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  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]...and Sheridan likes to talk alot :eek: [/B][/QUOTE]

    Yah, he does, especially in the first couple eps of the 2nd season.

    Seems like every little speech he gave started with [i]"You know my father use to say..."[/i]

  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    The technomages are actually a lot cooler than you think, and have a lot more depth too. :)
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    You need a few episodes of Crusade to get to that assumption, I'm afraid. :)
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]there was actually a MAGE with POWERS...[/B][/QUOTE]

    You don't like the techno-mages? Aww....

    [QUOTE][B]I must say that i am very open minded and it's fun for me to watch fiction like the shadows and all that kind, but fiction should have its limits... the mage actually teleported, created a monster and made a camera burned, and shot flames from the hand to show vir, record...[/B][/QUOTE]

    All of that -- each trick you cited, save destroying the camera -- was done with holographics. When Elric "teleported," he was actually just turning off a hologram of himself. The monster was likewise a hologram, as was the recording of Vir. This much seems perfectly reasonable to me. The camera trick looks like maybe a localized EMP to me, which is at least minimally plausible.

    Anyway, despite current appearances, the techno-mages do in fact have rules and limitations to what they can do. If you still don't like 'em, then don't worry; you won't see them again until A Call To Arms and Crusade. If you want to know more about them, read the techno-mage trilogy by Jeanne Cavelos (most B5 books were based on outlines by Straczynski, so for the most part, they "happened").

    [QUOTE][B]that was a bit disappointing episode but well just better to keep on watching :)[/B][/QUOTE]

  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    hiya :)

    You don't like the techno-mages? Aww.... [/quote]

    OK the mages are ok by me now :)

    i watched yesterday and today episodes 2x04, 05, and 06, 04 was really good, but i didnt really get 05 and the ending what they talked(i was tired) i'll watch it again later, but a few questions

    in the entire episode i thought that that he described the shadow but that sounded strange, in the end there was some kind of thing like a shadow but it didn't look like a shadow spiderform like the ones that were on 1x22, but they talked about z'hadum in the end well my poor english skills :)

    i just need to watch it again

    and one more questions, does Talia ever use her telekenesis ability that she got since 1x06?

    the only thing she showed using it was in the end to move a coin.. :)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]and one more questions, does Talia ever use her telekenesis ability that she got since 1x06?

    the only thing she showed using it was in the end to move a coin.. :) [/B][/QUOTE]

    Maybe. Maybe not. I suggest watching the show and finding out. :)
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]i watched yesterday and today episodes 2x04, 05, and 06, 04 was really good, but i didnt really get 05 and the ending what they talked(i was tired) i'll watch it again later, but a few questions[/B][/QUOTE]

    05 is one of very few episodes that I consider to be bad. There's almost no redeeming quality to it, and nothing that happens in that episode actually matters as far as the rest of the series is concerned.

    The critter in that ep is [i]not[/i] a Shadow, but supposedly it is one of their cohorts.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    whats 05?
  • OK, on the mages, I never really liked them until I read the technomage book trilagy, it REALLY explained them and I shall pass this knowledge on. be forwarned, if you plan on reading the series, this will be MASSIVE SPOILERS.


    (Select text to read clearly)
    The technomages actually merge themselves with what they call the "tech". It basically builds into them a computer of vast power. from holography to well...ALOT more. they think of it as spellcasting. each technomage has their own spellcasting language, some picture what they want to happen, others use a mathmatical formula(s). The tech takes over from there.

    why is the tech so powerful? well, MASIIVE SPOILERS here.

    The tech is actually of Firstone's origin, the Shadows to be specific. The technomages chose not to fight for or against the shadows, with a couple of exceptions.most left. but they used to be a VERY powerful weapon of the shadows. the tech allows them to create by thought. Including shadow bio armor and the shadow beam weapon. Thus the mages are VERY powerful, even they do not relize how powerful.


    end of spoilers for the technomage trilagy. :)
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i]
    [B]whats 05? [/B][/QUOTE]

    By 05, I meant second season, fifth episode.
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    hi thanks for the info about the mages but you said it's heavy spoilers so i'll read the spoiler much later, thanks

    The show is very very interesting! i'm also sick today in flu so i've gone mad and watched today and yesterday reached episode 2x16! (my eyes hurt:))

    Anyway first of all the quality of the space animation itself if far better than how it was on season1, a really good improvement

    The last episode finally revealled about the shadows, yet as always i haven't understood most of the explanation cuz of my english hehe :)
    but watching it a few more times will clear it up, i hope ;)

    but before I do, delenn explains(?):
    the first ones, one remaining?
    the vorlon's suit is for them not to be recognized?

    the real thing i didn't understand was about the firstones, who are they? is it supposed to be told on delenn's explanation and i just didn't understand cuz my english, or isn't meant to be told this episode?

    hmm ok I need to go dinner now, I'll come back at later night

    -riku :)
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    I know what 05 is, i wanted to know the episode name and premis, because I am too lazy to look it up!

    Ok I'm going to explain the concept of firstones. This should be spoiler free, if not a mod can edit it.

    Just like we have generations here on earth (in the US we have the baby boomers, generation x, generation y (or as i say it, generation whine, etc. I am sure you have equivalts over there). The same thing applies with the different races in the babylon 5 universe. Humans, Narn, Centaury etc come from a younger generation, the shadows come from a very old generation.
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]hi thanks for the info about the mages but you said it's heavy spoilers so i'll read the spoiler much later, thanks[/B][/QUOTE]

    Good idea, because yes, those are big spoilers.

    [QUOTE][B]The last episode finally revealled about the shadows, yet as always i haven't understood most of the explanation cuz of my english hehe :)
    but watching it a few more times will clear it up, i hope ;)[/B][/QUOTE]

    That is easily one of the best episodes of season 2. Though a couple that come after it are even better....

    [QUOTE][B]but before I do, delenn explains(?):
    the first ones, one remaining?
    the vorlon's suit is for them not to be recognized?

    the real thing i didn't understand was about the firstones, who are they? is it supposed to be told on delenn's explanation and i just didn't understand cuz my english, or isn't meant to be told this episode?[/B][/QUOTE]

    The term "First Ones" refers collectively to the extremely old races that once inhabited the galaxy, but for the most part are gone now. We're talking civilizations from millions of years ago here. When Delenn said that one of these races was still around and looked at Kosh, she meant that the Vorlons are firstones.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by croxis [/i]
    [B]I know what 05 is, i wanted to know the episode name and premis, because I am too lazy to look it up![/B][/QUOTE]

    [i]The Long Dark[/i], with the cryogenic sleeper. Terrible episode.
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    yes, not one of the better ones. But compared to a lot of tv it was decent.
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by riku [/i]
    [B]The last episode finally revealled about the shadows, yet as always i haven't understood most of the explanation cuz of my english hehe :)
    but watching it a few more times will clear it up, i hope ;)

    but before I do, delenn explains(?):
    the first ones, one remaining?
    the vorlon's suit is for them not to be recognized?

    the real thing i didn't understand was about the firstones, who are they? is it supposed to be told on delenn's explanation and i just didn't understand cuz my english, or isn't meant to be told this episode?

    Ah, I'm sensing someone's going to _[i]love[/i]_ the ep 2x22... :D :p

    And about the First Ones, think about something else than these forums for a start. :) And then think of the human species: We're a terribly young race considering the time which has passed since the creation, The Big Bang if you like. Now imagine a race or two that came into existence maybe a few thousand years after that [b]Boom[/b]! and if they managed to survive from that start to the days we live in, how advanced they must be in comparison... They're the FO's.

    Or think about your granparents who denied that lollipop from you at the age of three because 'it is bad for you'. It's the same idea. :)
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    hi!!! as you can see i'm getting addicted and watching episodes real fast, that's even good since i got the entire season 3 burned already hehe but in season 4 it's going to be an episode per day again :)

    i must say one of the last episodes was about Talia and her artificial personality, that was VERY surprising especially after how she acted in the end

    and also surprised that Ivanova is a weak telepath too

    the thing it was wierd about talia is that in the end she confirmed all of that was just an act she sounded [I]mean[/I] but after all this how about all the episodes of the gift, that she is the future...?
    i guess there will be another special episode that will explain about her

    now who will be the telepath of the show? will it be ms. Lita (i know she left atm but maybe she will jump on occasionly?)

    well Im going hardcore and reached 2x21 and i'm going to watch the final episode today at night !
    hope for goods:)

  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    Nothing more joyous than seeing someone fall in love for the first time :)
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    Well.. how about falling in love yourself for the first time? :D
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    As great as it was to watch the series from beginning to end during the original run, I'd have to say that putting others through the series from beginning to end while refusing to answer their questions is even better.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I couldn't agree more. :)
  • croxiscroxis I am the walrus
    What are you talking about? Of cource I love myself!
  • Data CrystalData Crystal Pencil Artist
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
    [B]As great as it was to watch the series from beginning to end during the original run, I'd have to say that putting others through the series from beginning to end while refusing to answer their questions is even better. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Heh, touché. :)
  • Alpha-1Alpha-1 Elite Ranger Germany
    Happy welcome @ riku:)
  • FreejackFreejack Jake the Not-so-Wise
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bekenn [/i]
    [B]As great as it was to watch the series from beginning to end during the original run, I'd have to say that putting others through the series from beginning to end while refusing to answer their questions is even better. [/B][/QUOTE]

    My wife hates that...she gets into the show and its like, well what happens next? does he die? where does she go? what does that mean? all the while I'm just sitting in my chair smiling and telling her to just watch the show.


    BTW: When we got done watching Season 3 she just about exploded when I told it would be January before Season 4 was out!
  • BekennBekenn Sinclair's Duck
    Freejack: Exactly! That's [i]exactly[/i] what I love most about watching B5 these days, since it's usually with other people who haven't yet seen the show. My friend's wife goes through exactly the same thing yours does.

    Sadly, I have no wife of my own to do this to yet, but... someday, eh?
  • whitestar90whitestar90 Elite Ranger
    Heeheee that is quite good fun,I do that too.It annoys the hell out of them but they do come back to watch more.
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    what has kosh meant when he said that he never left here(b5) or he was always here? when there were 2 episodes when kosh went\returned from the vorlon homeworld

    and a few seasons back, kosh to sheridan "you were born here" or something like that

    and the new cooler vorlon "we are all kosh" the first and this sound like it has something to do with each other
  • it will make sence come season four. :)

    Plus vorlons are always mysterious. they never lie, but by golly figureing out what they just said can be pretty hard. :)
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Keep watching and you will find out. :)
  • rikuriku Earthforce Officer
    the pakmara has any relation with the gaim species? if i'm not wrong a few episodes back(i think 5x01) there was a gaim that removed the mask it looks not exactly but a bit like the pakas dont you think??
    and whats with the translating thing? :P
    is it just a translating device for many species or is there really some sort of relation



    and btw why the first onez on the sigma system got angry when they mentioned vorlons, if there is any other deep explanation for it if at all

    one last question, are there any other first-ones on season 5 or the movies? (not including vorls\shds)
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