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Yeah I know the pilot wasn't meant to be very good. From what I've read it was worse than the Gathering! I've only seen parts of it and now that it seems to have disappeared from it's showing on Sky if someone could sum up what happened? Not like a summary, but tell the story as it happened... tanks in advance 2 anyone who helps :)


  • HuntSmackerHuntSmacker Firstones Ambassador to Starcraftia
    (minor spoilers)

    Good CGI, rushed backplot, some rather bad acting except where Andreas (G'Kar) is concerned and one or two aliens. Some flaws here and there, especially with the jump drive in the Liandra (a ship smaller than a Whitestar) and the rather boring bad guys who have ships that look something like Battlecrabs painted dark blue - AND word has it they are from a species ten times the power of the Shadows. Fah, I hate that crap. Thirdspace was hard enough to get through as it was.

    I was rather interested in this movie at the beginning, we see the return of the raiders (those menances). Andrea makes it worth the watch, it's definitely watchable, just not very exciting. Has a few funny moments, and perhaps one tense moment after the Valens destruction (a Minbari/Human hybrid-ship). The characters weren't that interesting with the exceptions of Duval and Turk (even if he was there for just a comedy routine). But, at least we get to see Babylon 5 at the end - Even if it's an outside shot !
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