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Shadow Boxers Paintshop



  • Awsome work,thanks.... [img][/img].
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    no probs 'fly... [img][/img]
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>

    I could dig up mine and sell it to you...

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    Oooh, that would be so cool! [img][/img]


    Vir - Are you saying you don't trust me anymore? I made your favourite, Spoo.

    Londo - I'll order in.[/b][/i]
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    Grevens Art - tweaked

    this is better no' ?
  • Looks good SB...

    "And there is nothing more dangerous then a man with nothing to lose. Nothing to live for and nothing to prove."
    [i]Brendan Perry, Dead Can Dance[/i]
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Good as allways SB!!!!!!

    Born from silence, silence full of it
    A perfekt concert my best friend
    So much to live for, so much to die for
    If only my heart had a home
    -Nightwish:Dead boy's Poem-
  • Wow thanks!!!

  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    Johns Art

    I wasnt trying for it but to me this one has a definite philosophical thing going...

    hope you like John...
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    The programming vorlon. I like it!

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • LOL! me likes it to!

    [b]whitestar90: [/b]"it would give the computer a heartattack just looking at it" -
    [b]Sanfam: [/b]"And Drazi didn't like it one bit.-
    [b]Mr.Bungle: [/b][i]"So that's where the forum went..."[/i]-
    [b][i]ahhh, the good old days of HTML.[/i][/b]
  • JackNJackN <font color=#99FF99>Lightwave Alien</font>
    [b][i][Vorlon]"...reflection... ...suprise... or one..."[/Vorlon][/i][/b]

  • LOL... Me like.

  • MessiahMessiah Failed Experiment
    hehe, thought it was input output. But thats the same thing, eh?

    Look real badass [img][/img]


    Vir - Are you saying you don't trust me anymore? I made your favourite, Spoo.

    Londo - I'll order in.[/b][/i]
  • The image rules. Thank you very much for your wonderful gift.

    -- j [img][/img]
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker

    Born from silence, silence full of it
    A perfekt concert my best friend
    So much to live for, so much to die for
    If only my heart had a home
    -Nightwish:Dead boy's Poem-
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    binary... the absolute code
    two states

    on = 1
    off = 0








    pass me the bong and the mung beans man...

    peace out !
  • Red Pill
    Blue Pill




    Bukaroo Banzai
    John Bigboote


    --Johnny U: A Shadow in Vorlon's Clothing [img][/img]

    (and one more)
    Freedom & Privacy
    Security & Control
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    Shouldn't it be 'A' and 'I' instead of 'O' and 'I'? [img][/img]

    - PJH
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    A and I arn't opposites. [img][/img]

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    Biggles, I'm a little disappointed in you. I expected more from a guy who's brain are enhanced by a nutrient tank. In other words: You didn't get my point. [img][/img]

    - PJH
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    well explain it to both me and Biggles seeing as we both seem to share this obtuseness.. [img][/img]








    **POK ! forehand return to John down the sideline***
  • What? Nobody mentions:



    Now the whole life and death thing would be valid except for the Schrodiger's cat. Quantum physics just totally messes up the whole equation (no pun intended).
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    Still don't get it? Now think a little. 'A' + 'I' and John Walker. Get it? [img][/img]

    - PJH
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    duly noted and understood... and also valid...

    but ( isnt there always one )

    AI is a complex thing.... not very zen, simple or translated universally... on/off binary does... A very well known and understood symbol... that why I used it... wingart is a logo... a nutshelled version of the individual in question... and I'm sure you agree that you'd like some of the non-english speaking people who may see your wingart.. shortly before they get creamed... would like to know something about the guy who just smoked them... [img][/img]

    I could do 'pretty pictures'... but I'd rather cut off my arm with a potato peeler...

    symbols turn me on.. [img][/img]
  • PJHPJH The Lovely Thing
    Well, I have done programming more or less since the mid 80's and I didn't realise that those meant bits on/off in the pic, or even that they are numbers and not letters. Even if I knew I couldn't have made a connection to John. Sure he was a programmer in the ITF team, but most of all he was an [b]Artificial Intelligence[/b] programmer and well known about that very thing. Whenever John's name is mentioned here everybody right away thinks that "Hey, he's that AI guy from the ITF team!". Not "He's that programmer from the ITF team!".

    For outsiders who don't know who John is, those would be just normal letters 'O' and 'I', or 'A' and 'I', or numbers '0' and '1' and means nothing to them. If you want a logo to be universally understood, then it must not have letters or numbers, because they tell nothing to regular people, unless there's a word, or sentence. Well, '911' probably is an exception though.

    [off]Bugging Shadow Boxer mode[/off] [img][/img]

    - PJH
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    thats the problem with symbols...

    and also the best thing about them...

    very few symbols will mean much to anybody unless they are explained...

    even something as simple as the Nike Swoosh (tm) would mean diddly squat to a Kalahari bushman...

    but to you and me we summon up all the brainwa.. I mean positive brand image that Nike has force fe.. used in thier advertising over the years...

    I failed to make John's Art instantly recognised to you... or maybe I know John less or better than you do and my personal perceptions of the guy are different to yours and to me the 'core' person I know as Mister Walker is most assuredly into AI... but to me... they guy is more about the philosophical and bigger picture issues...

    so... a bit of an impasse...

    Life sucks... and rarely on your genitals... [img][/img]

    I guess in the end its John's decision, for the moment I post them here... they really aren't mine... they belong to thier respective owners...

    I made them yes... I am proud of them... because in most cases I think they sucseed both just as 'pretty pictures' and as good symbols... (for the most part.. [img][/img] )I also think they help to bind us all together...

    There's nothing like belonging sometimes...

    Incidentally, if anyone else out there makes wingart or something like it... please... post it here. My intention has never been to monopolise this field, though it seems by default I have...

    by all means... come kick my artistic butt...

    speaking of which...

    this is like preaching to the Pope but no-ones ever going to accuse me of being shy and retiring...

    I hope you like itJack.
  • BigglesBiggles <font color=#AAFFAA>The Man Without a Face</font>
    I understood the AI thing, but the point of the logo is opposites. That was what I was saying.
    And yes, AI is far more recognisable, but also not as cool. [img][/img]

    [b][url=""]Required reading[/url][/b]
    Never eat anything bigger than your own head.
    The Balance provides. The Balance protects.

    "Nonono...Is not [i]Great[/i] Machine. Is...[i]Not[/i]-so-Great Machine. It make good snow cone though." - Zathras
  • shadow boxershadow boxer The Finger Painter & Master Ranter
    Awlriche's Art.
  • C_MonC_Mon A Genuine Sucker
    Jack's art is just too damn cool!!!!

    Born from silence, silence full of it
    A perfekt concert my best friend
    So much to live for, so much to die for
    If only my heart had a home
    -Nightwish:Dead boy's Poem-
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