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NASA: Shuttles Need Extensive Tail Repairs

in Zocalo v2.0
Need to say more?
[B]What they need is to be replaced with something better, like the Venture. [/B][/QUOTE]
Or... the Enterprise.
[B]Or... the Enterprise. [/B][/QUOTE]
Nah, I'm thinking more along the lines of....Prometheus. *drevil smilie here* (Those that have seen SG-1 "Lost City, part 2" will get this.)
[b]edit:[/b] [url][/url]
I want one. :D
the X303s are cool though. :D
X303 = very cool!!
[B]I'll take almost ANYTHING over the Prometheus...that is one ugly ship...
the X303s are cool though. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
X-303 [b]IS[/b] the Prometheus dumbass. ;)
so a 302 is a fighter, and a 303 is a big arse ugly ship? Who's bright idea was THAT?!?
so, it went against a bunch of unshealded fightrers and landing craft and won, badly damaged. then anubis's big ship failed to get a single hit on it on its whole suicide run.....
yep...powerful. ;)
(Spoiler for lost city part 2)
[B] Spoiler:
so, it went against a bunch of unshealded fightrers and landing craft and won, badly damaged. then anubis's big ship failed to get a single hit on it on its whole suicide run.....
yep...powerful. ;)
(Spoiler for lost city part 2) [/B][/QUOTE]
Spoiler: Which isn't bad since its running on a power core designed to power a ship 1/10th its size (Al'Kesh bomber)......
[B]geek. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
Concession accepted.
it just proves how stupid the go'uld are.
they make bloody inaccurate weapons, and can't figure out how to use power.
[B]that was a statement, not a concession. :D :p
it just proves how stupid the go'uld are.
they make bloody inaccurate weapons, and can't figure out how to use power. [/B][/QUOTE]
Ohh, I dunno....Sokar did a pretty damn good job of it. ;) Right until Na'tu blew up right in his face that is. :D
sokar was EEEVIIIL!!! :D
And X-303 = good looking bird :)
B5 and SG1 really got the ships looking [i]human built[/i] big ol' honking space factories. Just great :D
the ships DO look human...though looking at the newer Navy designs, I'd say the Warlock and Tempest are the closets to how they will really look.