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Buda5 Mission Collection



  • Request for patience for a week, plz!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]Hmm... The link should be right, but it doesn't allow me to download. Has the temp password been changed? Did it work for you guys?[/B][/QUOTE]HTML Download with the browser (Opera7) works fine for me.

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]Roi, do you want to do the finishing touches? [/B][/QUOTE]
    Yes, I want to make finishing touches. If you can wait the following week the voices will be included too.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I'm not in a hurry so take your time to make whatever changes you want to Mission Collection. I removed G'Quan background from skirmish intentionally. No offence to creator. Some text just wasn't readable or was hard to read because bg picture was visible through buttons. I made simple and plain black background. I also removed your button texture /w icons mainly for same reasons. The icons weren't too clear ingame so there wasn't much use to them and now it's more clear what button is selected. Now buttons have just the blue buda5 theme.
  • Request for newest Source file

    @Indie: [b]Have you included the correct Buda5_escort.pog[/b]? The POG is from 03. Aug 03 and the package was compiled the last time at 22. Sept 03. So, if you have a newer Source file send it to me plz!

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i]
    [B]Some text just wasn't readable or was hard to read because bg picture was visible through buttons.[..Now buttons have just the blue buda5 theme. [/B][/QUOTE]
    Okay. For the background I try another, darker pic.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Thats the most recent file I have. I must have recompiled it at some point.
  • Hehe, by testing my mission I fought against 30 fighters (partly armed with missiles) at the same time but my Athlon1GHz had no performance leaks. (and I stayed alive some minutes, yeah :D )

    One question: Does the EA know about the Shadow Battlecrab in the early 2260s?
  • yea, remember the news was leaked at the end of 2259... but the "DEEP GOVERNMENT" peoples knew way be4 then.
  • Shifting

    Like you can recognize I didn't got ready the MC 'til this week since my mission (refer to Explorer Campaign Thread) and the voice recordings aren't finished.

    @Indie: How you get the Objectives working that they are shown in the Menu? I'm using the Add.Objectives Function but there are only shown in the Status Bar on the left bottom of the screen.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    I think the folder where the objective text is has to be of specific format: a4_m01_OmegaPatrol ... a4_m02_xxx etc.

    I don't think you should include your mission in this collection. Leave it until christmas or the next mission collection update. After finishing scripting, you'd still have to iron out the bugs and test it and that can take quite a while. The mission collection is somewhat late already since it was due to be out "soon" at the end of june.;) Unless - it is mostly finished already, of course.:alien:
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Indie [/i]
    [B]I don't think you should include your mission in this collection. Leave it until christmas or the next mission collection update. After finishing scripting, you'd still have to iron out the bugs and test it and that can take quite a while. The mission collection is somewhat late already since it was due to be out "soon" at the end of june.;) Unless - it is mostly finished already, of course.:alien: [/B][/QUOTE]
    The parts I have are bug free already, means working perfect (for me) ;) . I just need a working "Dead function" (that overrides the custom player dead function: Trying it with "Deaths" from Multiplay games) and an "End cutscene" ... EAS Magellan followed by hidden Shadow Battlecrab. The texts are complete.
    But you could be right, it will take longer than this week to finish these things - besides the unfinished voice recordings for my mission - so I'll leave that for the next release.

    I still only want to have the complete voice recordings for Omega patrol. Then the MC is ready to release.

    Warlord, have you focused on the SkirmishGenerator, the problem with the Random setting, again? (and solved it? =) )
  • :noidea:
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    No, I haven't scripted anything since I posted Skirmish files here. The uploaded version should work ok, it just doesn't have the random features. Still you could test that it works for you too. I've been busy in school lately and last weekend I reinstalled windows in my computer and built work computer to my father and had my father's birthday party.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i]
    [B]NThe uploaded version should work ok, it just doesn't have the random features. Still you could test that it works for you too. I've been busy in school lately and last weekend I reinstalled windows in my computer and built work computer to my father and had my father's birthday party. [/B][/QUOTE]
    It works perfectly :) . I only wanted to know if there is a possibility to get the Random feature included until the MC release this weekend/begin of next week.

    Btw, my father has the same zodiac like your dad and my family & me bestowed him a computer, too for his birthday. =)
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Heh, it wasn't a birthday present and not even new computer. I just set it up from our old computer and some spare parts I had. Just so he can use ms office programs in other computer (my computer is occupied most time by me or my little brother).
  • i updated the main site with a Watch for the mission collection update, just so everyone know's it IS coming sometime soon.
  • status report

    Voice recordings and editings for the Mission Collection are finished. I just have to test it and write the credits. If no unforseen problems occur now, it will be online tomorrow or at Wednesday. This MC will be w/o my mission. I'll approximately release it this christmas.
  • status report - delay

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Roi Danton [/i]
    [B]If no unforseen problems occur now, it will be online tomorrow or at Wednesday.[/B][/QUOTE]It wouldn't be IW2:EOC if there were no problems :D .

    After leaving Director War the game freezes. I'll try different settings.
    After playing the MC and exit IW2:EOC, the game won't launch at the next time. I'll disable all flux.ini entries in the package and try to find the error this night.

    @Omega Patrol: I've noticed that the Alpha Leader and the Player are the same persons tho I've two different voices for them :o. I won't get the one who speaks Alpha on the line this week so I'll leave that as Easter Egg for the careful audience ;) .
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Ah the game freezing - new feature with our way to return to gui, I suppose. It started to happen after I implemented the script to go back to gui after mission complete. It happens when I return to ship selection in skirmish after mission and occasionally when I return to I-War 2 main menu and try to quit. Still it goes to normal when I wait a minute or two.
  • Fixed and released now ;) . I will upload the Developer Version with sources and my unfinished mission soon.
  • lol how come u didn't tell no one u were releasing it!~?!? lol
  • Mission Collection 2003 Developer Version

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    [B]lol how come u didn't tell no one u were releasing it!~?!? lol [/B][/QUOTE]Hehe, I told it many times and originally I wanted to release the packet earlier, but the RL(tm) hasn't allowed it ... just scroll up in this thread.

    [size=4]Download MC 2003 Dev[/size]
    [url=]Download the Developer Mission Collection[/url].

    Like everytime unpack the RAR file to the mods folder.

    These are the additions comparing to the public version:
    [list][*]folder [i]/sources[/i] with the POG files
    [*]folder [i]/include[/i] with the header files
    [*]my unfinished mission (score and death script, two cutscenes and some texts are left) ...
    [*]... and the respective audio files in the folder [i]/audio/sfx[/i]

    If you want to improve your scripts for the MC 2004 ( ;) ), so [color=red][b]use the POG files from the [i]Buda5_SkGen/source/[/i] folder[/b][/color], please!
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Is there new ship and ini packs or do we use the July 29th versions?
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i]
    [B]Is there new ship and ini packs or do we use the July 29th versions? [/B][/QUOTE] July versions.
  • [url=]Quoting[/url] from the discussion forums:

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nightstorm [/i]
    [B][...] I need to continue doing some testing, however in all three attempts to play the Omega Patrol mission, my game does a CTD (crash to desktop) right after I wipe out the Drahk fighters at the jumpgate. Not sure of the cause. I've also one personal request, would it be possible to obtain the code of that mission to enable primary weapons linking on the Tbolt? That is the only mission where you can only have a single primary per group. If not access to the code, could a modded version of that missions pkg file be posted? Thanks a lot. [/B][/QUOTE]Indie, could you have a look on your mission? Maybe a Global or something in the "if cruiser is destroyed function" corrupts this.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    I will, but I don't get it... I have no idea what could cause such a problem. I'll ask him more about it. :confused:
  • I bet reinstalling the EOC would fix that problem. I had same problem a while ago and reinstalling fixed it but I'm can't tell it for sure cause at this moment my computer works like it hell
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