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[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Messiah [/i]
[B]Sie sollten diese außerdem zeigen der englischsprechenden Gemeinschaft. [/B][/QUOTE]

Too only I do not know English;)
2. I am not a Legasthenikerin (as one naent eignlich on English) heist my orthography am bar besondes less.
3. because of the over corrosion can do you you with google complaints.

I SAM LCL the B5-logos and provides from it vector diagram. ;)




the remainder is hir -> [url][/url]

....[COLOR=royalblue]Is however not as -> [url][/url] [/COLOR]

Zu erst Ich kann kein Englisch ;)
2. ich bin ein Legasthenikerin (wie nänt man das eignlich auf Englisch) das heist meine Rechtschreibung ist nicht besondes less bar.
3. wegen der Übersätzung könnt ihr euch bei google beschwerden.

Ich Sammle die B5-logos und erstellt daraus vektor-grafik.;)


  • Messiah asked in the German Forum if she can post her Logos available for the public of, too.

    If I may explain:

    [list=1][*]She can't speak english and let google translated her sentences.
    [*]She's a [i]Legasthenikerin[/i] what means that she has problems with the orthography means she has to vanquish barriers by transforming the Phoneme (acoustic language) into the Grapheme (correct order of the characters).
    [*]She collects the Logos and draws them as vector graphics.[/list]

    Hope you understand and accept that by reading her posts.

  • @Roi Danton Danke :)
  • Nice work 'Lion!

    I'm going to hijack the thread a bit, just to say that if anyone's still doing B5 -related 2d art, I've posted my interpretation of the number '5' [URL= 5.bmp]here[/URL].

    Did that a few years ago for a wallpaper of mine, if it's of any use to anyone, feel free to use it. And it's quite big, 1.1mb's but that's because of the size and the fact that I have to ship it around in .bmp -format to keep the lines intact. To make it look like anything, all you have to do is to paint over the radical colours with slideshades or whatever colour you choose to use.

    I don't know if anyone's still using that sort of old fashioned wireframes anymore but still... :p

    /Mesa go away now...
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.

    (That should be "Beautiful!")
  • Bloody hell, those pictures are....KREIG!!! \m/

    (My friends are metallers and we say Kreig to mean great.) ;)

  • bobobobo (A monkey)
  • Danke indeed! :)

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Sie sind zu schön nicht geteilt zu werden:)
  • Yes *g*...

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sanfam [/i]

    (That should be "Beautiful!") [/B][/QUOTE]

    "Schön" means beautiful or nice :)

    with best Regards

  • Bitte

    @Messiah teilt ist Besser :cool: ohne teilen hat ich mach von den nicht machen können ;)
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Ich liebe dich! ;)

    Don't really know anymore german than that.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by C_Mon [/i]
    [B]Ich liebe dich! ;)

    Don't really know anymore german than that. [/B][/QUOTE]

    Just Rammstein lyrics for me. :D

  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by C_Mon [/i]
    [B]Ich liebe dich! ;)[/B][/QUOTE]
    Oh, lovestory on Firstones. :D
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morden279 [/i]
    [B]Just Rammstein lyrics for me. :D

    Morden [/B][/QUOTE]

    You should hear Klamydia when they sing about "Ich liebe dich". They also sing something about "Ich möchte ficke aus puff, puff" if I remember correctly.
  • Well, the lyrics to Rammstein describe the aftermath of an airliner crash. I think one of the phrases is; "Rammstein... a man burns..." (But in German, of course.) :D

  • Rammstein??? Ich finde die Gruppe "So richig Scheise... So Scheise" Es giht besser Gruppen die deutsch singen las Rammstein :rolleyes: ;) Wenn man das singen nänen kann, was Rammstein macht :p
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Ich finde Rammstein sehr gut. Sie haben viele gut POWER im ihrem musike und ich liebe das lyriks. :)

    I hope you understand something of that, and I didn't use google's language tool even once! :)
  • Ihren das seine ;)
    Ich hören "Pur" "die Prinzen" (und so weider),
    Rammstein ist nicht mein geschmack ;)
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Entschuldigung, Pur? Was ist das? :)
  • Ein der größten Bänds in Deutschland, die auf deutsch singen ;)
  • RhettRhett (Not even a monkey)
    Vielen dank fur das, sehr schon!

    lol, could you guess Im in my third year of german. Well at the high school level though.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    I only studied 3 years german, then I stoped. I still remember some words and a litle how the grammer should be, but not anything much.
  • [url][/url]

    Bitte :D
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    DANKE!!! Das "EA Postal service" ist über GUT!!! :D
  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Die bilden sind perfekt!
  • [url][/url]

    Bei den lästen habe ich mal, so gesagt geraten:
    -> [url][/url]
  • SanfamSanfam I like clocks.
    Wow! Beautiful job again :D
  • :)



  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Fantastisch!! :)
  • Sehr, sehr gut!

    Wunderbar... Sie sind herrlich...

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