[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by E.T [/i]
[B]Well, at least we don't have those here in Finland.
But we have lot of mosquitos in summer and cold in winter.
Well, here's also horseflies in summer and these really bite small piece of skin and are damn fast flyers.
[url]http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0008324.html[/url] Well, this is quiet so you notice it when it bites.
Bigger ones are noisy so you know when one of those is trying to land to your back.
[url]http://www.roberth.u-net.com/horseflies.htm[/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, but compared to crazy critters of asia those things are minor annoyances.. I mean when was the last time Europe was attacked by mothra? :D
Have to admit one thing, I felt love for her once. I think. A day or so after we had said the love love thing, I called her after work and wished her good night and such. Her voice did something to my chest.
Anyway. Now I feel about her about as much as for the next guy. Which is hardly anything. She still claims to love me and such, told about few other guys that have fallen for her. heh. One from USA actually threatens to kill himself if she doesnt say she loves him. And there's some guy from britain that wants to marry her according to her. It's silly really.
I mean, that she's got 3 guys that want her and she chose me. Honestly.. It smells fishy...
Go with the flow mate, the only danger in it is that you'll get burned. But then again, you haven't really lived without a few burn marks.
And that nice little pressure in the chest... yup, call it love. It just tends to wear out after a short while if you don't believe that the one who says it to you is serious with it or if you know you've not a shot in the world. I'm in that situation at the moment, I know that I love a certain gal with every cell in me' bod so bad that it tears me' up inside (again) but I constantly try to suppress the feeling 'cause I know she's not interested in me as anything else than a good friend.
But you... you have something there if she's truly said that she loves you as you are. People don't lie about these things unless they're absolutely cruel bastards, and even then I'd gather you'd found yourself a perfect match. Go with it, it's better to have that feeling for a second and a lifetime of pain afterwards than not to have had the feeling at all.
It was the motherboard again. Loads of viruses on hd too, but fixed that and got win98 installed too. Screw XP.
The pc works all fine and dandy. Ofcourse, I can't get online from home yet. Modem calls but cant receive. Ain't that just dandy, eh? oh well. Trying to get it fixed now.. soon.
well, had to break it up with the broad. She wanted money. 100 euros for some trip or other and to get her cellphone fixed. F00ker that.
Glad I didn't send her her birthday presents yet. Save some money in that anyway.
Ofcourse, I'm not telling her that. Waiting her reaction for few days. Letting her to "break it up with me". I honestly dont care. She's as meaningless to me as any other women, or men. She's just the same. ;)
And Max Payne 2.. hmm... dunno.. I dont think I could play that game much. Noticed that I have trouble playing pretty much all kinds of games these days. Just watching anime and porn on the pc now mostly. And it works even less these days again too. whee.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i]
[B]Noticed that I have trouble playing pretty much all kinds of games these days.[/B][/QUOTE]
What about SoF2? :D
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i]
[B]OFcourse. For some reason. Teh modem only works 24 000 bps / less. It should be 56k modem and such. Oh well. My luck.[/B][/QUOTE]
I have never seen my modem to achieve its advertised speed.
It propably goes that fast only if it's thrown fast enough.
Normal speed for 56k should be somewhere near 45k if there isn't rusted barbwire as phone cable.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
[B]I run at 3.2K a sec, myu grandma gets the whole 5.2k a sec thing though. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
What I've checked I've got nearly 19MBs in hour at best.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lord Refa [/i]
[B]well, had to break it up with the broad. She wanted money. 100 euros for some trip or other and to get her cellphone fixed. F00ker that. [/B][/QUOTE]
Whoa, you did the right thing there. If she'd truly loved you, money would've been the last thing she'd wanted out of you. So right now it seems like she's one of those arseholes that prey the lonely on the 'net to get cash for their running expenses. Well... not to generalise or anything but... she's Thai, what can you expect? ;)
Sorry for it, nevertheless. It still hurts if you felt anything for her even if you'd hide it under yer' skin. Or, more possibly, you're feeling damn good about her right now, as you hope that she truly had some feelings for you and imagine the pain she's going through as a simple request for cash threw away her loved one forever... ;) The mind is a wonderful little toy when it comes to love...
[i]" Aimed at the wrong direction, love is nothing but a conduit of pain."[/i]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Data Crystal [/i]
[B]Whoa, you did the right thing there. If she'd truly loved you, money would've been the last thing she'd wanted out of you. So right now it seems like she's one of those arseholes that prey the lonely on the 'net to get cash for their running expenses. Well... not to generalise or anything but... she's Thai, what can you expect? ;)
Sorry for it, nevertheless. It still hurts if you felt anything for her even if you'd hide it under yer' skin. Or, more possibly, you're feeling damn good about her right now, as you hope that she truly had some feelings for you and imagine the pain she's going through as a simple request for cash threw away her loved one forever... ;) The mind is a wonderful little toy when it comes to love...
[i]" Aimed at the wrong direction, love is nothing but a conduit of pain."[/i] [/B][/QUOTE]
Have to admit it, I didn't "break it up" with her just yet. Didn't loan her the money either though. I dunno. Didnt have it in me just yet. Looking to see if it goes anywhere.
Talked with her today since 4 am finnish time to 7 pm.
The reason I'm still with her? Basically, trying to get something out of her that'd work for me as an insurance if she'd try to do something sneaky for me. Pictures of her scantily clad for one. For personal use. ;)
Anyway. here's a pic of her added. Not as good as some that she sent me, but it's okay. Love the hair anyway, and some other features.
And can't say that I'd feel much for her anyway. There's one other match I'm actually more interested in.. but she's got a bf now who doesnt pay much attention to her. so I jokingly said her if it doesnt work out maybe we should give it a try. Ofcourse. If there's something that actually does work with this one I'm with now, i'm all open for it.
Well... as far as appearances count I wouldn't touch that broad with a ten foot pole. ;) But then again, appearances don't count and I'm not into asian women anyway...
[B]Well, at least we don't have those here in Finland.
But we have lot of mosquitos in summer and cold in winter.
Well, here's also horseflies in summer and these really bite small piece of skin and are damn fast flyers.
[url]http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0008324.html[/url] Well, this is quiet so you notice it when it bites.
Bigger ones are noisy so you know when one of those is trying to land to your back.
[url]http://www.roberth.u-net.com/horseflies.htm[/url] [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, but compared to crazy critters of asia those things are minor annoyances.. I mean when was the last time Europe was attacked by mothra? :D
They are why I don't go outside in the summer.
Anyway. Now I feel about her about as much as for the next guy. Which is hardly anything. She still claims to love me and such, told about few other guys that have fallen for her. heh. One from USA actually threatens to kill himself if she doesnt say she loves him. And there's some guy from britain that wants to marry her according to her. It's silly really.
I mean, that she's got 3 guys that want her and she chose me. Honestly.. It smells fishy...
And that nice little pressure in the chest... yup, call it love. It just tends to wear out after a short while if you don't believe that the one who says it to you is serious with it or if you know you've not a shot in the world. I'm in that situation at the moment, I know that I love a certain gal with every cell in me' bod so bad that it tears me' up inside (again) but I constantly try to suppress the feeling 'cause I know she's not interested in me as anything else than a good friend.
But you... you have something there if she's truly said that she loves you as you are. People don't lie about these things unless they're absolutely cruel bastards, and even then I'd gather you'd found yourself a perfect match. Go with it, it's better to have that feeling for a second and a lifetime of pain afterwards than not to have had the feeling at all.
It was the motherboard again. Loads of viruses on hd too, but fixed that and got win98 installed too. Screw XP.
The pc works all fine and dandy. Ofcourse, I can't get online from home yet. Modem calls but cant receive. Ain't that just dandy, eh? oh well. Trying to get it fixed now.. soon.
Too bad I dont really have anything to test the pc's abilities now. My most "up to date" game is about 2-3 years old.
Glad I didn't send her her birthday presents yet. Save some money in that anyway.
Ofcourse, I'm not telling her that. Waiting her reaction for few days. Letting her to "break it up with me". I honestly dont care. She's as meaningless to me as any other women, or men. She's just the same. ;)
And Max Payne 2.. hmm... dunno.. I dont think I could play that game much. Noticed that I have trouble playing pretty much all kinds of games these days. Just watching anime and porn on the pc now mostly. And it works even less these days again too. whee.
[B]Noticed that I have trouble playing pretty much all kinds of games these days.[/B][/QUOTE]
What about SoF2? :D
And whee. Got online at home today for the first time in nearly 4 weeks.
OFcourse. For some reason. Teh modem only works 24 000 bps / less. It should be 56k modem and such. Oh well. My luck.
and I'm pretty sure she's been here.. Cause I got a tiery call from her not long after my last post here. And more of that "love you" bullshit.
[B]OFcourse. For some reason. Teh modem only works 24 000 bps / less. It should be 56k modem and such. Oh well. My luck.[/B][/QUOTE]
I have never seen my modem to achieve its advertised speed.
It propably goes that fast only if it's thrown fast enough.
Normal speed for 56k should be somewhere near 45k if there isn't rusted barbwire as phone cable.
[B]I run at 3.2K a sec, myu grandma gets the whole 5.2k a sec thing though. :D [/B][/QUOTE]
What I've checked I've got nearly 19MBs in hour at best.
That's almost as much as I used to get when I got my first modem. :)
[B]well, had to break it up with the broad. She wanted money. 100 euros for some trip or other and to get her cellphone fixed. F00ker that. [/B][/QUOTE]
Whoa, you did the right thing there. If she'd truly loved you, money would've been the last thing she'd wanted out of you. So right now it seems like she's one of those arseholes that prey the lonely on the 'net to get cash for their running expenses. Well... not to generalise or anything but... she's Thai, what can you expect? ;)
Sorry for it, nevertheless. It still hurts if you felt anything for her even if you'd hide it under yer' skin. Or, more possibly, you're feeling damn good about her right now, as you hope that she truly had some feelings for you and imagine the pain she's going through as a simple request for cash threw away her loved one forever... ;) The mind is a wonderful little toy when it comes to love...
[i]" Aimed at the wrong direction, love is nothing but a conduit of pain."[/i]
[B]Whoa, you did the right thing there. If she'd truly loved you, money would've been the last thing she'd wanted out of you. So right now it seems like she's one of those arseholes that prey the lonely on the 'net to get cash for their running expenses. Well... not to generalise or anything but... she's Thai, what can you expect? ;)
Sorry for it, nevertheless. It still hurts if you felt anything for her even if you'd hide it under yer' skin. Or, more possibly, you're feeling damn good about her right now, as you hope that she truly had some feelings for you and imagine the pain she's going through as a simple request for cash threw away her loved one forever... ;) The mind is a wonderful little toy when it comes to love...
[i]" Aimed at the wrong direction, love is nothing but a conduit of pain."[/i] [/B][/QUOTE]
Have to admit it, I didn't "break it up" with her just yet. Didn't loan her the money either though. I dunno. Didnt have it in me just yet. Looking to see if it goes anywhere.
Talked with her today since 4 am finnish time to 7 pm.
The reason I'm still with her? Basically, trying to get something out of her that'd work for me as an insurance if she'd try to do something sneaky for me. Pictures of her scantily clad for one. For personal use. ;)
Anyway. here's a pic of her added. Not as good as some that she sent me, but it's okay. Love the hair anyway, and some other features.
And can't say that I'd feel much for her anyway. There's one other match I'm actually more interested in.. but she's got a bf now who doesnt pay much attention to her. so I jokingly said her if it doesnt work out maybe we should give it a try. Ofcourse. If there's something that actually does work with this one I'm with now, i'm all open for it.