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It has begun

in Zocalo v2.0
silly title really. But so shoot me.
Going to Thailand 31st of may, arriving 1st of june. Will stay there for 12 days. Booked the flights today.
If you start reading distressing news from there around that time, no need to be alarmed. I will not tell them anything about you nutjobs even under torture. ;)
Incidentally, how come I can't get into firstones irc? :(
Going to Thailand 31st of may, arriving 1st of june. Will stay there for 12 days. Booked the flights today.
If you start reading distressing news from there around that time, no need to be alarmed. I will not tell them anything about you nutjobs even under torture. ;)
Incidentally, how come I can't get into firstones irc? :(
And you better not reveal anything, or Ill come hunt you down!!!
Seriously, have a great time man :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i]
Going to Thailand 31st of may, arriving 1st of june. Will stay there for 12 days. Booked the flights today.
Well Have fun in Thailand. And take alot of Digital Pictures.
[quote]Incidentally, how cum I can't get into firstones irc? :([/quote]
I believe the server is down
As for IRC: the server is in transit.
590 euros to and from.
Flying Finnair.
I hope I fit in those seats... and I wouldn't really seem that tall in Thailand.. I mean.. 196 cm? It's not tall imho.. ofcourse I'm about 40 cm taller than the girl I'll be meeting.. oh well.
[B]Yea direct flights.
590 euros to and from.
Flying Finnair.
I hope I fit in those seats... and I wouldn't really seem that tall in Thailand.. I mean.. 196 cm? It's not tall imho.. ofcourse I'm about 40 cm taller than the girl I'll be meeting.. oh well. [/B][/QUOTE]
Should beable to fit into those seats. Heh, the girl you are meeting is prity short, around 156 cm high??
[B]I hope I fit in those seats... and I wouldn't really seem that tall in Thailand.. I mean.. 196 cm? It's not tall imho.. [/B][/QUOTE]
Think positively:
At least you can see farther in crowd!
and I absolutely hate standing out in a crowd, you know.. being visible. Always have. I prefer being unnoticed.
I admit, sounds pretty odd for someone so unable to blend in the crowd.
But hey. I'm terrified of heights also. :)
One other girl from thailand wants me not to meet her. heh.
also, as I said, planning to go to this fullmoon party when I get there. Just heard it's a raver party more or less. sex drugs and that sort of thing.
I guess it was meant to scare me. But hell... :D
It got me even more interested. ;)