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Buda5 christmas

I've been putting together a small christmas present. Its a small mission where you get to decimate a small fleet all by yourself. Its short and to the point, but should provide a good 5 to 10 minutes of fun. :D

Do we have anything else that could be released on christmas?


  • :: points to scripters :: ASK THEM! ;) i've done all i can for a while... :) tho i still have some campaign stuff to do, but that's not for x-mass.

    hey roi, u can dress up as a scantly clad santa clause and take pictures of yourself for the website..? good idea yea? LOL just kiddin roi. ;)

    good to hear from you oh great and auspitious leader! :) :: bows ::
  • I have been working on the campaing missions and I tried to work something relating to minbari war but there was that Nial...or should I say nials I have nothing
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    This week I had four exams and one presentation (about maraging steel) so I've been quite busy. Also I couldn't start with campaign because I waited Indie to post more detailed mission descriptions which he haven't posted yet.

    My Christmas break started yesterday and now I have couple weeks before army. There is still one thing: my dad founded his own restaurant so I have to help there sometimes at least before it can be opened which is probably next Friday.

    Still if Indie's mission is without bugs, it is probably even better than last XMas pack with lots of bugs. I'm satisfied for one mission if it actually works ;)
  • I have nothing scripted in petto for X-Mas this.
    My mission .. well, it's unfinished and not tested ... and I won't release a buggy thing again. :rolleyes: *rememberinglastx-mas*
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]hey roi, u can dress up as a scantly clad santa clause and take pictures of yourself for the website..? good idea yea? LOL just kiddin roi. ;)[/B][/QUOTE] What's about if I do this with my girlfriend? :D

    [SIZE=1]NOTE: GODDAMN edit button! it's too damn close to the quote button!!! - Logic[/SIZE]
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Here: [URL][/URL]

    I sure hope it doesn't have any bugs. Its so short that there are only so many ways to break it... I hope I got them all. ;)

    Will someone be here at christmas to update the site, or should we just announce it today? I'll be away from my computer starting tomorrow morning.

    Edit: One last thing. For best performance use the new ini file packet I uploaded today. It works just fine with the old one, but I have beefed up the narn defense platform. Its still a pea-shooter, but its better than it was before. The narn platform is the only thing thats different, so I didn't bother to change the date in the html file.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i]
    [B]I have nothing scripted in petto for X-Mas this.
    My mission .. well, it's unfinished and not tested ... and I won't release a buggy thing again. :rolleyes: *rememberinglastx-mas*
    What's about if I do this with my girlfriend? :D

    LOL get some hi definition pictures of yourselves.. i'll model u and we can make u ships in the game ;) then the two of you can "Dock" as part of a mission.. hehe.
  • Hey Indie, fine work for Buda5. This year, my christmas was much more quieter (less stress) than last one, so thx pal :) .

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]i'll model u and we can make u ships in the game ;) then the two of you can "Dock" as part of a mission.. hehe. [/B][/QUOTE]Sex in Space, a new Buda5 Scenario :p .
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