[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i]
[B]In that case, bottled water + freezer is your friend. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm counting on it. I wouldn't touch tap water if I didn't have to wash my hands and shower in it :p That's pretty much the only thing I'll miss about Finland, being able to drink ice cold water straight from the tap.
Ohhhh shit. :D You're gonna bitch about the heat in no time. ;) Granted, its not too bad this time of year (maybe low 90's at the highest if you're lucky) but during the summer......ohhhh boy. Here in TN I'm more acclimated to a more temperate climate, but the 120F+ temperatures when going through New Mexico on my way to and from California was.....fun. ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vertigo1 [/i]
[B]And you might find little brown....floaties. I'll give you a clue, they're not chocolate. ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CurZ [/i]
[B]I'm counting on it. I wouldn't touch tap water if I didn't have to wash my hands and shower in it :p That's pretty much the only thing I'll miss about Finland, being able to drink ice cold water straight from the tap. [/B][/QUOTE]
Wait... why are you moving from Finland to Mexico? Did someone offer you large sums of money? Or do you just want to be closer to Americans.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MT [/i]
[B]Wait... why are you moving from Finland to Mexico? Did someone offer you large sums of money? Or do you just want to be closer to Americans. [/B][/QUOTE]
My bro offered me a job there, so I thought it'd be a nice opportunity to get out in the world and experience something.
It's close to Cuba, so it's easy to hop over there, see what it's like and get myself a proper bunch of cigars. Might also take a trip to the Krav Maga National Training Center in LA if I get the chance.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by CurZ [/i]
[B]It's close to Cuba, so it's easy to hop over there, see what it's like and get myself a proper bunch of cigars. [/B][/QUOTE]
[B]Well, the lad's heart is in the right place at least. ;)
Morden [/B][/QUOTE]
Grrr... how does calling someone a troll earn me a compliment?
*Goes back to his underground lair and plots*
[B]I don't! Here we make fun of the sweden or norway instead. [/B][/QUOTE]
We make fun of the norwegians too.
We make fun of the danes. [/B][/QUOTE]
Vet du varför man inte bygger tak på Norska dårsjukhus?
För att då skulle man måst bygga tak på hela Norge. Har,har,har!
Svar: De går vid grön gubbe.
[B]In canada we make fun of americans and our selves [/B][/QUOTE]
In America, we make fun of Canada and ourselves.
[B]dont forget mexico [/B][/QUOTE]
You make fun of Mexico and you're rascist... lol
[B]You make fun of Mexico and you're rascist... lol [/B][/QUOTE]
Everyone's racist these days... :D
[B]everthing you say about another country, is racist. [/B][/QUOTE]
"Racist" S: Discriminatory especially on the basis of race or religion
Hmm, you said [i]country[/i], not race or religion. Ok, Switzerland has mountains.
Golly, I talked about another country, I'm racist! :eek:
*Runs for the hills*
[B]dont forget mexico [/B][/QUOTE]
Yeah, theres a reason why you shouldn't drink the water down there. ;)
[B]Don't give me nightmares about Mexico, I'm moving there in about a week! ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
Aye caramba! :eek:
[B]Don't give me nightmares about Mexico, I'm moving there in about a week! ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
In that case, bottled water + freezer is your friend. :)
[B]In that case, bottled water + freezer is your friend. :) [/B][/QUOTE]
I'm counting on it. I wouldn't touch tap water if I didn't have to wash my hands and shower in it :p That's pretty much the only thing I'll miss about Finland, being able to drink ice cold water straight from the tap.
[B]Don't give me nightmares about Mexico, I'm moving there in about a week! ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
In a week? A pity. We shan't be having that proper duel/fight during/in krav maga then. :)
I might've//could've enjoyed it. If you'd fought for real instead of so carefully like the last time for example.
[B]And you might find little brown....floaties. I'll give you a clue, they're not chocolate. ;) [/B][/QUOTE]
So its shit????
[B]I'm counting on it. I wouldn't touch tap water if I didn't have to wash my hands and shower in it :p That's pretty much the only thing I'll miss about Finland, being able to drink ice cold water straight from the tap. [/B][/QUOTE]
Wait... why are you moving from Finland to Mexico? Did someone offer you large sums of money? Or do you just want to be closer to Americans.
[B]Wait... why are you moving from Finland to Mexico? Did someone offer you large sums of money? Or do you just want to be closer to Americans. [/B][/QUOTE]
My bro offered me a job there, so I thought it'd be a nice opportunity to get out in the world and experience something.
It's close to Cuba, so it's easy to hop over there, see what it's like and get myself a proper bunch of cigars. Might also take a trip to the Krav Maga National Training Center in LA if I get the chance.
[B]It's close to Cuba, so it's easy to hop over there, see what it's like and get myself a proper bunch of cigars. [/B][/QUOTE]
Make sure to to Castro our regards. ;)