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calling all Marine Biologist/Engineers
shadow boxer
The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
in Zocalo v2.0
comments questions and feedback welcome
comments questions and feedback welcome
I'm assuming here that it's meant for human habitation; in my brief look-over of the .pdf file, I didn't see anyplace where that was mentioned. But I have to say, either way, I like it.
I take it you're thinking of this as an alternative to getting an aircraft carrier at auction?
human habitation = yeah sort of, no living space on these for humies, but thats not to say a aquafarmer couldnt live in a domicile connected to these colonies, maintaining and tending to the reef critters who take up residence on the FRC's
aircraft carrier = perfect tender/manufacturing/maintenance facility for FRC's
(I always think big and in an interconnected fashion. :) )
(get one to swimming pool so that you can dive to coral reef without long flying trip)
And that's just artificial coral reef.
Those solar panels are for producing power to system which keeps it in right depth.