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Rangers Jump Points



  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    Star Trek is about the worst example you could use, considering their pathetic track record when it comes to continuity. Also remember that between TMP and TNG there is a 9 year gap in special effects where huge advances were made as computers became mainstream. Between B5, Crusade and B5:LotR there is a couple of years where advances were relatively small.
    Personally, I would rather have TMP wapr effect than TNG as well.

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  • Alec MAlec M Award Winning Poster
    Well the simple matter of it is that it wasn't really our decision. It was our job to give the show a "new look" as requested by production.

    [url=""]Alec McClymont, 3D Artist[/url]
    3D Artist - GVFX

    We live for the one. We die for the one.
  • Vertigo1Vertigo1 Official Fuzzy Dice of
    Yeah, and notice that warp speeds have dramatically decreased as the years went by. Back in the TOS era, the Enterprise could cross 70,000 LY in seconds at high warp while it would normally take a certain starship 70 years to cross that same distance if they maintained their max warp.

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  • Alec MAlec M Award Winning Poster
    Although things like that are continuity errors, I hardly consider the evolution of the show's visual side to be the same thing.

    Biggles: Since you are judging the effect from a single frame, I suggest you hold off. It may not be as different as you think [img][/img]

    [url=""]Alec McClymont, 3D Artist[/url]
    3D Artist - GVFX

    We live for the one. We die for the one.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Well actually... As I was recording Epoch tonight, I happened to catch the promo for Rangers as well.

    Even got to see a jump point in action...

    Looks better than with a single frame!

  • Alec MAlec M Award Winning Poster
    Thanks Jack!

    How was Epoch? I saw a couple of commercials for it, but I don't get Sci-Fi.

    [url=""]Alec McClymont, 3D Artist[/url]
    3D Artist - GVFX

    We live for the one. We die for the one.
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    Interesting concept, although I think it was lacking in story material.

    It took some liberties at some points...


    ...but what show doesn't?

    heh heh
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Any chance of vidcapping this for the poor souls of Firstones who haven't seen it yet? [img][/img]
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