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Centauri Names

I am making an independent campaign of the Narn -Centauri war for freespace2 and I was wondering if anyone could come up with some good names for the main characters. Basicly Pilots, admirals, captains etc.. Also names for capships and stations.

Oh, and What do you guys think is better, to play from the Narn or from the Centauri side?


  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Centauri: Any old Roman name [img][/img]

    Vir - Are you saying you don't trust me anymore? I made your favourite, Spoo.
    Londo - I'll order in.

    How can we possibly use sex to get what we want? Sex [/i]IS[i] what we want! - Frasier Crane[/i][/b]
  • [quote]Originally posted by TheEXone:
    [b]I was wondering if anyone could come up with some good names for the main characters. Basicly Pilots, admirals, captains etc.. Also names for capships and stations.[/b][/quote]

    Since you asked nicely... [img][/img]
  • Thanks alot, that was exacly what I needed.
  • [quote]Originally posted by TheEXone:
    [b]Thanks alot, that was exacly what I needed.[/b][/quote]

    No problem. In case you need them, the other major B5 races have sections located off:

    Just click on the race's logo and you'll be all set (this was data I gathered for an online B5 RPG on which I helped as an administrator).
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Where'd you get all this from? I've actually come across the page before, when I was researching for my own GURPS-based RPG.

    We are here to place President Grenewetzki under arrest!
  • [quote]Originally posted by Bekenn:
    [b]Where'd you get all this from? I've actually come across the page before, when I was researching for my own GURPS-based RPG.[/b][/quote]

    I was one of the head admins on a Babylon 5 RPG that some of us coded. It was text-based, but was good at its prime. The IC news section off [url=""][/url] lists some events we held...some of which were to lighten things up and some which were downright serious. We set the game just before Coming of Shadows and split from the series after that. It's amazing how different things went from the series, while still remaining reasonably true to the B5 universe.

    Unfortunately, the coders went AWOL and bugs started building up. I couldn't run things by myself, so shut it down. Plus, there just wasn't much of a market any more for text-based B5 role-playing games/sessions, especially compared to original themes, Star Trek, hack and slash or Matrix.

    I'd spent about six years gathering the info on that page from a variety of sources - the series, books, TV movies, magazines, etc.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    My campaign started off just after the Earth-Minbari war. Currently, I have seven different players to keep track of, though typically only five out of that group will show up at any one session. It is now approaching mid-2253, and my, has the timeline diverged. A lot. To put it simply: Babylon 3 just went operational.

    How much of the info on your page comes from canon sources, and how much did you come up with yourself?

    We are here to place President Grenewetzki under arrest!
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