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Buda5 Mission Collection



  • IndieIndie Moderator
    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by LogicSequence [/i]
    @ship pack.. what time is good for you? [/B][/QUOTE]

    How about today? I'm on ICQ now. I'll try to check it every now and then in case you show up.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Indie, if you got the skirmish working, could you tell what you changed because I have also made some changes to code. I could add your changes to my source and then upload them. Or you could upload your skirmish sources and I compare them to mine.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    I think it was the change in the order it sets up the ships that made it work. See if it works for you too:
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    I also made at least two other changes. Its probably a good idea to include them too. One was to add a small delay to allow player systems to power up before the jumpgate opens, the other was to increase the starting distace to the hostile vessels in line battle mode - again, to allow player to catch breath before being blown to bits. :)

    Edit: Weplink now works for most ships in the ship pack. G'Quan, Excalibur and Nial excluded. I also enabled more weplinks in the script, but didn't test them all yet.
  • EWWWW i never realized how much pog was actually C... EWW lol..... and i thought the only place that used C was my computer science textbook... LOL

    u guys do know i've had 2 years of classes devoted specifically to C/C++ huh? lol maybe i should be scripting?
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Pog is much like c/c++ but more limited. There is no pointers, classes, structures etc. You just have to read through sdk and include files which are not explained in sdk to see what pog is capable and what you can do. Then you need to learn using tasks.

    If the order which ships are set up is the reason skirmish wasn't working properly, then I have no idea why it is so. Did the line battle work also? Because before it didn't work even as much as jumpgate attack. Well good if it does. Delays are just depends on ship how long it should be (I know before it was way too short). Still I'm not looking in them today (late) and maybe not tomorrow because my school ends 6pm/18:00 :(. Probably wednesday if that's fine for you.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I didn't have anything better to do today after school so I started scripting....though schoolday was quite long.

    First observation from Indie's jumpgate attack source was that it at least looked way old because there wasn't even music Roi added in last XMas. Though Line Battle was newer version. Well anyways I got from there what I needed. In the buggy skirmish I first created all ships depending on id given in gui screen (id depending what ships you choose). Then I placed player near jumpgate and then friendly ships relative to player. Should theorically work, right? Now as I looked Indie's source and changed script so that I first create player, then placed player and then created rest of the ships and placed them. Now it actually works. I don't know why player needs to be placed before creating wingmen and allied capitals but that's the way it works.

    I post my sources and packages now so you can test them too. I tested few different capitals and fighters and they worked. If someone wants to test all of them go on.

    Regarding weaponlink. I have July ship and ini packs (I think they are latest released). Omega and other player capitals I tested worked with weaponlink but they only had one player beam. That's probably intentional. Could we make Omega's second forward beam as nps weapon? Now there was only one forward beam. I assume ai ships still have 2 forward beams.

    Next if skirmish now really works, I will add all ships from ship pack and I probably will order ships better in gui. Now ships are in the order they were added to mod and before I wouldn't order them because ordering involves much more work than adding new ships to the end. Now there probably won't be that much ships coming any more and less often. Still this is for later time (hopefully not much later).

    Now the hopefully working skirmish files. Worked for me. Report any non working ships if you find them. To play copy the 3 files from packages folder to Mission Collection's packages folder and overwrite existing files.

    Will there be new ship/ini pack soon?

    EDIT: Some notes I of course forgot to include here.

    - After succesfull mission in skirmish it goes back to gui. If there was many friendlies left alive, gui can freeze for some time because game is probably removing ships. At least that's what I think of.

    - In mission collection Roi released there won't be button for skirmish generator so you can't start it. I could post my mission collection gui packet but it's probably out of date so I let Indie do that. Basically you just have to remove comment from the line that creates skirmish button and then compile gui.

    - In Jumpgate Attack friendly capitals may be too far away except one (at least slow ones). That will probably change in next release.

    - For scripters: Before in skirmish I first placed hostiles far away and then jumped them to jumpgate. While I helped Aurora it came out that you only need to create ships and then you can jump them straight away without placing them. I had just assumed they needed to be somewhere first.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Indie, did you read my last post after I edited it (added quite much to the end). Probably not because just editing post doesn't make thread appear as it has new posts.

    Then the main purpose of this post. Don't release mission collection yet if you were intending to because I'm adding those changes to Skirmish I mentioned. (new ships and little tweaking). Last XMas Skirmish was mainly nonplayable because it lacked almost completely beta testing with release version (I had tested it before but I think last moment change in code made it nonplayable which is now hopefully corrected).

    That's why I suggest that when we think Mission Collection is ready to be released, we release it first in dev forum only and all of us (who are active atm) test it so there is better probability to spot bugs. Then we make public release.

    And again, sorry for being pressuring, but it would be really helpfull to know if there will be new ship and inipack with new Mission Collection. That's because I'm adding all ship pack ships to Skirmish. It's enough if you tell what new ships there will be if any (comparing July release).
  • indie, what's another good time for u to get with me on the ship pack? or would u prefer me to just make the changes as i see them and then send it back to u?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    This weekend is another possibility... unless I mess up my intended computer update and trash my system - in which case you won't hear me until monday. (Or my absense means I'm happily trying out my system completely ignoring the outside world.:)) If you have interest in updating the pack yourself it would be good too since you know best which files go where. Be warned; It can be a tedious task however, since I have already renamed several files and moved them around. E.g. nps prefix now means the system is used exclusively in AI ships. Well, pehaps we'll meet on ICQ (sat-perhaps?) and see what should be done.

    Warlord: Copy that. I wasn't going to release it just yet anyways since there is no rush now with the ingame mod just out of the oven. We can wait a week or even two. I tried the new skirmish you posted and put it into the collection. Worked fine although once there was a problem with returning back to the menu after the mission. It was probably a one-off event.
  • @indie, ok, ICQ it is then. Tomorrow? Saturday? when's good? i'm off to nap now, i've had test after test today... ICK... assembly language... ICK ICK!
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    While you are at the ship pack updating you could look at two files. [Ship pack]/avatars/jumpgate/setup2.lws and [Ini pack]/sims/custom/jumppoint/jumppoint.lws.

    Find the
    Then change (0.1) to (0.3)

    The same thing for both files. setup2.lws is for jumpgate jumppoint and the other is for capital ship jump. I'm repeating myself here but this wasn't in latest ship pack altough I mentioned about it back then so now I'm making sure it'll be in next ship pack ;). Also remember to include jumpgate v2 because it's pathetic to see Omegas colliding with gate (new gate was bigger wasn't it). If your new gate's setup file (which has the anim channel) is different named than the setup2.lws (setup.lws for example) then make the change there.

    I also noticed when I tried to make FreeJump aka capital ship jump that standalone jumppoint (in inipack jumppoint folder) didn't seem to have textures at all or there was something seriously wrong. I think textures are in the folder but point is not right in-game. I can post screenie tomorrow. I still won't release new jumping function because I can't get it to align correctly.

    Today I spent most of the day scripting and got all the combat ships from July ship pack into the skirmish and rearranged the ship selection screens so that all ships of faction are one after another. Like first all EA ships then ISA and so on. Now you can find the ships you want a lot easier imo. I double checked code and there shouldn't be typos in .ini filenames but anyways I'm gonna test it tomorrow. I also had in mind to make button for random ships and random amounts but we'll see if I get that working.

    Indie: If you meant that cursor freezes when you go back to gui, that happens to me too sometimes but it goes to normal after you wait a while. Other problem than that hasn't happened to me. One thing I noticed was that when I go back to gui after mission and I click to some of those numbers (ship amount) then the blinking cursor/bar won't come. You can still change the number normally but you won't see the vertical bar. It's always there when you start playing but not after a mission.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Logic: Sorry, the hardware upgrade took most of my time and now I'm rather tired. I think I'll relax and do a bit of gaming. Post here laterr.
  • not a problem... i had a rather lazy weekend anyways, i took the time to catch up on some much needed sleep.. and anticipate homeworld 2 ;)
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I don't know what is wrong with this random choosing code. Theorically I have working random options in skirmish. There is two buttons (random ships and random amounts), little explanation line and code for random choosing (which user won't see of course).

    Problem is that I get same ships and amounts always. They changed once when I modified the code a little but after that it hasn't changed. I have debugged the gui code pretty heavily and I'm pretty sure the problem is in the lines that generate random numbers. When gui starts globals have the correct initial values, then in gui's Main() function before going to mission and generating random numbers I debug globals again. They have values which are from ship selection window's ship IDs and amount edit boxes. Those values are correct. Then if user has checked random ship/random amount checkbox I generate new, random, values for ship IDs and/or ship amounts. Then I debug those random values to console and they are always same. So tell what's wrong with following lines (I don't see any problems). I'm not posting every line because they are basically the same.

    variable creation & debugging......

    if(random_ship_check == true)
    // g_fighters_ingame is global value of how many fighters are supported by skirmish

    // int Math.RandomInt( min_value, max_value );

    wingmen_id_random = Math.RandomInt( 1, Global.Int("g_fighters_ingame") );
    Global.SetInt( "g_wingmen_id", wingmen_id_random );

    same for other ship selections....


    if( random_amount_check == true )
    wingmen_amount_random = Math.RandomInt( 1, 9 );
    Global.SetInt( "g_wingmen_amount", wingmen_amount_random );

    same for other ship selections....


    Go to mission

    } //End Main()
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Just a thought: Is the task that takes the number from the interface selects the ship count still active after running that script? If so, it would give it a random number, then the task would immediately switch it back to whatever is selected in the gui.

    The code you posted looks like it should work.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    No. When you press Start Game - button game runs function which stops tasks from checking ship ids and amounts, then starts new game which starts Main() function where the random number code is, then mission is started. I can get whatever ship/amount I want manually without selecting random checkboxes but when checkboxes are selected then ships and amounts are always same.
  • Your code seems to be okay.

    Annotation: Maybe it helps if you destroy and recreate the globals (Type: GA_Write) by opening the Skirmish GUI (in the function "Initialize()" if you use my structure).

    Also I recommend to have a look on that what Indie mentioned.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    My initialize function creates those global values with initial value of 1 which according to debug are correct. They are destroyed when you press back button. The global values are always what they should be just before random value creation and after it they are always same (except that if random values are not created because checkbox wasn't checked, then values stay like they should be).
  • where you've created your temporary Integers [i]wingmen_id_random[/i] and [i]wingmen_amount_random[/i]?
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Temporary ints are created in the beginning of the Main. They are not needed at all because I can put Math.RandomInt(...) straight inside Global.SetInt(...) (that's the first way I tried) but it looks clearer this way and it didn't work that way either. Just another anomality in eoc like why skirmish didn't work before (reason: I had to place player ship before creating other ships at all, more about that earlier in this thread).
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Hey Warlord! Did you get it to work? I was thinking that next weekend might be a good time for the mission collection release. Could upload the latest version - even if the random generator doesn't work? Perhaps one of us would find the problem.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I will comment out random generator code from skirmish so we can release working version. I don't want to have features halfway working this time. And remember that we test mission collection before public release. I'll post new files when I get them ready. (In 1-3 days depending how quickly I can make my schoolwork.).
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i]
    [B]And remember that we test mission collection before public release.[/B][/QUOTE]
    Indie, when you've got the files from Warlord could you upload the Mission Collection to the Server b/c I want to add some music. Meanwhile it can be tested, too.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    I think I'm gonna go nuts. I wanted to post new skirmish files today but I still need to do some tweaking to the missions. Then suddenly Skirmish won't start at all and neither do the escort mission. Now I can't test so tweaking is impossible unless I can start Skirmish.
  • [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Warlord II [/i]
    [B]I think I'm gonna go nuts. [...] Then suddenly Skirmish won't start at all and neither do the escort mission. Now I can't test so tweaking is impossible unless I can start Skirmish. [/B][/QUOTE]
    :D ... sorry, but I had to laugh as I read it though thats so bad ... it sounds ironic, like black humour though it's annoying ... it remembers me on last christmas :eek:
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    It's okay. I solved it and know "reason" for it. Skirmish wouldn't start when I tried to use function [i]Group.Depth(hostile_capitals);[/i]. Still I don't know the reason why that function won't work. It compiled just fine but mod just won't start.
  • Warlord IIWarlord II Earthforce Officer
    Okay, here are the []FILES[/URL].

    Suggestions and bug reports are welcome and I can update files before Mission Collection's public release if there is need for it. It supports all ships that are in my Ship pack ie the one from the end of July.
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Put them in the collection:


    Roi, do you want to do the finishing touches?
  • IndieIndie Moderator
    Hmm... The link should be right, but it doesn't allow me to download. Has the temp password been changed? Did it work for you guys?

    If not, use ftp to download it.
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