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The Dilgar's motives

Just wanted to know peoples opinions on why the Dilgar invaded so many non-aligned worlds.

Were they just mean?

Did they know that their star was behaving 'atypically', and so try to escape in pretty much every direction?

Were they manipulated by the Shadows/Vorlons?

A combination or none of the above?


  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    They knew their star was going to die soon, and that they needed to get out of that system ASAP.

    I need to go back and look at Agents of Gaming's Dilgar War book, but I think the Dilgar only had a couple of systems at that point, with the non-home systems being fairly unsuited to large scale population redistribution. Trying to find a new (uninhabited) system would have been far too time-consuming, and in addition, the act of moving everyone from their home world to a new place would leave them largely defenseless in the event of an attack by another race. So, they decided to kill two birds with one stone: Kick nearby races off their homeworlds (especially those that could pose a military threat), and use those worlds for the migration of their people.
  • Rogue TraderRogue Trader Somebody stop him...
    ya what he said.
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