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B5 characters on NYPD Blue!

Mr.GaribaldiMr.Garibaldi Earthforce Officer
Did anyone else (in the US) watch ABC tuesday night?
I was watching the credits at the start of NYPD Blue the other night...
and what do you know [B]Jerry Doyle[/B] and [B]Josh Coxx's[/B] names came up on the screen! :eek: I don't have DVR (yet) so I wasn't sure if I was just seeing things...
haha but yes they did have guest star roles! :)
It aired on tuesday the 23rd, title was "Old Yeller"

Its good to see B5 cast staying busy... maybe they are trying to impress JMS to put them in the new (possible) TV show/mini series! :D


  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Claudia Christian was once in NYPD Blue also, or actually twice, I mean she was in two episodes.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Andrea Thompson was in the latest series of 24 aswell (season 3). Daniel Dai Kim from Crusade was in season 2, along with quite a few episodes of Angel and some small appearances on ER.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Daniel Dai Kim has also been in a few episodes of Enterprise this season as a security goon.

    I looked up JAG in the IMDB after Richard "Dr. Franklin" Biggs on it, and found that it's pretty much a work-placement program for B5 actors.
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    Ah right, haven't got the latest season of Enterprise over here, just had the last ep of season 2 on Sunday. Will keep an eye out for him. Apparently Andreas Katsulas was in an ep of Enterprise season 2 aswell, missed it though. While rooting in IMDB I noticed that Marjean Holden from Crusade is in a new film Bruce Willis, 'Hostage', being filmed at the moment.
  • Andreas was also in an ep of "The Next Generation" years ago as a Romulan Captain. I don't remember which one it was though. (I also found out recently from the season 4 episode commentarys that he was one of the heads in Cartagia's Shadow Council)
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    Andreas Catsulas is probably the one actor Ive seen a whole lot of. Aside from multiple roles in StarTrek as several different aliens including the romulan captain in the episode were Riker wakes up in the future.

    He is in the movie Executive Descision (Kurt Russel) in which he plays the terrorist leader that is abducted by the US Government. He is the 1 armed man that kills Harrison Fords wife in the Fugitive. And to top it off, hes the guy that gets shot with the chicken in Hot Shots part duex.
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    I see them from time to time...

    I can't remember what I was watching that had General Franklin on it. (He is of course gone now... :( )

    I also see Jerry Doyal on a few shows from time to time. It's neat. :D
  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    Other B5 Alums on NYPD Blue include, Ed Wasser (Morden), Peter Jurasik (Londo), Andreas Katsulas (G'Kar), and the others that were mentioned above.
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    by the way...

    On how many shows does Richard Biggs play a doctor? I notice hes on a show(as a doctor) my wife watches on lifetime with the chick from Home Improvement.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]I can't remember what I was watching that had General Franklin on it. (He is of course gone now... :( )

    I think he was the Reliant's Captain in "Star Trek 2 The Wrath of Khan" Not sure if thats what you saw though
  • MartianDustMartianDust Elite Ranger
    Claudia was in one of the Columbo series.
    And I think she's been in at least 2 movies.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Claudia also did the voice for Helga Sinclaire in Atlantis:The lost Empire.
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy
    Guess who was on Touching Evil last night?

    Talia Winters! :) (No idea what her real name is)

    She played a murderer. LMAO. :D
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    lol, her name's Andrea Thompson:)
  • A2597A2597 Fanboy

    It was funny, last night mom said "She looks familier"

    I jumped in "Talia winters from B5...Andrea Thompson!"

    no, forget it. couldn't remember her name for the life of me. :D
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    Funny that you talk about B5 actors who have been visiting in NYPD Blue and you talk about Andrea Thompson being in 24, but none of you mentioned that she's actually been in NYPD Blue too and not only a guest star but a regular cast for 4 years from 1996 to 2000. Hehe...

    - PJH
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MartianDust [/i]
    [B]Claudia was in one of the Columbo series.
    And I think she's been in at least 2 movies. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Claudia's been in a lots of movies. :)

    - PJH
  • Mr_BesterMr_Bester Earthforce Officer St Louis MO
    re. andrea on Nypd Blue

    I would have mentioned her, but I inferred it from Falcon1's post.(that may not of been his/her intention though)
  • Whitestar 15Whitestar 15 Earthforce Officer
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpiritOne [/i]
    [B]Andreas Catsulas is probably the one actor Ive seen a whole lot of. Aside from multiple roles in StarTrek as several different aliens including the romulan captain in the episode were Riker wakes up in the future.

    He is in the movie Executive Descision (Kurt Russel) in which he plays the terrorist leader that is abducted by the US Government. He is the 1 armed man that kills Harrison Fords wife in the Fugitive. And to top it off, hes the guy that gets shot with the chicken in Hot Shots part duex. [/B][/QUOTE]

    You have no idea how many times I have seen Executive Decision and wondered where on earth I'd seen that guy before.
    Hee hee that last line was rather cheesey (and not deliberate either lol).

    In Enterprise he played the Captain of the alien vessel in "Cogenitor". He flew the little pod ship with Archer into the supernova thing...

    Wasn't paying much attention though - don't really like Enterprise.
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    i dont remember his last line, the whole movie is kind of cheesey really. Its only saving grace is watching Steven Seagull (mispelled on purpose) falling to his death.
  • ShadowDancerShadowDancer When I say, "Why aye, gadgie," in my heart I say, "Och aye, laddie." London, UK
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpiritOne [/i]
    [B]i dont remember his last line, the whole movie is kind of cheesey really. Its only saving grace is watching Steven Seagull (mispelled on purpose) falling to his death. [/B][/QUOTE]

    always entertaining:p
  • Falcon1Falcon1 Elite Ranger
    PJH, yes she was a member of the main cast on NYPD Blue, forgot to mention that. She left to become a news reader, something she always wanted to do. Think she lasted a year doing it before quiting, apparently wasn't as good as she had hoped. Can't remember which US news co she joined, CBS or something???

    SpiritOne... man I had no idea that Andreas played the guy that got shot with the chicken in Hot Shots! Gonna have to watch that scene again! Heeee :D
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    I believe it was CNN.
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    The guy who played Captain Jankowski (of the Prometheus) in In The Beginning also played the "crazy doorgunner" in Full Metal Jacket. Oddly fitting :D
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Falcon1 [/i]
    [B]PJH, yes she was a member of the main cast on NYPD Blue, forgot to mention that. She left to become a news reader, something she always wanted to do. Think she lasted a year doing it before quiting, apparently wasn't as good as she had hoped. Can't remember which US news co she joined, CBS or something???[/B][/quote]

    Yeah, I read about it once. Would've been nice to see her reading news, but we don't get US channels here. Hehe...

    [quote][B]SpiritOne... man I had no idea that Andreas played the guy that got shot with the chicken in Hot Shots! Gonna have to watch that scene again! Heeee :D [/B][/QUOTE]

    He did?? I never noticed even though I've seen it many times. Now I got to watch it once again sometime. Hehe.... :D

    - PJH
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    the whole scene in there is funny, like the guy with the holiday inn towel rapped around his head. They all have middle eastern names (achmed ect.) except one guy named dave or something.

    Oh, and are you talking about the helicoptor door gunner that talks about how shooting women in children is easy, you dont lead them as far??
  • SpiritOneSpiritOne Magneto ABQ NM
    its reaaaaallllly crappy quality, but go [URL=]here[/URL] and view trailer, he is in it.
  • Whitestar 15Whitestar 15 Earthforce Officer
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpiritOne [/i]
    [B]i dont remember his last line, the whole movie is kind of cheesey really. Its only saving grace is watching Steven Seagull (mispelled on purpose) falling to his death. [/B][/QUOTE]

    I meant my last line where I said "...where on earth" had I seen him. The irony was that it wasn't on earth but Babylon 5.

    As I said very cheesey but it wasnt deliberate either! lol
  • CurZCurZ Resident Hippy
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SpiritOne [/i]
    [B]Oh, and are you talking about the helicoptor door gunner that talks about how shooting women in children is easy, you dont lead them as far?? [/B][/QUOTE]

    The very same person :D

    [i]*imagines Jankowski as a gunner on the Prometheus, firing at a minbari cruiser and going "Get some! Get some! Yeah! Get some, baby! Yeah! Yeah!"*[/i]
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    Lets see....

    Claudia was in an episode of Highlander (ironcally, playing an immortal) The gate technician from SG-1 (the grey-headed one with the glasses) was in Highlander too as well as a few other famous peeps. I know there were some more B5 actors that were in Highlander, but its been so long since I've seen the final season that I couldn't name them all.
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