the mo. Dunno what seasons.
    Never seen Diagnosis Murder.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Yes he plays the doctor when Buffy's mom first enters hospital for the tumour. He only has a few small scenes.

    Another one I remembered last night was Adira, Londo's lover. She played Alotavagina in Austin Powers would you believe! :p

    You've never seen Diagnosis Murder??? You mean you have never seen the wonder that is day time tv on BBC 1??? It usually follows Neighbours or Quincy. Has Dick van Cor Blimey Mary Poppins Dyke and his real life son is he needed a job ;)
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]Another one I remembered last night was Adira, Londo's lover. She played Alotavagina in Austin Powers would you believe! :p [/B][/QUOTE]

    Lol! Austin Powers is sooo very funny! You remember which one she was in? Its funny what they turn up in! I could also imagine Londo playing a funny baddy guy in Austin. ;)

    Nope never seen Diagnosis M! I used to watch neighbours long time ago so DM probably wasn't around then, as I'd have probably seen some of it. Sounds like a comedy?! :)
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CurZ [/i]
    [B]Gary Coleman as Lumberg, oh yeah, that's what I'll always remember him as. I always kept expecting him to come onto the bridge of the Excalibur with a cup of coffee and walking over to Matheson:

    [i]"Lieutenant Matheson, whaat's happening? Uhmm.. I've been noticing some problems with your combat readiness reports, so if you could just go ahead and make sure you get those to me on time, that'd be terrific. Mmm'kay? Greeeaat. Thanks a bunch, John!"[/i] [/B][/QUOTE]

    Or him holding a cup of coffee banging Dureena. :laugh:

    "Mmmm, yeah...... Just a little to the left....ahhh, thats right! Oh hi Lieutenant Matheson!"
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    She was in the first Austin Powers film. Kinda odd seeing her with hair having gotten used to her being a bald Centuari woman.

    As for Diagnosis Murder, yeah in many ways its a comedy but its more serious really, medicine/crime. Dick van Dyke plays a doctor who's son is a detective and they spend most of their time solving murders. Pretty much run of the mill stuff really.
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