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That's it, it's all over

rikuriku Earthforce Officer
I spent the last 3 months for hardcore watching Babylon 5, and I'm very sad that it's over

even with the crusade season still remaining it's not going to be the same, I liked the charcters too which made the show, especially the charcs ivanova and garibaldi which I gonna miss the most :)

although I expected more from sleeping in light... I thought it should end more like in a special way such as phylosophic way, some like in the episode of the end of season 4 style...
the end of sleeping in light remains certain insufficient saticfaction like, now what?

Just sad that it's so shortly over and there is no episode ready in the morning but thats fine and it will never be forgotten by me it's the best show Ive seen so far and i think it's gonna take a while until there will be another. :)



  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Now what? Now, read the Psicorp trilogy, the Centauri trilogy and the Technomage trilogy.
  • Yea, sad ending...
    (I still say "Deconstruction of falling stars" would have been better)

    Never read the PsiCorps trilagy, can't find it anymore at the local books a trillion
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    I still prefer SiL somehow got such a better feeling. Also I never really liked "Deconstruction of falling stars" because it showed what will happen in the end. I like open endings. :)
  • whitestar90whitestar90 Elite Ranger
    Alot happened in between that we dont know about though ;)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    A million years is a long time. That's pretty damn open. :)
  • I think, I know what you mean by "insufficient satisfaction". I guess I had a bit of that feeling too, after watching it for the first time.

    However, SiL is full of philosophical thoughts that are coming in several layers. To me, "DoFS" would have made a bad ending (although I like the episode) because the viewer would have gotten a strange idea of "so that is what the show was about" - SiL fits far better, there, I feel. :)

    Take a break and then re-watch the show. You'll be surprised what hints you missed in seasons 1 and 2 (at least it happened to me for the first 2 times) :D.

    All 3 trilogies are waiting for me on my bookshelf, btw. ;)
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    I agree, DoF would have been a miserable way to end the show. It offers no resolution to the story. The show was about the station and the people on it, not the universe it was in (I feel this is where a lot of science fictions fans lose thier sight of the series. Many ST fans are whining how Enterprise is violating the continum. While it is a valid concern, shouln't the focus be on the story and characters? It is the characters we relate to, they are why most people love Babylon 5.)
    We only see our characters briefly in DoF, the rest of the time it is characters we do not know or have never met. The show was about the end of the human race. Great episode, lousy way to give resolution. Its like ending a song with a minor 15th chord or something nasty like that.
    SiL shows us the what happens to the characters, with the climax of the show being the disbanding of the station. While we do not know the final ending of some of our characters, we have a sence of what the remainder of thier life shal bring them. TO me thats ending with a major chord, a sence of "Ahhh," that feeling when a slide projector finally shifts into focus.

    SiL is how you end a story.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i]
    [B]Many ST fans are whining how Enterprise is violating the continum. While it is a valid concern, shouln't the focus be on the story and characters? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Following this logic, that would mean you would not be at all concerned if Crusade had featured things like claiming B5 to be the first and only Babylon station to be constructed or if the Minbari had been the first to make contact with the humans.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Biggles: Note how I said "While its a valid concern.."

    Also, remember Into The Fire....
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    Never read the PsiCorps trilagy, can't find it anymore at the local books a trillion [/B][/QUOTE]

    You might want to continually check [url][/url] Great used book store here in NY, you never know what they will have.
  • I'm in florida, that is quite a commute...
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Re: That's it, it's all over

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]Just sad that it's so shortly over and there is no episode ready in the morning but thats fine and it will never be forgotten by me it's the best show Ive seen so far and i think it's gonna take a while until there will be another. :)[/B][/QUOTE]

    Wait a bit, and then find someone else to introduce to the show. Watch the show with that person, and never answer questions. You'll find that's possibly better than seeing the show for the first time yourself.
  • Entil'ZhaEntil'Zha I see famous people
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by A2597 [/i]
    [B]I'm in florida, that is quite a commute... [/B][/QUOTE]

    thats what the postal service is for. and why i gave the web address instead of their store address (Broadway near Union Square)

  • Re: Re: That's it, it's all over

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
    [B]Wait a bit, and then find someone else to introduce to the show. Watch the show with that person, and never answer questions. You'll find that's possibly better than seeing the show for the first time yourself. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Good advice. Did that with my partner. With the DVDs, we're watching the series in full for the second time now.
    Funny, how often your answers (if you answer) will sound like a Vorlon. :D

    BTW, a friend of mine, who thinks he has seen "most of the show" (sigh) and thus thinks he knows what the show is about (SIGH!) asked me where it leads to, in the end. Of course, I didn't answer "in/to) fire" :p, but that, in the end, the station is destroyed and a main character dies. Puzzles him even more :D but unfortunately he didn't take the time to watch the whole show.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    riku: If you're hunting around for something to watch now, I highly recommend "Jeremiah".
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    right now i'm going on, few days ago watched Legend of rangers, it was ok not too much interesting tho, but it looked alot more proffesional...

    i watched the first episode of crusade and it gave the impression of:
    bad acting
    bad writing
    bad directing
    bad new animations
    and -- bad music

    the funniest thing is when they quote the vorlons shadows and lorien, who are u what do u want why are you here in the opening, it sounds leaked, especially that techmage, "who do you serv" who are you blah blah blah ok i got the msg no need to repeat what was on b5 the entire fucking 5 seasons :)

    it's just like it doesn't have to do with b5, like jms hasn't written it, just improvised with a crappy plot to make a sequel +- for b5...

    but i shoudn't judge from only one episode...

    i'm gettings now call to arms and i hope it will clear some stuff

    and what the hell is that excalibre design? where did it come from? (it totaly doesn't look like an earth design although it is)

    and a question for b5, if im not wrong somewhere in season 5, when a drakh came aboard the whitestar it had heavy blur every few seconds when he moved but after he was shown on centauri prime it didn't have any blur why?

  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]and a question for b5, if im not wrong somewhere in season 5, when a drakh came aboard the whitestar it had heavy blur every few seconds when he moved but after he was shown on centauri prime it didn't have any blur why?

    -riku [/B][/QUOTE]

    containment suit or something. Hiding his real visage from them.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]and what the hell is that excalibre design? where did it come from? (it totaly doesn't look like an earth design although it is)[/B][/QUOTE]

    Well, 2 things: first, did you miss the bit at the end of season 5 where Sheridan says they need to develop a new ship? And secondly, A Call to Arms will tell you all about the Excalibur, since that is the Crusade pilot.

    You need to give Crusade more time. Granted, what was made isn't as good as B5, but remember it's just the 1st season. Even B5 had some really horrible episodes in the 1st season. If you finish all that was made of Crusade and read the 3 unmade scripts, you'll realise that Crusade would have been fucking amazing if TNT hadn't screwed with it.
    Yes, I am bitter.
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    There are supposed to be two types of Drakh. The Drakh Drakh, which are the grey spikey ones like the one on Centauri Prime, and the glowy red eyed ones are the solider Drakh, like the one on that White Star, and the one who saved Londo from that knife-throwing Centauri noble in an excessively cool scene no one ever mentions.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imhotep [/i]
    [B]Actually that wasn't a Drakh but one of their Agents from another race. Like the Drakh were to the Shadows. At least thats how I recall it... [/B][/QUOTE]

    False. That was a normal Drakh. It was an effect they were trying out; JMS didn't like it and decided to drop it, kinda like the old alien make-up from The Gathering. As far as story reasons go, that one Drakh was just trying to hide what he looked like, out of fear that he might be recognized as an agent of the Shadows. On a Minbari ship, that would be bad.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by David of Mac [/i]
    [B]There are supposed to be two types of Drakh. The Drakh Drakh, which are the grey spikey ones like the one on Centauri Prime, and the glowy red eyed ones are the solider Drakh, like the one on that White Star, and the one who saved Londo from that knife-throwing Centauri noble in an excessively cool scene no one ever mentions.[/B][/QUOTE]

    Also false. The red glowy eye look look actually comes from a helmet that they're wearing.

    Riku: Which ep did you see? [i]War Zone[/i], or [i]Racing the Night[/i]? [i]Racing the Night[/i] was originally going to be the pilot episode, but TNT screwed with things and then demanded that JMS write a new pilot. That new pilot is [i]War Zone[/i], which even JMS hates.

    From JMS:
    [QUOTE][B]Just for the record: I think the first one -- the only one written directly at TNT's behest -- is probably the weakest one, certainly the one I find least interesting. It's lumbered with buckets of exposition, explaining things that don't need explaining, too many fights, too many explosions, too much swaggering around, all stuff the net wanted.
    Then we go back to the show we wanted to make...Path of Sorrows is terrific, Well of Forever is a solid character story, The Long Road is just pure fun (that's pretty much reverse broadcast order, btw)... there's one or two in the bunch that are a bit slower than I'd like, but those are the exception rather than the rule.

    Just to get my own feelings on this out there.

    [QUOTE][i]"Did they at least give you a blindfold and a cigarette?"[/i]

    [B]Not orally, no.[/B][/QUOTE]
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    Well, 2 things: first, did you miss the bit at the end of season 5 where Sheridan says they need to develop a new ship?[/QUOTE]

    i remember that he talked with delenn about it, but i thought it's just gonna be an advanced whitestar, like the one nadab made, something like the one's in sleeping in light style...
    it looks more like the bluestar design of nadab's but well,.... i'm not sure it may be an original design by nadab who knows
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    Nadab's Blue Star is the Sleeping in Light ship.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    IMO Crusade would have rocked if JMS would have got it made his way. Even I hated Crusade in th e beginning but after the last episode and reading the 3 scripts on the net I really started to miss the show.

    BTW: I found my tape of SiL today! :) I'm so happy!!! And now after rewatching it I know why it was a better ending to the show than "Deconstruction of falling stars". SiL tells the viewer that the show is over, Babylon 5 gone and Sheridan gone it really tells you that this show is over. "Deconstruction of falling stars" didn't really in my opinion close the story. Sure it told us what's going to happen in the future, but it never really said that Babylon 5 was over.
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    sleeping in light could've been an episode before the end, which could be deconstruction of falling stars, with a few little story adjustments.


    i watched call to arms, now the story still was a bit disconnected from the original b5 story, but i think the movie was... OK.... kinda

    but why in the end sheridan said "there's gotta be some race that is at least old as the shadows" ----- wtf :p
    the shadows are the 2nd oldest race(if im not wrong) and the first ones are gone so how can possibly be a race as old as them, or any other then the first ones?

    why saying stupid stuff? :)


    edit: here, for those who saw it along ago and dont remember

  • Lord RefaLord Refa Creepy, but in a good way
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]but why in the end sheridan said "there's gotta be some race that is at least old as the shadows" ----- wtf :p
    the shadows are the 2nd oldest race(if im not wrong) and the first ones are gone so how can possibly be a race as old as them, or any other then the first ones?

    why saying stupid stuff? :)

    -riku [/B][/QUOTE]

    Why indeed..

    Well.. Remember the weird aliens from Sigma whatever it was? Those funny looking ships that came to give a hand in that one episode? Oh yea, and then there's the race Lorien was part of, the one funnily titled "first ones". So actually.. Shadows were the third oldest race right? If you put them and vorlons on the same spot that is. They could be even the 4th oldest race.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    How old is the race from Third space?
  • David of MacDavid of Mac Elite Ranger Ca
    I don't think they count, as they don't exist in our universe.

    And I think what Sheridan meant was that maybe one of the First Ones left behind something, or perhaps their was a helpful race out there more advanced than the Minbari, but not a First One.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Yeah, I allways thought Sheridan ment some firstone things was left behind.

    Still, does someone know how old the Third space race is?
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Very very old. Older than the Vorlons.
  • VladVlad Earthforce Officer
    [quote]Yeah, I allways thought Sheridan ment some firstone was left behind.

    I'm sure that's pretty unlikely. I mean, when someone who was pretty much on a first name basis with all the First Ones says that all of them are leaving, I'm pretty sure you can take him at his word.
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