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Update from JMS
The Unstoppable Mr. 'K'
JMS made a Usenet post updating on the status of various projects, including a few more hints about the new Babylon 5 project:
[quote]Y'know, if there's anything more annoying than having to sit on good news, I can't think of what it might be. (Well, okay, being staked to an ant hill at high noon is a pretty obvious one, but you get the idea.)
The only things I can say right now about B5:TMoS is that now that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed and delivered, the draft has gone in, met with great enthusiasm all around, notes have been received, and the next draft is in process and has to be delievered within two weeks so that certain other steps can be set into motion.
I still can't tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper people through the proper channels at the proper time...but I can tell you a few cases of what it *isn't* isn't a novel, or a short story, a comic, an animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth not.
Except to say that it's pretty cool.
On a side-note...for those following the Suprme Power good as the series has been to date, and selling in the top 15 pretty consistently, the next two issues, 8 and 9, the first of which goes on sale March 3rd, are going to put this book on the map in a big way. They're just stellar issues. If you haven't gotten into the book yet, now (or backtracking to issue 7, the start of the new arc) would be a good time to do so, because it's going to start kicking some serious ass.
(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
[quote]Y'know, if there's anything more annoying than having to sit on good news, I can't think of what it might be. (Well, okay, being staked to an ant hill at high noon is a pretty obvious one, but you get the idea.)
The only things I can say right now about B5:TMoS is that now that all the correct agreements have been signed, sealed and delivered, the draft has gone in, met with great enthusiasm all around, notes have been received, and the next draft is in process and has to be delievered within two weeks so that certain other steps can be set into motion.
I still can't tell you what it *is* because that has to come from the proper people through the proper channels at the proper time...but I can tell you a few cases of what it *isn't* isn't a novel, or a short story, a comic, an animated series, a radio drama or a stage play. Beyond that, deponent sayeth not.
Except to say that it's pretty cool.
On a side-note...for those following the Suprme Power good as the series has been to date, and selling in the top 15 pretty consistently, the next two issues, 8 and 9, the first of which goes on sale March 3rd, are going to put this book on the map in a big way. They're just stellar issues. If you haven't gotten into the book yet, now (or backtracking to issue 7, the start of the new arc) would be a good time to do so, because it's going to start kicking some serious ass.
(all message content (c) 2004 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)
That leaves: tv movie, mini series or a game. (JMS already said that it wasnt a proper series)
Or, at least, [i]hoping[/i] mini-series.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by samuelk [/i]
[B]JMS made a Usenet post updating on the status of various projects, including a few more hints about the new Babylon 5 project: [/B][/QUOTE] Don't forget that stated this a while ago, it could be that the project started out as simple TV-Movie or Mini-Series, but that things have changed and that it is at least possible that it could be even more. I don't really THINK it will be a new series (not without a "Test"-movie, at least), I'm just a bit intrigued by JMS not mentioning that it would NOT be a series, since he insisted on that point a couple of months ago...
[B]I think they're re-releasing the shot glasses ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
It's going to be "pogs" no doubt about it in my mind. ;)
[B]Babylon 5 on ice [/B][/QUOTE]
That'd be fun to watch. :)
[B]Babylon 5 on ice [/B][/QUOTE]
You're right that must be it...ok, I'm changing my vote to Babylon 5 on Ice.
-Φ [subliminal]wonders if she should picture that or not...[/subliminal]
A three part miniseries about Technomages.....I WANT THAT
my bet is going more and more to theatrical movie ;)
[B]Babylon 5 on ice [/B][/QUOTE]
I'd pay to see that. :)
I WANT theatricle Movie!
[B]IMHO it also isn't a game (due to the heavy script writing by JMS)
my bet is going more and more to theatrical movie ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
Well, that would depend upon the story of the game.
[B]Well, that would depend upon the story of the game.
Worf [/B][/QUOTE]
well, it won't be a game as we know or want it then.
because for anything but the infamous "interactive movie", the script won't be needed to be finished BEFORE the game is announced (the official existence won't rely on the story in the first place)
That's at least my understanding. If it's wrong, please feel free to correct me.
I remember that whole "argument" between Doyle and JMS and how Jerry was trying to tell us about something new coming up and JMS was trying to deny it.
I dont specifically remember what Doyle said though, can anyone find it?
[B]is it possible that JMS new project is the same project that Jerry Doyle was talking about several months ago?
I remember that whole "argument" between Doyle and JMS and how Jerry was trying to tell us about something new coming up and JMS was trying to deny it.
I dont specifically remember what Doyle said though, can anyone find it? [/B][/QUOTE]
It could be, that arguement died very suddenly, maybe JMS and Jerry Doyle talked about it and Doyle realised why he should be quiet about it.